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Edited by DeusDominus: 1/20/2015 11:09:46 AM

Craptathalon !

5 Things that Bungie could be doing besides fapping off and making us watch. 5. Adding New Armor Skins 4. Getting rid of the menagerie of animals that keeps players from connecting properly. 3. Vault Upgrade ! 2. New PvE story content 1. And this is the important one VAULT (storage)UPGRADE FIX IT DAMN IT. It's the one thing all your player agree on regardless of play style prefferd game mode etc... Vault upgrade come on Deej you know your tired of looking at my post. Shut me up and give us a proper vault. Also some honorable mentions A. Do something with the Khostov B. Why cant we go down to the city C. Why is the Tower so small D. VAULT(storage) UPDATE E. A way to change hair and eye color post character creation also new hairstyles. Ok Guardians your turn post your ideas below.

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