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Edited by Apex of War: 11/13/2014 6:27:27 AM

Review: My Casual Destiny Experience

I want to start off by saying I'm a casual gamer and this is purely based on my experience. I have only played a Titan and have not finished VoG yet (only hit 27 less than a week ago) so I will not pretend like I know much about class imbalances or raid problems. A lot of threads in Feedback highlight one issue and is usually posted by raging individuals who just got spanked in Crucible because of whatever (shotguns, fusion rifles, this class 'sucks', that class is too 'OP'). I'm no better than anyone else in this game, but I feel like I can collect ideas better than most in a thread. That being said: General Gameplay: Overall gameplay isn't bad, but a few problems come up. -D Pad. While every other FPS game utilizes the D Pad for useful tools, all I can do with it is sit, dance, point, and whatever the other direction does that's completely useless to the gameplay. One improvement would be to retool the D Pad completely. -Weapon Swap. Am I the only one that finds it incredibly annoying to click 'start', wait a full minute for my character screen to load, change my primary/special/heavy weapon around, then exit the character screen all the meanwhile I'm getting shot at by people or things I can't see? Knock out two birds with one stone and tie this in with the D Pad somehow. -Server Disconnects. I understand you guys know this problem, but it is absolutely glaring when at the boss of Nightfall, you get kicked into orbit. It's extremely unfair to everyone playing affected by this. I think compensation (upgrade material or non glimmer currency would suffice) should be in order for those kicked into orbit like this until you guys can get it fixed. It's your problem, it's disrespectful to make it ours as well. -RNGesus. While I understand the concept of allowing everyone access to whatever rewards there are, RNGesus should have biasing towards those who did more to accomplish the goal (Crucible win, Completed Strike, VoG). Why bother with excelling in your Fireteam when it doesn't affect the loot you're given? It would add healthy competition within a Fireteam, promote better gameplay, and reduce the number of QQ threads in one swoop. -Class Roles. Whatever happened to this? Titans have the heavy armor and tank like built for close combat, hunters are the experienced ranged gunners, warlocks are the ones with the 'magic' abilities that they use for high damage. Once every few minutes you see these differences, but 90% of the time you don't. Why not make it more readily apparent in class set ups? Weapons: -Exotic Weapons. Do I think exotic weapons should be disgustingly powerful enough to destroy with no gun skills. No. Do I think they should at least be equal to legendary weapons in performance, but with their own unique upgrades? Absolutely. I believe that's exactly what they should be. You know of these underperforming weapons, but please balance them without the knee jerk reaction of the Mythoclast and Pocket Infinity nerfs. On the flip side, don't knee jerk buffs either. If it takes a little time to get the balance down, fine, but in a timely manner. PvE: As far as PvE gameplay goes, I've had no gripes about. But, there is one major problem I'd like to touch up on. -The Story. I wish I could elaborate on this, but there's no story to elaborate on. What's the background to the races, what's the background to the wars and battles, background on the different planets, background on the different factions, etc. There are more plot holes than there is plot. This was a major disappointment to everyone. I should not have to buy DLCs or log into the website to read Grimore cards to fill me in on what the hell is going on. PvP: I think this is the most overly whined subject in the forums. Everybody has access to every type of weapon so if you are complaining about constantly getting destroyed by (fill in the blank), then maybe you should adjust your gameplay. This isn't CoD, you will get one shotted by multiple things every single match. What you may not realize is you too have access to one hit kill abilities and weapons, so try using them instead of insisting things get nerfed or buffed. That being said, I do still find some issues with PvP. -Special Ammo. Let's face it, every special weapon is capable of a one shot kill and all of them are over used. It's practically on par with heavy weapons. So why not treat them in a similar manner? Everyone starts with 0 special ammo and loses it on death and leave the special ammo crate spawns the same. This will allow enough special weapon ammo to use regularly, but not enough to run with your special weapon an entire match without using your primary. -Lag. Oh God the lag. Maybe I'm the only one who occasionally kills someone, but receive the points 5 seconds later. Or melee kills that take a while to register. I wish I could say it happens rarely, but it's daily. -Scout / Pulse Rifles. I still feel these need tuned better for PvP. If a scout rifle is supposed to be the ranged hand cannon, why does it take 4 headshots for a kill? Pulse rifles I think needs a little faster fire rate to make them worth while. Anyhow, that's all I've got at the moment. Feel free to comment / provide your own feedback.

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  • If performance is rewarded, then the casuals would see even less gear. Bones need to be thrown or the dogs will move on. Couldnt your connection and lag issues be as much the fault of your isp and hardware as bungies?

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