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12/19/2014 10:28:56 PM
Lol I will have some of what you're having...

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  • I am a writer and a poet, I do not do drugs, and if you do not agree with my post then move along.

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  • Well you need to lighten up Mr poet

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  • If things are not treated seriously, nothing will be; to falter here and now, means giving ground later, when it really matters.

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  • Destiny is a type of game that a lot of people already enjoy, like me. There are other games with great storylines that you seem to love. But don't try to push this game into changing into a different game.

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  • Change can be frightening, but it can open new opportunities, I asked for more focus on the story, because this game was advertised as a MMO FPS RPG, and more focus has been placed on the FPS aspects. They released barely any content for double the basic value for such expansions, and that is unfair to all the players who purchased said content. I got the game for $10, and the DLC Bundle for free, so I can clearly say I am not defending my purchase. The concept that the game has story but trapped in the cards and out of game alone is ridiculous, but to suggest that it can never has a story purely because your afraid of what might happen is just pathetic. I don't mean to judge, you have a right to be happy with the product you purchased, but almost all of my friends and many of those who I speak to online, offline, in the forums, off site chats all come to the same conclusion; "This game needs more story". That is to say, more PvE installments, more content in general, but most of all....the Grimoire cards need to be in game; the story should be told in game... That's all this post is about; the story being added to the game.

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  • I would like a story. The fact that there isn't a solid one is not bothering the way I play. I don't know how you came to the conclusion that I was afraid of change is beyond me. I just know what's in the game as of right now and with what's in it is amazing to me. So I don't feel it needs that epic storyline.

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  • it needs the story in game, right now it is on that is the problem.

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  • it sounds like a problem for you and not me though.

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  • To each there own.

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  • Lol that makes no sense. How can you make that leap? Don't just string words together to sound smart because it is nonsense.

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  • There is no leap; you said: [quote]Well you need to lighten up Mr poet[/quote] to which means, I am taking things too seriously.... [quote]If things are not treated seriously, nothing will be; to falter here and now, means giving ground later, when it really matters.[/quote] That means; we need find what really matters, how can we survive as society if we fail to have a culture. We need to have story, its the birth right of every tale, if there is nothing to fall back upon the title will fail, and they will continue to sell cheap and poor material for the same price as other higher titles, and soon others will agree; "why try when they will buy it anyway."

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  • You are reading too much into my response about lightening up. I made a joke because you went too deep for a game that isn't going to change. If you take things like a game meant for fun too seriously you miss the point entirely. The story in this game does suck, but there are better games out there with story. Destiny isn't going to change the world and neither are video games. They are entertainment not life and death you are making them out to be. Lighten up man, it will be ok.

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  • Story is life told, it took on new life when it took to the page, and once more when it became film. Video games let you live the story and be apart of them, these help develop culture and without culture a people die alone and without hope. I, like many others play games to find this culture, to find the story, so we can find the meanings to our own questions. At times to escape the mundane or the aggravation of every day life, but many seek the life within each tale; as though chasing other realms and the gods within.

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  • Edited by gimmecookie85: 12/20/2014 12:07:36 AM
    See dude this is what I am talking about. I understand you like video games. I also understand that this one let you down. I personally hate Destiny, but I recognize it for what it is, a game. If you are trying to find answers in a work of fiction, you are looking in the wrong place, especially if that is in video games. I am not trying to tell you how to be a writer, that said, I do think you are using too many words to say what you mean. Seriously just be direct, and don't try to sound smart because it just backfires. I can't make you see what I am talking about, but I can do my best to convey those ideas. If you use too many metaphors it clouds the message. That is what you may be doing. That is why I said "lighten up" and I would say it again. These are video games, not life. Meant for enjoyment, not to find answers.

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  • You seem to be under the Impression that I didn't say [b]DO [u]NOT[/u] POST BACK[/b], you can disagree all you want, but unless your next line is an apology for being rude, you need to [url=]sit down[/url].....or find a [url=]new post[/url] to bother with, because this is not your best choice.

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  • Lighten up sir, I will refer you to my pervious post. If you don't like it tough. You will never get an apology. I wasn't being rude. You are being childish, you do not have the right to tell me where I can post. If you don't like feedback then don't put your work in public. You don't own me or this message board. Get over yourself dude!

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  • If every word is spoken straight as a line, I would no longer speak as I am, you ask me to change the way I write, as the way I speak or breathe. The fact that I play video games for the story alone says I am not here for the games of children, you need to sop telling me to calm down, for it is hard to remain calm when others make sport of you and try to make you look the fool. DO NOT POST BACK beyond an apology, you are done here.

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  • This games demographic is set at children, not adults, but adults still love gaming but kids are not worried about the story, they are worried how many aliens they can kill.

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  • Edited by Samcara Tree: 12/20/2014 12:44:02 AM
    t for teen actually...otherwise there would be no killing

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  • yeah and M is for mature, that still doesnt stop kids from playing those types of games.

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  • no, only parents can do that, but that is a different issue entirely.

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  • Lol lighten up dood! You are the one who sounds like a child. I guess no one ever told you the truth about the way you speak. I can say what I want, if you take offense, so be it. You will not get an apology from me as there is no reason to apologize . I am just saying what is real, you can take my advice or leave it. The choice is yours, but if you put something up like that, expect public scrutiny. If you don't like it, don't put it in a public place. Simple as that. Don't worry I won't read anything you write anymore because it is convoluted. Good day sir.

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