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5/22/2008 3:07:01 AM

Official Halo 3 *Mythic Difficulty* Guide (ALL SKULLS ON!!!) on HBO

[quote][b]Moderator-Approved[/b] - Please note that all forum rules apply and are enforced with extra strictness in this thread. Thanks. ~[i]Foman[/i][/quote] [quote][u][b]Mythic Update 9/11/2010[/b][/u] You can now keep yourself up to date with the Mythic madness by following [url=]the Team Mythic Twitter page[/url]! Stay tuned for the latest Mythic updates :-)[/quote] [quote][u][b]The Halo 3 Mythic Update 4/8/2010[/b][/u] Reach is right around the corner, and you know what that means, the time for Mythic ODST is running short! With only a few months left until the release of the highly anticipated Halo: Reach, we're now kicking Mythic into high gear in oder to churn out the ODST walkthrough over the summer to give Halo fans everywhere a better chance at conquering one of the greatest games of all time on the hardest setting ever recognized by the community. Stay tuned for more! -------------------------------------------------------------- I'd also like to take the time to thank Bungie for the massive support they've shown towards our community, and a special thanks to both Tom and Urk who went out of their way to make it all possible. You guys rock :-) Thank you, Louis (HBO Head Honcho), for not just hosting one, but rather [i]two[/i] of my Mythic walkthroughs and making it easier for players around the globe to get a better grasp of the Mythic Challenge. Couldn't have done it without you! And also a big thanks to AJ at Halocharts for implementing Mythic into his epic campaign challenges. Those shiney new Mythic medals are items that our conquerors wear with pride and still are a major incentive for those who are currently still getting their feet wet in the ocean of Mythic greatness before them. You guys are ALL awesome :-)[/quote] [url=]Halo 3 Mythic Difficulty[/url] (logo design by Vincent K) [url=]Team Mythic[/url] (taken by Tyrant) [u][b]Take the "Mythic Challenge" Today![/b][/u] What exactly is Mythic difficulty? Completing the campaign on Legendary, all 13 skulls activated, scoring enabled, and making it from start to finish on each individual mission without dying. This applies to both Solo Mythic and co-op (aka Multi-Mythic). My Halo 3 Mythic Walkthrough is now available to view on [url=]HBO's[/url] website. This guide includes a text-based walkthrough of each segment of all nine missions and contains videos of all critcal areas. All nine videos will remain on my file share. A special thanks goes out to Louis Wu for not only hosting the walkthrough on his site, but also for all the hard work he has put into cleaning up my Mythic guide mess and turning it into something legable XD All nine missions are available on his site along with videos of all criticals areas and even a special "Tips" section to help get you started. [b]Coming Soon![/b] [b]Mythic 2.0[/b] is now on the horizon. New strategies are being implemented into most of the missions in order to provide you easier avenues of success on your Mythic quest. These "upgrades" are not meant to fully take the place of the original walkthrough, but rather enhance it. Each 2.0 Strategy Guide will contain step by step instructions on the altered strategies, and a full file share video will be included as well. Look for the "2.0 Guide" link below each each mission to simplify [i]your[/i] experience! :-) And now I give you... [url=]"The Halo 3 Mythic Walkthrough" by Tyrant[/url] Also, be sure to check out the [i]massive[/i] update given to the walkthrough pages courtesy of Louis Wu. Now reading and viewing at the same time is easier than ever! [url=]HBO H3 Mythic News Coverage[/url] [quote][/quote] [b][u]The Halo 3 Mythic Walkthrough[/u][/b] 1) [b]Sierra 117[/b] - [url=]Walkthrough 1.0[/url] - [url=]Walkthrough 2.0[/url] 2) [b]Crow's Nest[/b] - [url=]Walkthrough 1.0[/url] - [url=]Walkthrough 2.0[/url] 3) [b]Tsavo Highway[/b] - [url=]Walkthrough 1.0[/url] - [url=]Walkthrough 2.0[/url] 4) [b]The Storm[/b] - [url=]Walkthrough 1.0[/url] - [url=]Walkthrough 2.0[/url] 5) [b]Floodgate[/b] - [url=]Walkthrough 1.0[/url] - [url=]Walkthrough 2.0[/url] 6) [b]The Ark[/b] - [url=]Walkthrough 1.0[/url] 7) [b]The