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1/24/2015 7:54:48 PM
This is strat is good. What I find works better for me(cause I'm just making conversation here and not trying to argue with what someone else is comfortable with) is: 1) I go to the right side in hard mode instead of the left. I used to go to the left in normal, but found a little better cover from the boomers and crota on the right. 2) I call out fire as soon as i jump up to the rock, and as soon as i see the rockets at about the door where the swordbearer comes out, I run towards crota. 3) I've timed it so that I arrive just as his shield goes down, and he begins the animation of kneeling. I do 3 slams, and then melee back to the rocks. Then my team will call out the next "fire" as, I can't see when he turns green. If I get a super I do smash, smash, super, smash...if not, i just do 3 smashes. then I melee off the front edge and back to my team. 4)next go around i will do the same, but NO SUPER(if you get a super here you will likely cause too much damage and he will enrage) 5)3rd sword I'll get 3 smashes on first attempt, and he will enrage...with 2nd attempt if I hit the super it takes 1 smash, if not it takes 2 and he is down

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