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Edited by Mmmmm Napalm: 5/31/2014 1:50:02 AM

Could A Boba Fett Film Work?

You might've heard that there's a Boba Fett film that may or may not be made some day, and I thought that it would be an interesting topic of discussion. I personally think it could be quite good, but only if done right. The film shouldn't be a stupid action movie, it shouldn't be a thriller. No, it should be the side of Star Wars that, in my opinion, Boba Fett embodies. It should be a Western. I've always seen Boba Fett as the Clint Eastwood of Star Wars, a Man With No Name type character. Thus, I feel that a Space-Western-type film would be best suited for Fett. There shouldn't be a bunch of mindless explosions and such. Rather, there should be extremely tense scenes leading up to brief, but very intense shootouts. [url=]Like a stand-off in, well, a Western,[/url] or like the scene where Han shoots Greedo. Now, we move on to the man himself. Now, he'd obviously have to be a bit more talkative than in the original trilogy, as he was merely a side character in those films. He should still be a man of few words, but he should have a lot of wit, delivered in a deadpan manner. However, there is something more interesting regarding Fett that is being considered by filmmakers: killing him. What's being discussed is as follows: the actual Boba Fett, clone of Jango, is killed by a mysterious stranger, who then takes the title for himself. This would restore the mystery surrounding the character that I personally feel was lost upon his backstory being revealed in AoTC. I'm all for this, but only under one condition: This would have to occur in between Revenge of The Sith and A New Hope. It has to be explained that this new guy is the Boba Fett we all know and love, not some Maori kid. Furthermore, Fett's harsh moral code should be retained as well. Fett is noted to only take jobs that fit this code of honor. In addition, Fett is very puritanical regarding women. I think it goes without saying that Boba Fett would be ruined for all of us if we saw him banging space prostitutes. Finally, we come to Boba Fett's position on the Good/Evil scale. Fett is no saint, but he's not evil either. He should still be likable in his own badass way. Thus, I think he should be on the darkest edge of neutral. Essentially, he should be a man "just trying to make his way in the universe." That sums up my opinions on a possible Boba Fett film. Do you guys agree with my points, or do you have something entirely different in mind? Discuss.

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