Covenant[/b] - [url=]Walkthrough 1.0[/url] - [url=]Walkthrough 2.0[/url] - [url=]Walkthrough Kamikaze[/url] 8) [b]Cortana[/b] - [url=]Walkthrough 1.0[/url] - [url=]Walkthrough 2.0[/url] 9) [b]Halo[/b] - [url=]Walkthrough 1.0[/url] - [url=]Walkthrough 2.0[/url] [quote][/quote] [url=]The Quest for Mythic[/url] Group. The above group was recently created for all Mythic completers as well as people who are in the proccess of performing their own quest. You [u]MUST[/u] have at least one Mythic level under your belt and in your fileshare to be considered for membership. This provides an easier way of keeping track of stats. Read the rules BEFORE posting! [quote][/quote] [url=]The Quest for *Multi-Mythic Difficulty*[/url] Taking it up a notch, watch as Team Mythic Alpha fights for first place titles in the Multi-Mythic Marathon (Coop + Legendary + all skulls + scoring + zero deaths/saves). [quote][/quote] [b]FAQ[/b] Q. What is Mythic?? A. Solo Legendary All Skulls On with zero deaths and zero saves. Each mission must be run from start to finish without dying, saving, or quitting. Q. What is the difference between Mythic Difficulty and SLASO? A. Not much. However SLASO simply defines the game as being played solo legendary all skulls on. Mythic, however, states that there must be zero deaths and zero saves per mission, thereby making Mythic a far greater and more specific challenge. The same rules apply to co-op in the sense that no player may die in order to successfully complete the mission on Co-op Mythic. Q. Is there any special ending for beating the game on Mythic? A. No. It's the same as the Legendary ending. I imagine the people who would've been able to witness a Mythic ending would have been too few for such an effort. Bungie knew this. Q. Do you get any new armor or reward for beating it on Mythic? A. No. You do not unlock anything simply for beating the game on Mythic. That is unless you have yet to beat the game just on Legendary in which you would obtain the normal achievements associated with it. Q. Do I have to have the silver skulls on for it to count as Mythic? A. Yes. All skulls means [u]ALL[/u] skulls. Q. Can I have a friend help me complete the game on Mythic? A. Well then it wouldn't be solo Mythic now would it? Q. Do you have to turn on campaign scoring? A. I've decided to update this to cause less confusion. In a word... yes. While it doesn't effect game-play directly, it's the simplest way to prove your success to the rest of the world and is a [i]requirement[/i] to become a member of the Quest for Mythic group. Q. What are the "Kamikaze" videos? A. A separate, speedier, and more skillful avenue for certain areas of the game. Just like the "Slow & Steady" methods, they have been tested multiple times and are proven to work. However they do require excellent reaction time, a vast knowledge of the road ahead, and a fair bit of experience with Mythic. Q. Why was I rejected from your group? A. Simply put, read the rules. 99.9% of the time, it's because you haven't completed a Mythic level with scoring on and uploaded it to your file share. This [i]must[/i] be done in order to gain acceptence into the Mythic group. [u][b]Mythic Conquerors[/b][/u] [b]1) Pahat Pojat[/b] [b]2) I The Tyrant I[/b] [b]3) StaroceanZero[/b] [b]4) VincentKurayama[/b] [b]5) DarkDEVASTAT10N[/b] [b]6) XPox[/b] [b]7) ODST Panda[/b] 8) Gazas 9) Deck Gumby 10) B0ANERGES 11) AuraSoldier313 12) xKristoVx 13) Penatonic 14) Halo Spartan UK 15) vMidnightShadev 16) SHADOWSTRIKE1 17) MATCLAN 18) DragonNinjaX 19) Lt Play Doh 20) TheMoleN 21) Legendary smile 22) CarubanV2 23) Thug Naztyyy 24) Naked Eli 25) iCoughingsux 26) THE Depleted 27) Zooka 28) Sangheilioz 29) Michael Archer 30) Sgt NoobKilla 31) Ultimate RC 32) OozyXBCPx 33) chris101b 34) Uysie 35) carl22grant 36) Rymasters Daddy 37) Hubb Lebowski 38) ODSTxSHELBURNE 39) onlinealias 40) Xx NicH xX 41) Kiilimar 42) Simkin 42 43) MichaelWSmith [[b]BOLD[/b] = [u]Pre[/u]-Walkthrough] Thank you, Community!!! [Edited on 12.29.2011 6:34 PM PST]
#Halo #Halo3

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  • So, Firefight in Reach looks pretty sick. It's putting me in the mood to pick up Mythic difficulty again. Perhaps I'll even go for the FF record one more time?

