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オリジナルの投稿元: Hotfix Feedback
2/22/2017 3:49:43 PM
Hello Cozmo, English is not my first language... sorry if some things might come out weird (>.=) I love Destiny... In the game since the end of year one...the game in which I have invested the most hours on, in my life. A lot of joy, fun and friends that I will never forget. Bungie has created an extraordinary game, which over time has grown into something that maybe you had not in mind for it to be... a game that is still loved by many for what it is...or what it use to be I should say (even with all it's flaws). Unfortunately, however, a parent needs to learn not to meddle with the child loved by all, only to satisfy their desires. In other words... STOP pushing this child around trying so hard to make it what it isn't and will never be. Back to the point. In my opinion , having Bungie no longer a clue on what to do with this game they have now entered a Doctor Frankenstine experimental fase where everything goes... break the game to it's core, reassemble it, and see what happens... will it be good?! Will it be bad?! Who cares let's just try... I just don't get it... you have a great game, why are you trying to destroy it? You wish for players to stop using a subclass ... Remove it. Because it makes no sense to use a subclass which was decent (attention to the term DECENT...not OP), without the two perks that made it such. (Dancing blade) ... i'm specifying just because with this update you have messed things up so much on subclasses that you might have trouble understanding which I'm talking about otherwise. Have you tried to test it in a PVE environment? One gets annihilated by slaves! SLAVES!!! Ripping you apart wile in Super's just sad. PVP: two guardians or more shooting at you, and your done... no point in using a roaming super over a shutdown super (NOVA- FIST or even GUN), to get 1 kill, and then be blasted into oblivion by whoever is left standing wright next to you (probably with a side arm). the best part is that I'm not a hunter base user...I'm a Warlock! Since I don't have much energy to spend, and it would take me a 3 hour lecture on all the things that have been messed up badly in this patch I'l just proceed in an orderly way of (good and bad). Subclasses: MY OPINION Blade Dancer- Bad - Very Bad ( what you might ask?!) all of it!.... Void Walker - life steal ( Very Bad-unacceptable) mistake or not. the most balanced subclass is now unbalanced! Congrats.... Storm Caller- hand distance (Good), sad but necessary........ Landfall ( unnecessary - ininfluent ) no serious player useless it instead of teleportation..... Titan - head strong ( Necessary - Good) all other nerds on life support perks on all Titan Classes ( BAD) mistake or not. Weapon: Primeries.......... Autorifles - Alleluia!!! ONE YEAR I had to wait to see them usable again! (VERY GOOD) Pulse- Malok, Clever (Necessary- God knows it was necessary!) sad considering how long I farmed for a decent one......... Hand Cannons- (Good) the base distance is still not good enough considering the lack of snipers nowadays. but the acquisition is finally on spot................. Special Weapons: >_< (Special weapon crates nerf and re-spown). It's the most infuriating rage inducing solution Bungie has ever cum up with. It is not a solution to anyones complaints, it's just a vary lame, unprofessional, and sad way to solve/not solve the FACT that Primeries are too inefficient in killing time when confronted with any special weapon. This is in no way what players asked for. And I'm not going to even start on how some of the weapon nerfs have rendered some of thees weapons unusable in PVE, otherwise I could get very frustrated. anyway................ SHOT GUNS: All high impact/ low rate of fire nerfs (Very Good- Necessary- Thank You) They have become cause of players aneurisms in the crucible for what has seemed an eternity. ..... Same Nerfs on: LOW rate of fire shotguns ( Unnecessary- unacceptable- have you ever played this game kind of level?!) no one has ever even considered the use of thees for a very long time now (unless they had anything else to use). Useless then, now completely unworthy of even existing in the game... just put them out of their misery and delete them from the game...... Snipers: What can I say... they seem to be gone... it is quite a shame since it at least it was the only secondary that required some skill to use... anyway RIP. ( pleas do use the grace of not naming NO Land and Icebreaker) we all know some still try with those......... Fusion RIF : (VERY BAD- VERY VERY BAD- FAIL) I don't know what fusions ever did to BUNGIE, but bungie is out for them, I dint think there could be a way to make them less usable than they were before. cue to you bungie... the joke is on me, I was wrong. they practically vanished both in PVE and PVP. That was no easy task, but you succeed................ Side Arms: (untouched)...wich by the way is VERY GOOD... by default, made them the only usable weapon in crucible... they now deserve the title of undisputed champion of the crucible. It is now unecessary to even look at what killed you in short to medium quarters, since we all know that its one of 3 sidearms... which I'm not going to name, God forbid Bungie decides to nerf them straight into the ground too. .............And now the best of the best of the new patch!!! EXOTICS!!!! Even After receiving a PROMISES from Bungie that our hard earned weapons would not be rendered useless, hear we are..........Weapons: RED DEATH: It's exotic perk is no more (I have no level of Bad-very Bad, which is low enough for this). it's a FAIL on all the line... the weapon already belongs to the worst pulse category, and now it's completely useless... what else is there to say... except FIX IT ASSAP !!!............ Suros REGIMEN: small Buff ( VERY GOOD), no more life support...( Incomprehensibly BAD)...... HockMoon: ( thank you for making this weapon usable again).... First Curse: (untouched) It's just toooooo slow to be competitive... you get demolished by any sidearm, any day of the week if you try to fight back with it... especially in short to mid ranges, where a hand cannon should shine... Ok let's cut to the chase.........TRUTH : ( NO BAD BEOND level). Why? Just why??? What passed though Bungies mind when they decided without asking the community to nerf TRUTH into the realm of unusable!!! IT just makes no sense to the point of being dumb. I mean was truth good... yes of course it is... its an EXOTIC... in crucible heavy amo are insignificant now days, and in pVE there is better than Truth.. so why? Please don't say because of Osiris, because if you killed the weapon for that, the it's the moment I quit this game for good... JUST FIX IT BACK. Moving toward conclusion.............EXOTIC ARMORS....Ram: nerfed, since it gives no more life ( BAD- Unexeptab)....... OfidianAspect: (Necessary) sad very sad, but necessary.......... Astrocyteverse: Dose Bungie still remember that there is an exotic out there that has been broken for something like 7 or more months? FIX THE Helmet already!!! IT's the best looking gear... and it's broken!!!........Anyway if this goes on I could stay hear for hours complaining on how many ways this patch ruined the game... just FIX IT..........FAST....



マナーを守りましょう。投稿する前に、Bungie の行為規範を確認してください。 キャンセル 編集 ファイアチームを作る 投稿

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