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originally posted in: So crota has been cheesed?
12/17/2014 3:24:47 PM
Bungie needs to ask Why Why are players finding shortcuts? Why did they push Atheon? Why did they shoot into a loot cave? I believe it's a combination of unknown rewards VS time a player wants to invest. The reward MIGHT be great OR MIGHT be garbage the player wants to find out the fastest way possible. because the loot and gear is the prize. We all want to have the best gear and that is the high level raid gear. Next part of the answer. How fast do we want the high level gear. Do we want to spend hours at a broken boss fight only to get 2 shards OR spend 3 minutes and find the rewards. It's human nature to search for the simplest, quickest and most efficient method to get what we want. And in the real world employees that get __x__ amount of work done the Fastest and most efficient way get promotions and raises.

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