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Gazas The reticle is the only problem I have with Blind, once I adapted to it, I didn't even care about Blind.[/quote] I still can't snipe with Blind lol. My BR is good though and relying on your senses makes not having a radar or visible health and ammo counters to be kind of intuitive. It's hard to explain, but there's just a sot of feeling that you have once you get over Blind and it can actually help more than hinder.

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  • The reticle is the only problem I have with Blind, once I adapted to it, I didn't even care about Blind.

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  • ^ What he said. Blind seems bad at first, but if you just keep at it you can eventually appreciate the wider field of view and the fact that by not being able to see your own shield bar you develop an instinctive feeling as to how much more damage you can take before needing to drop a Regenerator or melee something. It's all in your head and shouldn't be the main reason for not trying something you want to do. Start with Floodgate on Legendary with just Blind until you're comfortable then either add all the other skulls or experiment with them gradually and Blind shouldn't be a problem after a little while.

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] chaomera888 i dont think would be able to resist trying Mythic, although i know i would fail miserably and i dont see myself actually trying to get it, i just want to get a feel for how hard it would be, as for SLASO and Zero Shot on Legendary, i could see myself trying for real and speedrunning would be realy fun (id probably try it on easy first, lol) the only thing im gona hate is having blind on, i -blam!-in HATE that demon that you call a skull, and honestly i think that if its silver it shouldnt need to be on (atleast for SLASO, Mythic i could understand), it would also help if i had my own copy of halo 3, so i guess ill try the odst campaign first, mombasa streets would help get me used to it[/quote] Blind does nothing. Its purely psychological, it doesn't alter the game in any way. The only thing Blind does that affects gameplay is remove the reticule, which you will soon learn to adapt to. None of the skulls make you take more damage, its all the same as Legendary. Mythic really isn't all that difficult. Once you have the basics down you've got it. It takes a while to adapt to, but once you've done it, it becomes a lot easier. Zero Shot legendary on the other hand. From my experience, it requires a lot more luck and involves factors that you, the player cannot control. For example at the river part of Sierra 117. I normally skip the river as its too hard to fight. Half the time, the snipers will pick you off as you make a dash to the hiding spot at the end of this area. Another example; is the encounter with 4 Jackal Snipers with Carbines in the trees. The positioning of these and the fact that they sometimes dont shoot at you is chance. If they all notice you and shoot, you're dead. If they don't; you'll live. Also for the above area; half the time if you are able to get the bubble shield in the previous area (which is surprisingly low), you wont need it. Where as sometimes you do, which is very annoying. Mythic and Zero Shot Legendary both require adaptation to the game style, but once you've done it, it becomes much easier. That is all.

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  • i dont think would be able to resist trying Mythic, although i know i would fail miserably and i dont see myself actually trying to get it, i just want to get a feel for how hard it would be, as for SLASO and Zero Shot on Legendary, i could see myself trying for real and speedrunning would be realy fun (id probably try it on easy first, lol) the only thing im gona hate is having blind on, i -blam!-in HATE that demon that you call a skull, and honestly i think that if its silver it shouldnt need to be on (atleast for SLASO, Mythic i could understand), it would also help if i had my own copy of halo 3, so i guess ill try the odst campaign first, mombasa streets would help get me used to it

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Naked Eli [u] Halo 3 Campaign (Zero Shots, No Deaths, Legendary): [/u] [url=]Sierra 117 in 24:59[/url] [url=]Crow's Nest in 26:03[/url] [url=]Tsavo Highway in 5:05[/url] [url=]The Storm in 9:55[/url] [url=]Floodgate in 4:32[/url] [url=]The Ark in 54:02[/url] [url=]The Covenant in 29:31[/url] [url=]Cortana in 7:39[/url] [url=]Halo in 13:07[/url] Total time: less than 3 hours N8ked Eli[/quote] I bow to thee, very nice Eli.. Stunning.

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] KillahBrigs i wonder if this is hard..[/quote] Load up Halo 3 and find out for yourself? Otherwise I'd say yes, it is hard but once you adapt it's really not that bad and actually makes certain battles become quite enjoyable IMO.

