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2/13/2016 12:16:16 AM


The whole first year they said our subclasses sucked, but now they wish to nerf our precious Sunsinger who has remained almost the same this entire time & now out of the blue its a problem? Who amongst us remembers seeing polls asking who the best class was? who always came in last? Warlocks that's who. Remembers when they said Sunsinger was only good for PVE? See what happens when they cant rush us with a shotgun for fear of meeting the warlock melee? These huntards (not to be confused with Hunters, you guys are cool) are trying to nerf us guys & we cant let them. We saw what they did to the noble Titan. We cant let them do it to us so here's a counter petition to keep all Warlock sub classes as they are.

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  • More people cried about Viking funeral damage killing them 5 seconds after killing a warlock saying its no fair. I swear the gamers in this game have a problem with DoT understanding so the cry babies get there way. So let me get this straight its ok to have a shoulder charge to kill someone in one hit but not ok for a class to have a shield for protection because warlocks cant run from any class. Its ok to give storm titans a instant heal after meelee kill but it has to remain a regen still on a void warlocks that can never even help if you receive dmg after the proc. So its ok that a hunters and titans static grenades can kill with one well placed in one hit but a sunsingers only static grenade ,the solar grenade , had to be destroyed to crap. Sunsingers have nothing to delay a resurrection, stop heavy ammo from being got, or delay opposing teams, like a storm titan or solar hunter. WHAT THE HELL WHERE THEY THINKING. You take the DoT we should have gotten a static dmg buff EQUAL to what THE DOT WAS. Two hits from lightning grenade Im dead. One hit from hammers Im dead. One hit from blade strike Im dead. One shot from Golden Gun Im dead. Oh yeah it made so much since to destroy the class cause I cant just jump around like an Idiot to a sunsinger who uses firebolts when they radiance and hardly ever take any dmg keeping them at a distance to never get any meelee so no oversheild. Its not Like I can count on a sunsinger with fusion grenades to have no more than 4 tries to stick me with one with his radiance up and if he does manage whats so hard about taking him with you by running at him and blowing up together. So yeah a solar grenade slinging warlock can set a whole room on fire but can he catch a titan or a hunter if they run away. Basically I believe all the complaints was from people that were up to no good cause in crucible a quarter of the DoTs only ticked once on dudes and went away. It revealed the cheaters why not cry to high heaven to get it gone. May reveal some high paid streamer that is scared of being exposed. Who Bungie would rather listen too. Basically it comes down to is a Sunsinger killed the wrong titan and hunter over and over because they didn't wanta run and come back or got mad they couldn't stand in the static grenade and finish killing or ressing or getting there ammo. Or couldn't regen after getting firebolted. Or beat their Solar Titan or Lightning Warlock's ass with his super up because the warlock was lucky enough to get his oversheild after resurrection. Whatever the case Ive played a warlock since the start of this game and Bungie has just shown the most bias decision of change I have seen yet. Just delete the warlock class and give any good skills the subclasses had to the two or the one (cough cough) class you prize so much. I cant believe youd listen to slow, stupid gamers who stand in fire and cant jump when they hear the crack sound. So their lack of skill is the cause for the nerf.

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  • Edited by DeafFB0: 3/1/2016 3:59:28 PM
    Sunsinger sucked? Lmao. That moment when the top 2 DTR in rumble y1 were sunsingers...

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  • Nerf warlockes

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  • If Bungie ever decides that the Sunsinger needs to be changed, I hope they make it a purely Support subclass. Buffs and Debuffs for all. With DoT dealing abilities in the mix. Flame Shield becomes a fireball that you throw down, creating a ring of fire that grants a 5 second overshield, or increased damage resistance, to you or your allies while standing in it. Viking Funeral becomes a perk that leaves behind a ring of fire on ability kills, granting bonus recovery to you or your allies while standing in it. Damages enemies that touch it. Sunburst becomes a perk that leaves a floating, mini sun on ability kills, exploding seconds later, damaging and igniting enemies within its blast radius. Brimstone has a bigger explosion with more damage on kill, igniting and blinding enemies hit by the explosion. Solar Wind becomes a AoE melee ability like the Striker's Discharge, igniting enemies within its radius, as well as a defense debuff, like the Sunbreaker's Melting Point. The DoT damage from Scorch, or any of the Sunsinger's abilities will have to remain unaffected by this debuff so that it doesn't become overpowered. Radiant Will, in addition to increased duration of Radiance, grenades and melee are stronger. Radiance charges faster when grenades and melee are charged. Enhanced strength to Radiance modifiers. Firebolt Grenades are replaced with a grenade, similar to Thermite Grenade, but fans out instead of being a single line of fire. Song of Flame, in addition to reducing your nearby allies' ability cooldowns, it will now grant a damage buff to you and your allies' primary weapons. Primary weapons deal solar damage while active. Radiant Skin now buffs damage resistance for nearby allies as well. Fireborn now grants max recovery to you and allies if used while alive. Will not grant this buff if used from beyond the grave.

