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オリジナルの投稿元: Hotfix Feedback
2/16/2017 11:49:01 PM
What i liked? The fact that you guys looked what appears to be slightly off balance ingame, instead of taking in all the salt from the players and only listen to them. Nobody would complain about a weapon being to strong if they run with it.. and that makes sense... why nerf the truth? IMO almost everybody used it in pvp. In an otherway you could buff the gjally giving it 3 rounds. But then PVE is off balance.. so good job on that. Blink? Everytime someone blink jumps in front of me it was almost always an insta loss not knowing in which dimension they would pop up. By giving them that same feeling of disorienting the chances of winning are more equal IMO. What i dislike. I hate to say it but: The toxic community. If it takes a simple nerf to shotguns or specials to make somebody with 2000 hours of gametime to realize they will never play the game again cause bungie broke it. They were probably in desperate need of a little break (please be gentle with me. I have sensitive knees). The second dislike: WHERE IS THE OFFICIAL DESTINY 2 ANNOUNCEMENT ALONG WITH A SWEET COLLECTORS EDITION. MY WALLET IS READY. I know i dont have much players which share my opinion but i think you did and still do a great job at bungie. Keep up the good work



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