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4/17/2004 12:42:57 AM

Bungie Weekly Update!!!

Welcome to another Bungie Weekly update, hosted right here on our brand new forums. Things are getting busy around here. The pace is quickening, the late night Indian food is flowing and our completion date looms on the horizon (whatever you want to write here). But here's a glimpse at what's going on in-studio. [b]BS-Please![/b] A week or two ago, I went on and on about BSPs, describing these alleged "Binary Separation Planes" and their effect on the world. Turns out I was misinformed, and after programmers galore rolled their eyes at me and snorted when I passed them in the hallway, one approached me with the same embarrassed care of a co-worker explaining that I might have BO. Thanks Cuban. So a BSP, as it turns out is actually a "Binary Space Partition," which is a whole different egg. Not only that, it's an incredibly complicated algorithm that has no simple analog to a real life situation, so after toying with descriptions of coat hangers rotating inside a glass cube, or Imperial Star Destroyers parallel parking in Manhattan, I gave up. Suffice to say, Halo 2's got 'em and they're cool. [b]BS-Trees![/b] Although I've grown quite fond of the placeholder trees in one of the environments, I spied a "real" tree on an environment artist's monitor just a day or so ago. It was the best tree I've seen outside of RalliSport 2, so let's hope it finds its way into the game somehow. After all, the Ewoks we're introducing into the game have got to live somewhere… [b]Cinemagic![/b] Joe Staten is very pleased with a new technique he's incorporating into cinemas for the game. Thanks to some code-wizardry, he’s able to render a camera-image to a texture,. In this case, it was a view of an epic conflict through a window of a human ship. Joe says the engineers claim the technique can be applied to any surface, and one programmer told him he could do it on a biped. So, like, we could display an entire cinematic on a Grunt’s eyeball! Anyway, the point is that instead of flat-looking video outside the window, or on a video screen, we’ll be able to show the actual, alternate 3D scene. What was the dramatic scene in question? Well, Parsons calls it a pant-filler, I personally would call it a diaper-bulger... [b]Animatrices[/b] John Butkus, animator-deluxe, has been working on Elite animations, so that when they throw plasma grenades at you it looks totally convincing. Even cooler is their melee attack animations, which John is making weapon-specific rather than generic. That means that when you run into a crowd of Elites, they'll smash in your visor with total realism using a Plasma Rifle or a Needler. The turret animations are also being honed so that a player manning a turret looks even more badass. Right up until he gets sniped, that is. If you want to see what John's up to now, there's a webcam, slung low in the animator's pit, so you can make sure they're working (without seeing what's on their screens) and luckily, none of them wears a kilt. [b]Ghosting[/b] Jaime Griesemer, always a beacon of hope for the weekly update, didn't disappoint, and tells it best himself, "The Ghost handling is final.  Eamon made it bank into turns, so it feels more like a physical vehicle and less like a magic floaty one.  It’s also much lower to the ground than Halo 1, which increases the feeling of speed, makes it react to the ground more and makes it easier to run people over.  Shiek also added some ground effect lights which "connect" it to the ground even more."   Woot! Ghosts rule! But Jaime has more to say, "We’ve almost got a final list of combat dialog triggers in preparation for recording in a few weeks.  I’m pretty excited because we’re pushing the system a lot farther than we did in Halo 1.    And he continues, "I’ve also been spending time with Dave and Paul working on one of the human-themed levels.  We’re trying to make a real, sensible human space with a believable structure, instead of the ant-hill type environments you usually see.  That means that rooms and halls fit together to fill the interior space, all the walls have reasonable thicknesses, all the hallways lead to actual places, all the rooms have purposes and are connected to the other rooms logically.  [b]Soundscrapes[/b] C Paul and the audio fellas have been doing some very, very, very cool stuff. Fun with real audio, if you will. C Paul and the guys have been tuning the sounds for Ghost and Warthog. Lots of crashes, smashes, explosions, scrapes and sizzles. The vehicle damage is a noisy business! C Paul has also been thinking about soundscapes, noises to put in one of the new multiplayer levels. To illustrate, the Lockout multiplayer level you've seen has some of my favorites; wind whistling through narrow walkways, really eerie, lonely sounds. They mute of course when you enter a building, but that simply makes you feel more exposed and afraid when you're out in the open. It's a subtle but brilliant touch, and a lot more organic and natural than the sounds in the original Halo. And of course there are simply more of them. Other than that, the sound guys have been drinking too much coffee and talking about Marty's plans to become a legendary wedding march composer – a reader sent in a brilliant movie of he and his gorgeous wife being introduced at their reception – to the stirring choir and strings of Marty's Halo intro. [b]CP Use[/b] Butcher hooked up some new multiplayer code, and as usual, has been toiling away at bug fixes to make networking for Live more stable and robust. One really tough project this week was to finalize a "budget" for how much CPU time each game system is allowed to use. As you can imagine, it's essential that little detail gets nailed down properly… [b]Web-blastas[/b] We relaunched, to some acclaim, a few complaints and lots and lots of visitors. We don't kid ourselves that they came to see me and Sketch, we know they came for the new screenshots and the slick new look. I have to say though that the amount of work the web and test teams put into the site is incredible. Brian and the guys put in sick hours to make the site look and feel the way it does. The designers and the art team made it look fantastic and the test team made it work! Mostly! After all, I did just about everything you can imagine to break it. Including the only ugly page on the site. The Weekly Update archive. That's all for this week folks, but there's plenty of other junk to check out on the site, and check this nasty crap out... [img]\images\Games\Halo2\WeeklyUpdate\birdiesoundscapeer.jpg[/img] [Edited on 4/19/2004 7:38:25 AM]

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  • Cool better trees I wonder how differnt trees are on earth compared to those strange looking trees on halo u know the ones at the begening of the second level the ones from the ground up. Do u think that u can still walk on some of them? The gost sounds promising it never did feel like u were turning and they were too quiet sound like there gonna be AWSOME!!! cant wait. The sound sounds like its gonna sound promising

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  • hey did anyone else notice on the e3 trailer that the morine on the passenger side wasn't shooting during the e3 trailer if you noticed this frankie explain to me why the morine wasnt shooting or if anyone else knows the reason can you explain to me. I found this weird.