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  • Literally all of year one all i saw through the forums was people brag about how good their warlocks and sunsingers were and hash tag 'warlockmasterrace'.

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  • Bump

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  • All this attention to this class means it will be nerfed, can't wait. Hunters and Titans had to deal with it, no reason warlocks should be dismissed from being changed since they have two of the best subclasses in the game currently.

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    8 Replies
    • You are right about that.

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      • I'm with yah

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        • Great points

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          • I keep thinking that everyone who is crying for sunsinger nerf or any nerf, are young kids who are used to getting anything they want when things don't go their way by whining about it. And I also think they're a lot of year 2 players.

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            • Didn't people complain about storm caller too after sunbreaker got nerfed.

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              • I hate warlocks mainly I only get tbagged by them the most. Besides that they.. ok

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              • Hey guys, I was reading the guidebook from year 1 and it said that brimstone was affected by touch of flame. Can anyone check to see if it's still true?

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                • Bungie stated that theyre tweaking abunch of year1 weapons the next update, so im assuming earlocks will get touched as well. I just hope it doesnt -blam!- up our class

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                • i just got the tlaloc today and i run sunsinger so i guess you know where this is going. its the best gun ive ever used and ill probably never use another exotic primary again

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                  11 Replies
                  • People talked about Sunsinger being too OP'd in hard mode raids the first year.

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                    • Signed

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                    • A Hunter, Titan, and Warlock are sitting at a table. The Titan, a Sunbreaker, is seriously wounded, and has a broken arm and leg. The Warlock, a Stormcaller, is in perfect health, and is sitting as calm as can be. The Hunter is pacing around the table, thinking deeply about what should be nerfed next. Hunter:Let's see, I just got killed by a sniper... he must have been relying on that aim assist crutch! NERF SNIPER AIM ASSIST BUNGIE, OMFG!!!! Warlock:Oh, will you just shut it already! Look at poor Jim over here. Points at Titan. He can barely move from what your constant bickering did to him. Titan: Need... super... energy... Hunter: Don't even bother, Jim. Now you know how us Hunters, the master race, felt when you b*tched and complained about Bladedancers for a whole year. Titan: Please... no more... nerfs... Warlock:Okay, maybe the Sunbreaker was a little OP, but that doesn't mean every other piece of equipment in the damn game needs to be nerfed along with it! Hunter:Oh crap! Bungie is about to buff auto rifles by... 7%! Oh no, that can't happen. *grabs phone.* Warlock: What the hell are you doing? Hunter: Hey, Xur! I have a job for you. Xur: It is my will to speak to you. Hunter:You know that 7% buff to medium RoF Auto Rifles due this Tuesday? Xur: I think the cells of this body are dying... Hunter: Move the decimal point to the left a bit! Xur: My will is not my own... Hunter: *hangs up.* Weird guy... well, I just prevented a possible OP weapon buff. What's next? Let's see, I forgot to mention something... was it handcannons? No, they got nerfed ages ago... Ah, yes, Stormcaller!! Warlock: What the hell!? I'm perfectly balanced!!! Hunter: THAT GUY JUST KILLED ME FROM WAY TOO FAR AWAY!!! IT'S SO OP!!! Warlock: I'm not overpowered, what the hell is wrong with you? Hunter: ANOTHER ONE JUST KILLED ME! WHY IS IT SO OP!!! Warlock: Shut up! Please stop, Bungie might hear you! Hunter: *pulls out megaphone*. STORMTRANCE IS WAY TOO OVERPOWERED. PLEASE NERF THEM BUNGIE, NERF THEM!!! The Titan, unnoticed to this point, suddenly turns from bright orange to light blue. His broken limbs heal themselves, and he stands up vigorously. Hunter: Jim, did you just switch subcla- *drops megaphone.* OH SH*T!! *The Titan shoulder-charges the Hunter, sending him flying into the wall.* Titan: YOU... WILL NOT... NERF... MY FRIEND!! *The Titan activates his Fist of Havoc, demolishing the Hunter, and the entire wall behind him.* Warlock: Why... why did you do that? Titan: You don't know the pain I've been through these past few days. I - I don't want you to share the same fate. *The Hunter respawns next to the Titan.* Hunter: What the hell jus- wait, that was a Fist of Panic!!!! BUNGIE, NERF THE STRIKER! Warlock: Their super wasn't even buffed, dipsh*t. Hunter: I don't care!! THEY'RE SO OP!!! Titan: What if everything you ever wanted... Warlock & Hunter:????? Titan: WAS TO KICK SHIT IN THE FACE!? FOREVER! Warlock:What in the hell are you talking about? Titan:THEN YOU NEED PEREGRINE GREAVES!!! *Titan jumps in the air, then rams his knee into the Hunter's face.* Warlock:Why does he always brag about those damn things?