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  • i wonder if this is hard..

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] ICanHazRecon911 all the people who have completed it have no life...[/quote]Listen to this prophet, he's watching us.

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Gazas So that's what you're busy with. When will you have time for me, Dark? I never see you. You never call me. ... I wanna break up. No but really, come on, 2 more missions left![/quote] Shutup noob. Um, I'm free all this week. Next tuesday I have an exam though so I can't do it then. But anytime is good. Lets get this finished.

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  • all the people who have completed it have no life...

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  • So that's what you're busy with. When will you have time for me, Dark? I never see you. You never call me. ... I wanna break up. No but really, come on, 2 more missions left!

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Naked Eli So are you going for Mythic Zero Shot or Legendary Zero Shot? I would try it Mythic myself, but unfortunately I'm away from my xbox for 2 months and then Reach is debuting along with a new busy school year, so I prob won't be attempting it. Good luck on your journey to Zero Shot Conqueror ;)[/quote] I'm firstly going to go for Legendary Zero Shot. Going to do it in Campaign order, so Sierra 117 first and finishing up with Halo. I have a week untill my next exam, so hopefully I'll get Sierra 117 and Crow's Nest done leading up to that. Going to try to have it beaten mid-july. Expect competition on Sierra 117, Crow's Nest, maybe Tsavo not so sure yet, The Ark and The Covenant. The other times for the missions are fine. After all, even if you beat me, my aim is to get the times as low as possible. So competition is good. I really doubt Mythic Zero Shot is possible to be honest. Missions like Crow's Nest and The Ark would be so hard it'd be unreal. Its too hard to moniter all the things it would require. You need a HUD for Zero Shot. You need to know what grenades you have equipped, if you picked that bubble shield up from the Brute you just killed etc, would be too hard. I watched your Sierra 117 video. Everything you do is the same as me. Even the river part, you walk through the water in the exact same path as me. Although, I like your idea of meleeing with the Brute Shot. I never thought of doing that, so its helpful. I've also learnt, bubble shields are extremely helpful throughout the entire mission. Once again, congratulations on completing this, and watch those speedrun times. If I can, my first aim is to complete the entire game Zero Shot in order to see what is possible and what isnt. Then I'll get to speedrunning it, because then I'll know whats possible and what isn't.

