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オリジナルの投稿元: Hotfix Feedback
2/24/2017 2:59:42 PM
in short take us back to Day 1 crucible but with the shotgun balance we have now and a few small tweaks to supers and the game would be fun again... when everything is OP it means there is balance... also if you look back on Red Death streaks and Suros Regime as well as Thorn and The Last Word when it could 2 shot people, everything was great--fast paced PvP modes noobs didnt need a super to get cheesy kills and everyone felt like every shot mattered. it was a great time to play, shotguns couldnt rush due to the fact that primaries killed them long before the shotty damage would even touch them... and lets not forget how Universal remote worked Day 1... if you leave it at 3 shots give it back that insane range again with less crit damage at distance... Just remember the majority of streamers youtubers and in general long time players want to go back to when their guns and shots mattered and everyone felt powerful. just add in the small changes here and there and see how buffing things levels the game out and then implement say 2 at a time and go from there. BRING BACK POCKET INFINITY!!!!!!! and get rid of half the nerfs you guys added to it... good god... the stay warmed up coil "glitch" was amazing the 5 shots in the mag was amazing... everything about that gun was worth the exotic bounty for it... why is it gone yet everything else back? I say all this for PvP as there needs to be some way of dividing the stats from PvP and PvE so it doesnt screw the raid teams up etc... but thats my .02 based off numbers and countless hours playing this game across many accounts.



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