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                      7 Replies
                      • Here. Use this against all of those wanting to nerf sunsinger [quote]Here are some synonyms to what you are: Whiner Wimp Complainer Grumbler Softy Wuss Moaner Sissy Griper Faultfinder Bellyacher Touchy Querulous Huffy Butthurt Can you guess what the magical word is? [spoiler]Yes, The word you're looking for is Crybaby[/spoiler] [b]STOP...CRYING...GOD...DAMIT[/b][/quote]

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                      • Don't nerf the Warlock class: buff the Voidwalker :).

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                      • I felt like sunsinger was the best PvP subclass during year 1. HoTPF, radiant skin, viking funeral, touch of flame and Firebolts would net me so many kills on the smaller maps in 6v6. Voidfang vestment sunsingers also destroyed in trials along with lucky raspberry bladedancers.

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                      • No one said your subclass sucked. Sunsinger was the single most useful thing in the game. Especially in Raids! All Raid cheeses required this class.

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                      • It is quite pathetic. Sunsinger is horrible in 6v6 but decent for 3v3. It has been this way since the game started but apparently they have apparently become op now.

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                      • Edited by UndeadApocalyps: 2/15/2016 8:57:44 PM
                        I haven't used my warlock as much as I should have done, I've had a titan since my start to destiny shortly after its launch but I have got used to it and used all 3 subclasses in both PvE and PvP and I have to say I have had a lot of fun with! I think it's a brilliant class for pvp and I don't think most people realise that they're meant to be a mid range class, they don't like being at titan face smash range so they have their melee, their "get the f#@k away from me!". You know, the best way to counter that melee.....don't get that close, back that ass up! Both titans and hunters can be fast when you haul ass, titans especially, if you got shoulder charge and twilight garrison nobody can catch you. Alas, I digress, back to warlocks lol Ive never felt that they're op, I have found them to be very hard to kill at times if your I'll equipped or you second guess your move against one and although I do think that self res is very unfair in the likes of trials I also argue the contrary where it's part of what makes a sunsinger, it's a part of their class just like shoulder charge is part of what makes a striker and the throwing knife is part of what makes a golden gunner. The thing that bothers me about this nerf this and nerf that mentality that's drowning destiny is that all of it is unnecessary, people will never be happy, why do they have to complain constantly about it?! Bring things to their attention, like they intended, in a half civil and honest manner. Instead of just screaming all over the forums and crying for nerfs why don't they give them civil feedback, their opinion on the issue they've encountered? I'd be willing to bet that at the very least about 90% of nerf posts are created out of momentary anger due to an unfortunate meeting with whatever they're crying about. Things need to get back to how they used to be when people found a way to counter whatever was "op", not demoralising the creator of their game and ordering them to make everything but what they use useless so they can win all the time, there are going to be times when theyre out gunned, there are going to be times when they're just out classed and they have their ass handed to them, everyone gets their ass handed to them sometimes but why destroy everybody else's experience because they got killed a few times?!

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                        2 Replies
                        • Silence the nerftards!

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