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] jew man man I have to say. I am indeed impressed. And I [b]WILL[/b] be trying this. [/quote] Happy to hear it :) [quote]Lets start, Sierra 117, I've been trying this one myself. Doesn't seem all that difficult. The Snipers can be a problem, but with the Arbiter, grenades and a few Bubble Shields they are no problem at all. The pre-dam area is probably the hardest in this mission. As the dam area can be rushed straight to Johnson and it isnt hard to do this. Just going to say, you better watch your time on this one. I LOVE speedrunning this mission. [/quote] haha great b/c I HATE this mission, so I look forward to you crushing my time. Its all easy until the sniper forest, gotta get lucky w/ arbiter and have perfect nades. then pre-dam you will die A LOT, gotta get lucky w/ the brutes holding bubbles. you'll see i run around like an idiot for 4 minutes at the end to blast the pelican into a safer spot, but i took the risky jump and made it. you can easily get this mission under 20 min, assuming you can make it to the end w/o throwing your controller into your TV. [quote]Crow's Nest... This and The Ark seem to be extremely hard to me. The Hangar, and Drones room.. how are these even possible? I think I'll have to watch your video to see how you dealt with this, I have no idea. For the rest of the mission, I have an idea how its possible. But still; very well done on this mission. [/quote] They seem hard because... they are lol. But they are doable. The drones are easy, watch my technique. Basically, you get close to them, they shoot at you, your AI take them out. Carry a bubble for safety if u can get one in the hangar, where you should take out the dropships right as they come in. Expect a lot of deaths before getting the "hang" of it... sorry bad pun. [quote] Tsavo Highway, well.. not much to say about this one. Seems simple enough. The only part that I think would require a touch of luck would be the very end part. [/quote] Its a regular Tsavo run, yes, until the end. After you get through the cave, half the time your marines are alive, half the times they are dead and u see what i do in my video to get a new hog of marines. BUT, I was wondering if you could grab a chopper, head past the brutes, deploy a bubble on top of the pelican, and nade both the turret and the shield door to finish the mission much faster w/o the help of your marines, who you really dont want to depend on. I got to the end so many times, and the marines stood there like idiots not even shooting at the turret... [quote]The Storm in 9:55 with NO shots fired is very impressive. How would you do the first lakebed without shooting? I can only think of few ways how this could be possible, and they would require a lot of skill. I beat this mission on Mythic in 10:55 or something. And Pahis did it in 9:47 I think. But to keep UP with Pahis without shooting, well done. [/quote] Thanks, but remember it's not on Mythic lol. If you could do the whole campaign Mythic Zero Shot, that would be insane. [quote]Floodgate; easy. [/quote] Yes lol very. To get a time on the level of Rorcin's runs though... not easy. I didn't even try. He told me he had a 3:41 he hadn't submitted, so aim for that time if you want the record. [quote]Now, The Ark. I can understand how most of this is possible. But the part with the two AA Wraiths.. How the hell did you do this part? I really will have to watch your video and take notes. Dont expect much competition on this time, if I beat it, it'll be purely chance. [/quote] The Ark is hard, no doubt. I got past the Scarab and died several times, very frustrating. I think this run can go under 35 minutes easily if you do these 3 things: 1. Chopper to the scarab and grav lift up, see [url][/url] 2. Chopper up the side and drop down to go inside, see [url][/url] 3. Kill the chieftain in the end fast (don't screw up like i did lol), hopefully he'll have invincibility, use it to take out all 6 brutes w/ nades and melee, then camo the last brute or two as well as the jackals. [quote]Some parts of The Covenant will be easy. And some parts could be quite difficult. But it doesn't really seem all that difficult. [/quote] The hardest part for me was getting the first ghost w/ a good nade, then getting inside. The Chieftains and their cohorts of filthy brute captains require some good stickies. And the final corridors take some good nades to kill the fuel rod grunts. Other than that, its home free. I look forward to any runs that beat my time. [quote]The rest of the campaign is fairly easy. Don't expect any challenges on the times of Cortana and Halo. I'll never beat them, I know how good you are at Cortana. [/quote] True that ;) Although my Halo run can be improved if you can keep your auto sentinels alive, theyre pretty beast. [quote]Overall, I really have to say; congratulations! This does seem like a challenge and I'm up for it. It will give me something to do for the next few weeks. [/quote] So are you going for Mythic Zero Shot or Legendary Zero Shot? I would try it Mythic myself, but unfortunately I'm away from my xbox for 2 months and then Reach is debuting along with a new busy school year, so I prob won't be attempting it. Good luck on your journey to Zero Shot Conqueror ;)

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  • That's some really good work Eli. I'll check out the videos sometime.

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  • I have to say. I am indeed impressed. And I [b]WILL[/b] be trying this. Lets start, Sierra 117, I've been trying this one myself. Doesn't seem all that difficult. The Snipers can be a problem, but with the Arbiter, grenades and a few Bubble Shields they are no problem at all. The pre-dam area is probably the hardest in this mission. As the dam area can be rushed straight to Johnson and it isnt hard to do this. Just going to say, you better watch your time on this one. I LOVE speedrunning this mission. Crow's Nest... This and The Ark seem to be extremely hard to me. The Hangar, and Drones room.. how are these even possible? I think I'll have to watch your video to see how you dealt with this, I have no idea. For the rest of the mission, I have an idea how its possible. But still; very well done on this mission. Tsavo Highway, well.. not much to say about this one. Seems simple enough. The only part that I think would require a touch of luck would be the very end part. The Storm in 9:55 with NO shots fired is very impressive. How would you do the first lakebed without shooting? I can only think of few ways how this could be possible, and they would require a lot of skill. I beat this mission on Mythic in 10:55 or something. And Pahis did it in 9:47 I think. But to keep UP with Pahis without shooting, well done. I think this mission isn't all that difficult as I've practiced it a LOT in order to get my time < 11minutes Mythic. This time will not be getting any competition. Unless I watch your video and see if I can improve any methods, which I may have to do sometime. Floodgate; easy. Now, The Ark. I can understand how most of this is possible. But the part with the two AA Wraiths.. How the hell did you do this part? I really will have to watch your video and take notes. Dont expect much competition on this time, if I beat it, it'll be purely chance. Some parts of The Covenant will be easy. And some parts could be quite difficult. But it doesn't really seem all that difficult. Like Sierra 117 and The Storm, I practice this mission a lot playing Mythic. So it shouldn't be "that" hard. The rest of the campaign is fairly easy. Don't expect any challenges on the times of Cortana and Halo. I'll never beat them, I know how good you are at Cortana. Overall, I really have to say; congratulations! This does seem like a challenge and I'm up for it. It will give me something to do for the next few weeks.

