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Edited by Saboteur-6: 11/23/2014 6:30:00 PM

Girl Gamer Explains: Why Crucible loot drops are RNG

Before I get started, I want to be clear that I'm NOT directly endorsing the design of PvP loot rewards, merely providing what I think is Bungie's logic and because it is CLEARLY a mechanic that's still bothering people. I honestly think they have PvP gear rewards totally random as a bit of a social experiment because what it does do (aside from piss people the -blam!- off) is: 1. Reward anyone, [i]regardless[/i] of skill level, for trying out PvP. Carrot meet stick...*nom nom nom*. 2. Attempt to eliminate tryhard multiplayer arguing over kill steals, KD reps, and all that dumb internet epeen measuring. 3. Attempts to make the[i] focus[/i] of the [i]gameplay[/i] the most interesting thing about the experience. Not just a [u]means to a reward.[/u] This is why the dude that went 2 / 25 will get a shiny Exotic despite your dominant 30 / 10 massacre. Winning is rewarded via Marks and Rep, NOT loot drops in the current system. [b]EDIT[/b]: I've been silent about a lot of the blatantly hostile misogyny and insults but trust that it's being reported. You ARE responsible for your actions and if you don't like this thread, you're not obligated to post in it. Insulting myself and others is a flagrant violation of the user agreement and code of conduct for the site.

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  • Good post, but one question. Why add the "girl gamer" title to the heading? I see that way too often. There is literally no need for you to let everyone know you're a female lol.

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    5 Replies
    • I stopped reading at girl gamer

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      • Yeah, true. Lesser players don't have incentive if only the best get something (I think the best shouldn't get everything, but just better overall rewards) But I don't see why you being female has ANY relevance to the topic.

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      • Boy gamer here saying no one gives a rats ass if your girl gamer.

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        7 Replies
        • Your gender has nothing to do with this post. You're just being an attention whor3. Other than that yeah a rng loot system without player trading favors casual players. I hate casual players.

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          16 Replies
          • Edited by RoseNavari: 10/26/2014 2:17:44 AM
            Finding it hard as hell to believe "RNG" when the same guy goes .5 or lower and just got three exotics in three straight matches when I pulled the damn team. Let's put this in a dice roll perspective a d20 ( 20 sided die for those who do not know) let's say 20 is the exotic okay? Let's say I roll 20 3 times in the a row (keep in mind that a die roll is completely random) so I have a 1/20 for each roll to hit 20? That is right and wrong at the same time. My goal is not to hit 20 in 1 roll. It is to hit 20 3 times in a row in three tries. So 1/20^3 is 1/8000 let's roll for a fourth twenty..... 1/160000 again anyone? 1/3200000 I'll let you keep going.

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            4 Replies
            • Bullshit. Crucible drops are RNG because ALL drops are RNG. It's easier to just code to drop from a random pool than it is to devise a system that actually measures people based on merit or contribution and awards them appropriately. It's just another example of how Bungie half assed this game instead of putting in the necessary effort.

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              • First I would like to say your on point with what you said. Well done. Second I would like to say I hate to see these "from a girl gamer" posts they are completely biased and invite in the trolls. I would like to be able to take your word as a fellow gamer and not use gender to make a point.

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              • Fast board bump.

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                • Firstly i think everyone needs to chill out. Whilst i think labelling yourself is pointless as it just causes tention on the forums i couldnt care less whether your a girl, a guy or a cat that sh*ts sunshine and rainbows we're all gamers end of. And whilst i can understand your reasoning for why bungie have implemented the current system i also understand why everyone gets so annoyed. if your the guy thats consistently doing well then its infuriating to see teamates who are terrible get rewards for doing so poorly. I personally think that nobody should get rewards then it would stop all the aggro but if its going to stay then its needs to reward good players because at the moment when i see the reward screen i feel like im getting sh*t on by the trollarch/ cryptard all over again.

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                  4 Replies
                  • I feel you sweetie. Honestly, the pvp reward system is the best thing about it because it keeps the weaker players engaged in the long run if they know they'll get some top shelf armor out of it. Eventually they build their skill, and now there's a bigger pool of high caliber players. On top of that the game you paid for is still fun and worth playing. #2 is real talk. I can''t tell you how many times I've heard some off the wall shit that you know would never happen in a face-to-face situation. In my neighborhood we call them "Facebook gangbangers". Some people out there need to stop reppin that Grove Street (get it?), and get back in touch with reality. Or at least try to have some manners about yourself for the sake of being cordial. That goes for in-game, forums, and everything in between. I don't know who got these people thinkin assholes are cool, but in reality assholes are just assholes. And said assholes are alot further from bullies, and alot closer to punks than they might think. P.S. keep gamin lil mama. I'll never forget the look on my homeboy's face when my wife dogged him in Marvel v. Capcom 3. I tried to warn him. lol.

