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オリジナルの投稿元: Hotfix Feedback
Black_Widow503により編集済み: 2/22/2017 11:42:55 AM
I don't know if you guys are seeing a repeating pattern here but a lot of people preferred Year 1 pvp and year 1 pve exclusivity. You had raids for pve exclusivity and good gear in year 1 with elemental primaries. That was one of the best ideas IMO. The raids and nightfalls were for hardcore pve gamers. Then you had strikes and patrols for the casual pve gamer. Then for pvp, you had casual players in the crucible, which wasn't light enabled. For the hardcore pvpers you had a light enabled mode, Iron Banner. Which in my opinion should have stayed as the end game mode and gear/loot for pvp. Now here's Trials of Osiris that sticks out like a sore thumb in Destiny's super casual game. Then you locked loot behind this super exclusive mode that people have created a black market off of. Paid Carries and account recoveries? Why do you still allow this travesty to exist Bungie? *sarcasm*Do you have a side business going on we don't know about? *sarcasm* No I don't think you should get rid of Trials but implement a system in D2 where everyone can play it. Make it accessible to everyone. Don't tell me "It was absolutely not intended for normal players to make it to the lighthouse" So you made Trials especially for MLG players custom made for them to play in and enjoy themselves? Are casual gamers just supposed to go into this mode to be cannon fodder for MLG players and streamers? Whether that's a ranked and unranked playlist, or a Trials freelance mode where everyone can play it to have fun who paid for it too and not play it to "get gud scrub". The locked gear is what has made paid carries the problem. The loot in a loot driven game, who would have thunk it! Which direction do you want to go Bungie? I bought a finished game in year 1 that I didn't expect I would still be used as a beta player for it 3 years later. Like wtf? Do you want a casual game or competitive game? You need to decide for D2 because that's the last chance a lot of us are giving you. Figure it out for goodness sakes!



マナーを守りましょう。投稿する前に、Bungie の行為規範を確認してください。 キャンセル 編集 ファイアチームを作る 投稿

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