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  • lol

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  • Not to make fun of anyone. But you people here haven't really looked at that picture Bungie threw at us. I've read all these posts, and people haven't decided it seems to spot the obvious details. Good luck here. Gone for now.

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  • No spaces between Screen and shot! Lol!

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  • I think we need another out take or some thing right baout now, just to keep the activity flowing. Its been two days and we have pretty much said all there is to say about the update and the new screen shot.

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  • Think Frankie used more than 10000 letters on his post! I get so exited when I read it! Keep on updating, Frankie! Is it you, Frankie, that makes those cool little cartoons at the end? Lol! I love 'em!

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  • Right about now, we need some thing new, the screen shot has been looked over to many times. We need another out take, or a render, or even another screen shot. We need some thing to keep the activity high.

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  • I jumped ona car once. course, it wasnt moving or being piloted by a covenant. nice info om the spartan. nice attention to detail. as for not posting enough screenshots, do you want the whole thing ruined? the way they have been doing things keeps the high anticipation by boosting curiousity. If they keep up the latest trend we're gonna be gettin one a week till the release date. I doubt anything will differ in charge quality. it would be too hard to define in the game engine and explain to the player. although, this is Bungie, i wouldn't put anything above them. I think we could expect to see master chief get a tan if he stays near the sun to long.

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  • Runs infront of a moving vehicle. Thump! Ahhhhh, ahhhh the pain. I guess I'm not a spartan lol. Did anyone else notice the arc between the bottom and top of the plasma pistol, and plasma rifle. I'm glad they touched that little bit up, it makes things more realistic. The one thing I'm wondering is if Bungie will decrease or increase the amount of charge depending on the atmospheric air quality. Dryness, PSI, type of atoms arcing across ect...

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  • [quote]Posted By Dill X If you want to be realistic, you would be killed trying to jump onto a moving car.[/quote] Actually No, that is if your talking about a Spartan. Their reactions speed is nearly 3 times greater than a normal person's. Especially when in combat and its boosted when cortana is with him via a neural interface. There skeletal system ahs been enhaced as well and is almost indestructable. As for a normal human yes, but not a Spartan.

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  • If you want to be realistic, you would be killed trying to jump onto a moving car.

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] InnerDarkness i wanna know if you will be able to pull off that sweet 'jump on the front of the ghost' move in multi-player. it would also be kick@ss if you could jump onto the hood of the warthog.[/quote] I thought that was a little too much, they're making Halo 2 look like a darn comic book.

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] halo owns u Does anyone else think that there should be a third team for multiplayer? maybe the third team should be a 'neutral / freeforall' team. It'd be cool to stand by and watch a small war through the scope of your sniper rifle![/quote] Yes that would be fun.

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  • i wanna know if you will be able to pull off that sweet 'jump on the front of the ghost' move in multi-player. it would also be kick@ss if you could jump onto the hood of the warthog.

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  • [quote] u know how long it took to read through 30 pages?!!?!? a longgg time. why is it so difficult to put up screens? all u gotta do is get out a camara and snap! so y one screen a month? this close to release and one screen a month and no multiplayer details exept the vague stuff that we could think of ours selves? this is not area 51 what is up with the secrets? i already have it preordered and u know it will sell out so why such secrecy? by the way i like the updates just would like more screens plz and at least some general multiplayer deatial.:) i know u have to have some thing for e3 and xo4 but comon plz :) [/quote] calm down i read though 16 pages it didnt take that long and about the pictures how about you look at the webcam you really want pics lol

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  • u know how long it took to read through 30 pages?!!?!? a longgg time. why is it so difficult to put up screens? all u gotta do is get out a camara and snap! so y one screen a month? this close to release and one screen a month and no multiplayer details exept the vague stuff that we could think of ours selves? this is not area 51 what is up with the secrets? i already have it preordered and u know it will sell out so why such secrecy? by the way i like the updates just would like more screens plz and at least some general multiplayer deatial.:) i know u have to have some thing for e3 and xo4 but comon plz :)

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  • Ah, my weekly fix has, fixed...Thanks, Frankie. Great to hear about the ambient noises in MP...can't wait to get my hands on it!

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  • hey is anyone from the cast of Red vs Blue a member or are they too buisy making more superb episodes to continue the saga. [Edited on 4/17/2004 9:00:23 PM]

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  • yet another great update making me more eger for halo 2.

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  • hell yeah great update

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  • Not bad frankie but im tramitized by the lack of mister cheif =(

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Live killa Where was that said, I would like to see this on paper, or my computer screen atleast.[/quote] No offense, but I am pretty tired of proving my information. Anways here you go. It's from last year's OXM Halo 2 exclusive and Griesemer is talking:"Griesemer is not worried about throwing them curveballs:"We're taking some of the old weapons and making them a little more nuanced, we're introducing new weapons of course, but we're really adding layers of use to all these weapons. And most of the stuff you use, you'll see Marines using too." This is in quotes okay guys? The second set of quotes was Jaime Griesemer talking. There's your proof guys.

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  • I completely agree with you, Fridays are awsome, I love Frankies Bungie Weekly Updates, awsome job Frankie.

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  • Where was that said, I would like to see this on paper, or my computer screen atleast.

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