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  • Hey guys, idk if you remember me from SMRC and my Cortana faceoff w/ Pahis, but I thought this might interest you. I know MATCLAN and Dark saw this already in the general forum, thanks for the posts :) I conquered the entire campaign Zero Shot, with 8 of 9 record speedruns (all except Floodgate; see Check em out: [u] Halo 3 Campaign (Zero Shots, No Deaths, Legendary): [/u] [url=]Sierra 117 in 24:59[/url] [url=]Crow's Nest in 26:03[/url] [url=]Tsavo Highway in 5:05[/url] [url=]The Storm in 9:55[/url] [url=]Floodgate in 4:32[/url] [url=]The Ark in 54:02[/url] [url=]The Covenant in 29:31[/url] [url=]Cortana in 7:39[/url] [url=]Halo in 13:07[/url] Total time: less than 3 hours This marks the first game in the Halo series to be completed this way. For me, it was much more difficult than Mythic/SLASO. Think about getting past the Sierra jackal snipers, or the Nest drones, or Scarabs, or entire rooms of Brutes without being able to fire a single bullet. Hopefully you'll find new tricks in there for Mythic as well. Cheers, N8ked Eli

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] MATCLAN [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] a Hall Monitor I've been booted from ever sending any videos on file share does this mean i cant join this group cause even if i do this the only way to prove it is to look up my stats on on campaign. Is all hope for me lost? what if i just pay a penalty fee and get my file share back to my account?[/quote] No such thing as paying a penalty fee. You get file share banned if you had modded content on it and it's permanent and there are no appeals. Game history can be proof though, link the games here because searching through someone else's history is tedious.[/quote] You also recieve a warning first time. So you have to ignore the warning and try to put modded content on again. Just post history here. Or make a second account and just use that fileshare.

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] a Hall Monitor I've been booted from ever sending any videos on file share does this mean i cant join this group cause even if i do this the only way to prove it is to look up my stats on on campaign. Is all hope for me lost? what if i just pay a penalty fee and get my file share back to my account?[/quote] No such thing as paying a penalty fee. You get file share banned if you had modded content on it and it's permanent and there are no appeals. Game history can be proof though, link the games here because searching through someone else's history is tedious.

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  • I've been booted from ever sending any videos on file share does this mean i cant join this group cause even if i do this the only way to prove it is to look up my stats on on campaign. Is all hope for me lost? what if i just pay a penalty fee and get my file share back to my account?

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] MATCLAN In other news I've just finished Halo 2 on Legendary. That means that I've finished every Halo game on Legendary (including Halo Wars and obviously H3 and ODST on Mythic). I just never want to see another Jackal with a Beam Rifle again. :-P[/quote] I've only ever finished ODST Solo Legendary. Did H3 & Halo Wars Co-Op Legendary. Halo 2 and Halo 1 Normal. I'm pro like that. :P

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  • Yeah it was. :-P You guys all seem to know a lot more trick jumps etc than me.

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] MATCLAN [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] jew man man The one in [url=]this[/url] speedrun.[/quote] I see. That's pretty amazing, I wouldn't have ever thought to try something like that. In other news I've just finished Halo 2 on Legendary. That means that I've finished every Halo game on Legendary (including Halo Wars and obviously H3 and ODST on Mythic). I just never want to see another Jackal with a Beam Rifle again. :-P[/quote] Without watching I bet it is the one where you jump on the ledge then slide off the ramp that you walk up. If that is the jump then it can be pretty hard to get right.

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] jew man man The one in [url=]this[/url] speedrun.[/quote] I see. That's pretty amazing, I wouldn't have ever thought to try something like that. In other news I've just finished Halo 2 on Legendary. That means that I've finished every Halo game on Legendary (including Halo Wars and obviously H3 and ODST on Mythic). I just never want to see another Jackal with a Beam Rifle again. :-P [Edited on 05.26.2010 9:16 AM PDT]

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  • The one in [url=]this[/url] speedrun.

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