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                  • Edited by Maxwell: 10/23/2014 10:36:04 AM
                    I for one completely disagree with this entire assumption especially since you generalized part of your assumption as well. 1. Why should someone who played worse and or barely contributed to the team receive items when the top players on the team get nothing? How does that give the player an incentive to do their best? 2. RNG shouldn't be the dominating factor when it comes to PvP it should be based on a scale system where those who did the best will obviously have a "higher chance" of receiving an item and those who are under top 3 or 4 just have an unchanged item chance rate. 3. Not everyone whines and moans about kill stealing frankly in this game I doubt a lot of people even complain about kill stealing but it still doesn't matter, that player with the high KD is clearly contributing points to help his or her team out. 4. Why do you feel the need to point out that you are a female gamer? I see no reason to do so whatsoever, I for one came to this read because of your assumptions on why RNG was placed in PvP. 5. I'm currently compiling a long list of videos where I am literally the chain that holds my team together and finish the game with both a high KD and high score. In that case why should someone who does their best fail while other succeed. I remember having seen one team member hide in a corner for the entire game and at the end of the match he ends up getting a legendary engrams I and the other top 3 get nothing. To;Dr: You are absolutely wrong in my eyes. [b]Edited:[/b] I edited some errors in my wording primarily due to me making this post originally with my IPod Touch. I also find it funny how the OP removed some of her post, if you don't have the courage to leave what you posted then don't post in the first place.

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                    10 Replies
                    • But going 30/10 or 2/25 gives you the same amount of marks and rep so that isn't a logical argument at all. They did it to make even crappy players feel "important". If they were smart they'd do what other shooters do and make hard modes of pvp or make it so only winning teams get gear and the best of the best get the best "what iron banner what supposed to do" but failed at. They are just doing what cod already does try to make all things even and fair so inexperienced can compete with experienced players on a level playing field. In the end it pisses off good players and makes them leave the game all together because why play and try if you don't get anything for working hard. Hard work should always be rewarded not poor work that's life that's how video games should be as well.

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                    • ...Why do I feel like I should write off anyone who specifies their sexual orientation just before the word gamer?...We're [i][b]ALL[/b][/i] gamers regardless, aren't we? Do we need to bring a battle of the sexes into this? ;-; Maybe I'm just too naive...

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                    • girl? not reading

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                    • To a point I like their system. Random loot for free and grind your marks for what you want. It gives everyone a chance to get something cool.

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                      4 Replies
                      • Agreed of more people played for gameplay rather than rewards there's have more fun..loot comes to everyone eventually sit back enjoy the ride.

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                        1 Reply
                        • Edited by RNG: 10/23/2014 7:29:06 AM
                          I dont even understand why Exotics are given out at the Crucible in the first place. Because i AFK all day for my marks, but luckily i got Hawkmoon for AFking

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                        • Interesting idea..focus on the gameplay rather than the reward. I like it! Wait.. Girl gamer? Forget what I said. You have no credibility here.

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                          4 Replies
                          • All the loot drops are designed to trick the reward center in your brain. It's no different than a slot machine addiction.

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                            2 Replies
                            • How about the first 3 on the scoreboard (point wise) get upgrade materials from the planet they just played on. 1st Place gets 5 materials 2nd Place gets 3 materials 3rd Place gets 1 material

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                              6 Replies
                              • i thought "Girl Gamer" was her name. I only read the OP because I'm a male & was curious about what a female had to say. all the shit comments that had nothing to do with the OP really made me look @ the Destiny community in a different light. nobody cares if someone has a #female user name, but if they state their gender in a thread title, it's the end of the world. would she get the same reaction if it said "Boy Gamer" or "Old Gamer"? how about if it said "Handicapped Gamer"? would you call any of them out? would you flood the thread with garbage like this one? you "men" are pathetic. I hope the gaming community changes before my daughter is old enough to play. the idea that people would be so horrible to her for labeling herself a "Girl Gamer" breaks my heart. I have Grandmothers, a Mother, Sisters, Nieces & a Daughter. I give them every bit of respect I can, even if I don't agree with what they are doing/saying/ect. -- on topic: I'm pretty bad at PvP & all my drops are Rustburner armor. #merp

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                                17 Replies
                                • Edited by Gubzs: 10/23/2014 4:59:07 PM
                                  Honestly the easiest way to fix this is just increase the likelihood of getting rewards if you perform well, and reducing it if you perform poorly, with a multiplier. I'd say like, first place has twice the normal chance of a drop, and last place has half the chance, scale the in between. Everyone still has a chance to get something, and it would still be possible for last place to get something and first place to get nothing, but now there's a bit of rhyme and reason to it. I can't count the number of times I've gone like 35-8 and gotten nothing while last place gets a strange coin and an engram. It's just frustrating.

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                                  1 Reply
                                  • I think Bungie is part of the patriarchy just shutting us CIS scum down on our knees to take a load in the mouth.

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                                  • my only gripe about pvp in this game is that theres no distinction (like ranks) that say "IM BETTER THAN THE REST OF YOU FAGGETS" or some sort of other visual cue that is based on how many wins/kills/whatever you got.

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                                    2 Replies
                                    • Plot twist: OP is a dude.

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