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""Cry havoc, and let slip the DOGS of war...""

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originally posted in:WarMUTTS
12/25/2015 4:24:10 PM

King's Fall Raid Tips

I've completed every challenge on hard with every character and have run them with several different groups. This is what I learned and what worked best. It is not the only way to do it. Use what will work for you. Post anything that you learned. The War priest is pretty simple: Two Defender Titans throw up weapons and blessing. Hunters tether him with black hole. Go right side, middle then middle. With enough fire power, you can run middle, middle but easier to go right first. Have someone watch your flanks while everyone shoots him. Golgoroth: One Sunbreaker Titan punches him in the foot with melting point. The other Titan runs defender and throws blessing behind the pool of reclaimed light. Hunters tether him when melting point goes away. To transfer his gaze, have the person that was distracting him grab his gaze second. Everyone else line up where you spawn in. As soon as #2 has his gaze, #3 grab his gaze and run to the right up the hallway. This turns him so #4 can get his gaze and run. #5 and #6 do the same. Clear adds and repeat. The Sisters: Use the right ledge under the second sister to group up and kill first sister. Use the left ledge under where the first sister was to kill second sister. Going to first sister platform complicates things - don't bother. Oryx: Draw first wave of adds into the middle and have a hunter with black hole, tethered enemies create orbs and Skyburner's annex or a Sunsinger Warlock generate orbs. One Titan and a Hunter stay in the middle. Hunter runs predator and quiver. Titan runs blessings. Hunter shadowshots the wall behind where ogres 2, 3 and 4 spawn as soon as you see where Oryx is going to slam - this tethers the ogres on spawn and makes all hits critical. You will melt the ogres faster than using weapons bubble. Titan throws blessings when Oryx slams. Titan and Hunter dip in and out of bubble and kill ogres as they spawn - use ToM for best results. People on platforms toss a grenade on your ogre when it spawns then kill your knight. Runner should call it as soon as they have the relic. At this point, get off your platform and run to middle whether your knight is dead or not - if not let everyone know immediately. Knights cross the middle and can be killed from the middle. The 4th knight will run across middle - make sure you take him out. Runner should have a sword equipped to kill the vessel - steal the brand and immediately run to the middle. The aura is needed to protect everyone else because the Titan bubble will be disappearing. The vessel will chase you and you can kill him. Everyone shoots Oryx to stagger him. Once he is staggered, 2 people keep DPS on Oryx and everyone else clear adds. Not keeping DPS on Oryx until his chest closes results in him having 1/4 health after 16 bombs are detonated. You can detonate bombs every run, every other run or after you have 16. Every other prevents running in circles avoiding Oryx blasting at you. 16 at once was the challenge and is the easiest in my opinion. Dealing with the shade: Pop a ToC before the shade encounter for a shot at an exotic drop. People outside must kill adds before they teleport into the shade area. If you miss them, let the people inside know. When inside, blessings in the middle if possible. When the shade animates to charge, do not run to the middle and call it so anyone teleporting from outside can jump. Stay on the outside of the circle until the shade slams - this keeps him from slamming the middle and killing someone that teleports in at that time. Hunters only tether when the shade is in the clouds. Tethering in the middle makes him slam twice. Happy hunting.

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