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Destiny について話し合おう
omnious92により編集済み: 4/7/2016 12:22:28 AM

Left Behind; The forgotten Guardian Classes

Maybe it's just me, but either Bungie forgotten about us Titans and Hunters, or is is just being willfully dense when it comes to balancing the three classes of guardians. I main a Titan, have done so since launch. I've been troubled in the past by many decisions Bungie has made regarding nerfs and balancing in Destiny. I was extremely worried when they announced the need to the Sunbreakers, but was told by my friends not to worry despite my concerns given Bungie's history of consistently over-nerfing certain weapons and items in the game. I knew that Sunbreakers were too powerful and did need a fix, but, just as I had feared, they became broken following the nerf when their hammer started to detonate before ever hitting their intended targets. This didn't happen all the time mind you, but enough that I now hardly ever see them in the Crucible. The Hunters faired no better, in fact you could say they got it even worse, the patch rendering their Bladedancer subclass nearly completely useless. Meanwhile Bungie ignored many of our cries for help in regards to the endless reign of terror from the Earlocks and their dreaded grenades. I had been hoping that with the upcoming April update something would be done to not only help the Hunter and Titan subclasses be at least relevant, but also put Warlocks on an equal playing field. Sadly, as I saw in today's stream, that is not the case. The Warlocks, while having been nerfed in regards to their storm caller abilities, remained like the God of the Sun Rah, their grenades left to scorch and melt away the joy and fun I had once experienced in the Crucible. While the PrIson of Elders will keep me occupied for a while, I am sad to see that I won't be returning to the Crucible with my Titan. I don't want to be a Sun God like my brethren Warlocks, I just want us Titans and my fellow Hunters to have the same advantages that our wise allies do. I hope Bungie hears my plea, that my fellow Guardians here my plea and help this post gain traction. Thanks for listening to an old old veteran Titan vent. May the Light of the Travelled guide you well, and, Traveller willing, maybe one day I'll see my fellow Guardians back out their in the Crucible. - Lazarus 92 (What I call my Exo Titan lol)



マナーを守りましょう。投稿する前に、Bungie の行為規範を確認してください。 キャンセル 編集 ファイアチームを作る 投稿

  • You want to talk about a left behind class, look at the striker. Yeah it's fine for now, I think all Titan subclasses are, I still enjoy the sunbreaker because it has a synergistic advantage over the striker (fleet fire and cauterize are still excellent together) But the striker actually has, a very sad history in the past. Save for grenades, strikers were always among the best class entirely, flash bangs were unmatched for pve and we all know the stories of lightning grenades in pvp But the rest is just, upsetting. Strikers year 1, pre dark below, strikers storm fist was fine for pve but did absolutely nothing for pvp and it wouldn't for a long long time. Discharge was the worst ability in the game, to make it work, an enemy had to be killed and even then the chance wouldn't always land to activate it, obviously bungie didn't think this through when brimstone on sunsingers worked just fine, by killing, all the time! Strikers were not wanted for raids, others felt shoulder charge was op because of its instant kill property and wanted stuff like the hunter throwing knives to be instant kills on head shots. Yet most forgot thst shoulder charge was a risk reward deal. Yet it became much more risk as a mets developed. A meta plagued by shotguns and hand cannons. After the dark below, or when house of wolves came out, enter the ram. Shoulder charge became more situational than ever. Add other abilities to the striker like juggernaut and unstoppable which were so specific to make a difference. It just felt, hindering. I still cannot accept unstoppable even with 2 extra armor. It's just not that useful. Then came the taken King, and with sunbreakers, we all know the story. But for pve, I was crying I was happy, this felt like what the striker should have been year 1, a Titan class thst had damned effects and abilities. It had synergy, and still has this advantage over the striker. its abilities, stoke the forge, thermal vent, sunstrike, cauterize, fleet fire, all had actual purposes and outclassed overload, discharge, transfusion, and others by miles. Sunstrike actually still worked in pvp as well To me as a Titan player, I was embarrassed it took bungie this long, this long to realize the striker was only essentially half baked and then sent it back to give more actual effects to talents like better sprint/turning with headstrong, make overload cut down the cool down on storm fist, increase storm fists effect in pvp, but not so thst it renders shoulder charge out of a job, swords made juggernaut useful. But still it remains a fact. I can still heal, benefit from holding onto my super, have the luxury of range, and anytime I kill with said abilities, I can freely advance or retreat anytime with fleet fire. Otherwise I could also settle on buffing the super to be homing or more explosive, all these work. I still mainly play sunbreaker and defender, striker still just doesn't cut it for me when one has synergy and the other is very limited with it.



    マナーを守りましょう。投稿する前に、Bungie の行為規範を確認してください。 キャンセル 編集 ファイアチームを作る 投稿

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