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オリジナルの投稿元: Hotfix Feedback
2/22/2017 6:23:43 PM
Well pretty much did in shotguns. No ammo on revive and if you find a chest you get 4 rounds and your shotgun isn't even loaded. Sidearms, guess that is now the thing to have until opps using it too much so lets nerf that too. Said along time ago. Set it in PVP that there is only one primary, one special and one heavy weapon that everybody uses. Go ahead it can be a God roll on them all but everybody has the same thing. No supers for anybody. Or just nerf all guardians down to a ball of clay where nothing happens, now that would be equal. Yeah I hate hunters and the seemingly impossible to stop arc blade. Don't bring a knife to a gun fight unless it is arc blade then for some reason it is unstoppable. The stormcallers are tough too except when I use it then seems that I can get killed right away. Of course can be amazing too how many times I can get killed when I'm behind cover, but I guess some players have around the corner bullets. But hay keep nerfing and pretty soon you won't have a game anymore. Oh a sideline issue, why aren't boundy item completions ranking up equipment items like they used too? Probably yet another nerf.



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