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Edited by RazeD: 10/23/2015 2:22:42 AM

Worlds Beyond: Chapter 1 (Destiny Fan-Fiction)

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Subscribe To Me On Youtube!: [url=]Youtube Channel[/url] [u][i][b]Worlds Beyond[/b][/i][/u] 'A Fireteam Of Three Guardians In The 'Tritan' Sector Of New Monarchy Band Up To Kill The Monster Known As Phogoth. Ready To Enter The Hellmouth, Their Expectation's Soon Change When Worlds Of The Unknown Are Unleashed.' [u]Chapter 1 Part 1:[/u] Phogoth, The Untamed “We are in reach of the Moon, Forerunners engaging… Landing is momentary. 3, 2, 1, breach...” A loud thud emerges through the ship’s interiors as the automated female voice cuts off after ‘breach'. “Okay, lock and load Guardians. Are you sure you three want to go through with this? It’s really dangerous, and you have seen what happened to the last Guardian we came acro—” “Hush Ghost, we don’t need a reminder. It’s bad enough we are about to kill one of the biggest monsters we’ve seen so far. There is nothing to worry about… Wait, did you hear that?” Right after Titan was finished speaking, screams could be heard in the far off distance. “It was probably just a Shrieker… or the wind.” Warlock glides into the conversation as Hunter cocks his shotgun. “So, ready to face the heat boys? Come on, I can smell that thing from here, 'it' is somewhere deep in the Hellmouth. Won’t be very hard to get there though.“ “Boy? Ha, More like are you ready to handle the heat, little girl?” Hunter said with a smirk on his face while Warlock sighs. “Come on, sparrow up!” All three of the guardians opened there own Ghost up and commanded for them to spawn their Sparrows, almost magically a vehicle popped up from thin air, floating right above the rocky marshes of the Moon. The sun gleamed on the vehicles almost blinding the guardians. “Is that a new Sparrow?” Titan asked Warlock. “Uh, not just a new sparrow, it’s the Timebreaker. It goes practically the speed of light within seconds.” Warlock replies with a sassy remark. “Don’t get your pretty lady hands sweaty there” Hunter once again grins, slightly more pasty. “You seem worried, watch!” Warlock vrooms the sparrow a bit and then pushes to full power, and pretty much vanishes. When the three got close to the entrance of the Hellmouth the night sky got even darker than the usual. “EVENT!” Hunter shouted so that the others could hear, they all knew what it meant. It could be Hordes of the enemy attacking a Sanctuary, or just a simple wave of enemies scanning fallen segments of the golden age. Just before they reached the event they all could hear a low crackling and the sound of gunfire off in the distance, so they sped up only to see… “Holy mother of-” “HELL!” Just as Hunter was cut off, Warlock was thrown off the side of her sparrow ramming into the edge, instantly downing her unconscious. “Gaurdian down-” “Wizard!” Titan and Hunter take out their rifles in a panic. They manage to take down the wizards sheild but the the enemy still remained. Hunter takes out the knife that lay on his leg pouch and boosts towards the floating wizard. Hunter jumps at the target dodging the blasts of energy and plasma, grabbing it by the neck pulling the wizard and himself down, and jumps on the its back. Hunter quickly raises the knife and smites the wizard down, letting its soul slip away from reality. “Great Work!” Titan congratulates Hunter, “Yeah thanks, but its not over yet.” Hunter climbs up a rock and puts his hand overhead. hundreds of thrall eating scraps and bones piled up in front of The Hellmouth crackled and dug around like dogs. Hive knights guarded most of the perimeter, using rocks and stones as target practice. “We've awoken the hive?” “Heck. Yes.” Titan mutters. “SKREEEETCH!” “What was that?!” Titan yells, “It’s the monster… Oh god.” In a near mountain, the side of it looked almost like it was opening, no, it was opening. The monster could be seen chained up from its arms down. 3 stories of hulking mass bending the chains with sheer force. The monsters back was fill with green orbs and constantly moving figures. Its eyes were nothing but a purple strain, most likely to keep it blinded, it could smell perfectly fine though. its hideousy could only be described as the worst thing known to the limits of the mind. guardians prepped their weapons and launchers for an all out massacre smelling of blood and metal with the feeling of spirits hollowed out of dreams and Light, or Darkness held within. With distinct looks on Titan and Hunters faces as they load their overshields up, they made a plan in steps. Destroy the seige. Reach the monster... kill it. And then dance on its corpse. Titan and Hunter were ready to fight. Hunter grabbed his knife still dripping with the essence of the wizard, charging down the hill they stood on. Slowly gaining only speed until electricity coursed through his legs upwards until it reached his brain triggering a mental state that allowed him to let his body flow with arc energy, letting him charge at top speeds almost faster than the eye could see. By now the Hive have noticed a sense of a guardian, charging Hunter head on. He grins mumbling the last words of the fight, “Come at me... worms”. Slicing through the hordes of thrall and acolytes as if they were bugs, Hunter hell bent on the hunt for the next enemy, only looked forward crushing every spirit in his wake. “Aw, come on! Leave some for me!” Titan chrunches his hands, swarming them in a ball of fire. Killing thrall left and right as they leaped at him with their agonizing screeches. Few turned into dozen and the rubble of acolytes grew. Titan grew even more fond of the fight and began to crush the heads of acolytes and rip the jaw lines of thrall. the bloodbath was over, but not the battle as the monster still stood. “You ready?” Titan fires up some more, “Born ready!” Hunter takes out an extra knife and dual wields them facing opposite of his body and vanishes leaving only a trail of smoke from the ashes of war. Titan soon followed, charging head on into the path of the monster. By now Hunter had exhausted most of his power, but he still had tricks up his sleeves. Hunter ran into the monster letting it know of their presence. The monster attempted to smash him with its massive hands only missing by an inch and taking a shotgun blast to the eyes. Stunned, the monster tips backwards due to the amount of mass on its back, but quickly recovers and targets Titan. Hunter uses this opportunity to ride on the back of the monster, where it could not reach and starts point blanking with his hand cannon. The monsters back blew open leaving a mess of goop and… eggs… “Are those, eggs?” Hunter crawled backwards on his forearms to escape the mess. “EGGS!” the eggs were hatching, clawing their way out of the cornucopia that was the shell of the egg. Since the eggs were not fully grown, the hatchlings weren’t quite ‘finished’ leaving them as demented incorrectly placed creatures who’s looks are indecipherable. The hatchlings started swarming Hunter causing him to struggle over to the cliff nearby, falling down. Titan was the only guardian remaining on the battlefield, he had to now not only kill the monster, but also the hatchlings that wandered with struggle. Titan felt a wave of emotions, he activated his super, infuriated in rage. He grabbed the relic that lay on his back burning with light and solar energy. He started running almost not even touching the ground, he vanished leaving a trail of fire. The monster looked around for the gaurdian, only to see a circle of fire twirling around it. Titans body charged through the circle making the monster take the fatal blows that the he was wailing at it. Hit after hit, shot after shot. There was nothing that could stop him now. The monster looked like it had enough throwing one of its arms at Titan smashing his armour leaving a massive dent. Titan puked something not natural. He took off the arm piece that had the dent in it. The moment the piece fell, blood followed it, the dent had left his arm almost covered in blood. Titan, on his knee, attempted to stand up only to fall back down face first, thoughts running through his head. Did I lose? Am I dead? What Happened? Blackness. [u][b]END OF CHAPTER 1[/b][/u]

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