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12/21/2014 9:52:12 AM
[quote]There's the link. I purely made this forum just so others could see it who perhaps haven't yet seen/read the update*. This is BY FAR the most efficient, simple way of finding all your dead ghosts. It even tells you which ones you have and haven't got! Just enter your Gamertag in the search bar and set your platform accordingly. A lot easier than a Youtube walkthrough video as well. You won't regret it! :D *Bungie End-of-Year-Update - 2014 Link: // Edit 1 // A couple of people have been experiencing errors. My advice; make sure you entered your Gamertag in correctly and selected the corresponding platform. That's all I got other than refreshing the page ;) Good luck! // Edit 2 // For those people wondering what dead ghosts do; each ghost you find unlocks a card in your grimoire with unique lore as well as some grimoire score to go with it. You can view those cards on the Bungie website or in the Destiny app. Additionally, each time you recover a dead ghost you replenish your super meter and gain a little experience. Ghosts you find are shared across your entire account, so you can only find each one once regardless of whether you play multiple characters. There is also an achievement/trophy for finding 50 of them. Hope that helps! :) // Edit 3 // There are a few people wondering where it shows you what ones you do/don't have. On the right of a section if there is a red bar; it means you ain't got it. If it's green; you've got it! Also on the very left it will show how many dead ghosts you have on each planet/on the tower. :) // Edit 4 // Includes DLC Ghosts too![/quote] So what happens when you get them all

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