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オリジナルの投稿元: Hotfix Feedback
2/23/2017 12:29:27 AM
[quote] What do you like? Crucible. It utterly felt differentiated from how it was and I kind of like it. What do you hate? How dare you touch Truth! Really bungo? Again with crucible fixing that has repercution over pve?! What do you think is good but could be better? Vendor weapons. I sense the roll on vendor weapons barely change nor change at all. Every arms day make the vendor weapons to roll its elemental burn or their parks. Even better add the old faction weapons to the packages, the fulcrum, new monarchy rocket launcher? Plz? What would you change? About PvE, how about a strike system were you can choose the modifiers, like choosing from all the "advantage modifiers" like small arms, elemental burns and so against the "disadvantage modifiers" like juggler, exposure and so. Meaning for every advantage you want is mandatory to choose a disadvantage. Who chooses the modifiers? Best connection to destiny server maybe? Idk it will make the strikes more enjoyable and you can use the weapons you like the most and have the modifiers to suit 'em. [/quote]



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