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5/31/2013 7:26:58 AM

How do we keep Destiny clean?

Destiny is looking to be a beautiful, elegant, and intellectual gaming experience, and while I'm sure that everyone here will treat it and their fellow gamers with respect after the launch, I am not looking forward to playing alongside the crude and immature people that will doubtlessly pop up. Call me elitist, but nothing can ruin your emersion into a game world worse than a foul mouthed 15 year old t-bagging and yelling homophobic/racist slurs, much like in almost every other online game in existence. That being said, I am very excited to share the game world with other players as we protect the City, and I just don't want to have to deal with... that. How will we, as level headed adults (I'm assuming) deal with this when it arises? What will/should Bungie's Policy be on obscenity?

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  • I'm hoping a bounty system will help with this. Say, everyone starts off with a bounty of 0 and you can put a bounty on anyone you see. But there would be a limit, you can only increase the bounty a tiny bit, and once that bounty gets up high enough, that player will be flagged as free to kill, and whomever kills this person will get the money. And maybe a bounty board can be put up somewhere with lists of bounties you can collect.

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    • Edited by P45K: 7/24/2014 10:19:51 AM
      well my first day in Destiny - as a 360 user - i've been rather surprised that everyone i've stumbled across in my explorations so far have been friendly, helpful and all have been into the whole teamwork thing. i hope it lasts, but such a thing is rare, especially on this console. i have tried to promote positivity with much waving and getting everyone to dance - usually on tables - in between firefights, and so far it seems to be working out. it makes a nice change from most online games where people rush to shoot you in the face & loot all your gear while making nasty remarks. i hope this teamwork & politeness trend continues :)

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    • I'm only 14. While my voice hasn't changed to sound more mature yet (sadly) you can count on me not being a stereotype like that.

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      • Edited by xMikeTheRipper: 10/8/2014 4:00:33 PM
        [quote]What will/should Bungie's Policy be on obscenity? [/quote] I'm sorry but working in a kitchen for 7 years I'm quite the potty mouth myself but I'm not an a-hole. you can swear and not be rude at the same time, they're just words, it all depends on how you use them. if you don't like it theres a mute button for a reason. if I'm not being rude but throw in a few F words when i speak I shouldn't be punished or have less rewards because someone was feeling all "oh dear, that's a bad word" Bungie also did a fine job with the communication in the game weather or not people agree, only thing i'd change is let people in multiplayer talk to their team mates outside of their fire team so they can call out enemies and work together especially on game types like Skirmish and Control.

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        • I thought the broom sweeping robot kept destiny clean?

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        • People can't insult you because there is no chat system haha, what a joke

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        • Who cares? Just mute the person...problem solved. People are idiots and they act as such, this should not surprise you. It is not Bungie's responsibility to police the players of the game. All they can do is give us options in the game to deal with it ourselves.

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        • Do your share. Pick up litter when you see it.

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        • I am usually laughing on the mic hysterically, I am not gonna say I never swear, but sometimes words slip out. As far as T-Bagging goes.. well, I T-Bag everyone, so it is not personal. Honestly, everyone I have mic'd with has been super cool so far. Really great community in my opinion.

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          • I'm glad there is no proximity chat so I don't have to hear those whiny brats. Dark Souls has taught me some simple emotes are all you need to convey a message. I came up on some level 2-3 guys in a firefight with a pack of vandals, I jumped in and scored a few headshot kills and a throwing knife to the face of the last enemy standing. Walked up to the other players and took a bow then sped off on the sparrow. Just last night I was doing a public event and it was just my new Lvl 3 warlock and a random Lvl 8 Titan. We fought hard and worked together, we finished the event, saluted each other and went our separate ways.

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            • I like the post and I would suggest only playing with friends or a clan. If all else fails I would just mute/ignore the parasite.

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            • We start with brooms... Duh ^_^... *cricket chirps* -_-... I never really understood T-bagging. Sooo... you're rubbing your balls/ass on a dead body. Isn't that necrophilia? Wouldn't that be more degrading to yourself, then the T-bag-ee? I'm not really sure how to answer. Your wants are admirable, but Destiny's a T game. It'll have "children" out the wazoo.

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            • This is honestly why I'm happy there is no proximity chat. I can keep the illusion in my head that the people I run into are mature Guardians protecting the Last City. Not some 14 year old screaming about my mom.

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            • by not having any blood of any kind, and instead having the enemies dematerialize in some weird matrix style fashion....oh wait...

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            • Emersion? Really???? You're an adult? The word is immersion.

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              • Eliminate the use of fossil fuels. Reduce, reuse, and recycle.

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                • Keep it in the console xD

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                • with a broom. yes I read the entire thing, if you start spouting obscenity you hit them with the BROOM OF JUSTICE.

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                • Just smash everyone and it's all good. Winners are always happy.

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                • I think the best way took keep it clean is by SIGNING THIS PETITION TO KEEP OUR CHARACTERS YEAH!

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                  • Op sounds like a gargantuan douche. Keep destiny clean? The dim witted foul mouth children out number you and your "I'm so mature and well versed and happen to be some liberal professor at some overpriced university" ilk a thousand to one. I say keep it from being clean. I'd rather deal with cod kids than the likes of you.

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                    4 Replies
                    • I hate those people like that, I'm 15 and older people wont do anything or just mute me cause of all those other guys who do things like that, so many people make the few look bad

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                      • With a squeegee

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                      • I'm 15 and I am nothing like that. The only people I teabag are my friends when we are just fighting each other. I rarely curse and I hate racial slurs. It's other people who do those things that gives all of us a bad name.

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                        • Use protection

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