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オリジナルの投稿元: Hotfix Feedback
2/24/2017 7:48:46 PM
well I try, because I break things down by the numbers (and have done so long before I ever knew who a Datto was, but I do it in all the games I play. they need to make it to where sidearms get to keep only one mag of ammo upon respawn (if any at all) gues I forgot to add that in there, it cut my post due to character limitations. I play test for 2 game companies right now on PC and help balance them out... I figure I could be of help here if it doesnt fall upon deaf ears



マナーを守りましょう。投稿する前に、Bungie の行為規範を確認してください。 キャンセル 編集 ファイアチームを作る 投稿

  • So basically you're a pro at balancing games, I hope bungo is reading all of this. Read the latest news post though, they have come up with new ideas they're testing



    マナーを守りましょう。投稿する前に、Bungie の行為規範を確認してください。 キャンセル 編集 ファイアチームを作る 投稿

  • its just looking at the math behind how and whys and inputting them into a simulation algorithm based off population where class and subclass data generate the demographics you read out as well as weapon data which is tracked across 3 sites for gameplay and interactions in game modes.. its boring and easy to do if you know math. also buffing firefly would have to be minimal on damage side but add a nice screen shake to surrounding enemies and a weapon re-readying would be nice to make it more of a useful perk for those maps where groups are sniper fighting in clusters lol



    マナーを守りましょう。投稿する前に、Bungie の行為規範を確認してください。 キャンセル 編集 ファイアチームを作る 投稿

  • You are literally reading my mind m8, firefly should be a distraction rather than a useless bit of damage. I try to use it and it actually took effect once in pvp, your man only took somewhere between 80-90 damage, useless. Well you could body shot him but I do headshots anyway as I'm used to headshots. Flinch could be very useful instead. And also the explosion perk on the icebreaker should be buffed to be ABOVE the normal firefly radius, it's BELOW by 2 meters from firefly as of the dawning.



    マナーを守りましょう。投稿する前に、Bungie の行為規範を確認してください。 キャンセル 編集 ファイアチームを作る 投稿

  • I think hereafter had it kinda right with its special ability and radius but I would like to see the flinch/ads reset from it with maybe 50 damage on enemies within 4 meters (damage falling off in deltas of 12.5 per meter away from target)



    マナーを守りましょう。投稿する前に、Bungie の行為規範を確認してください。 キャンセル 編集 ファイアチームを作る 投稿

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