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originally posted in:ALCOHOLof FAME
12/15/2014 1:24:03 PM

Raid Keys To Victory

1. Teamwork- One if the most important rules of a raid is teamwork. You must have six people who can work as a single mind. If one person is playing against the team, boot them fast, or your chances of winning may die. 2. Chemistry- This goes with teamwork. Chemistry is important to have. Your team must be able to stand playing with each other for hours on end. Some people get annoying after ten minutes, some after hours of play. Your group must flow like sugar in water, not oil. 3. Communication- This might be the most important piece of the puzzle. There must be good communication for a raid. There is no need for irrelevant chatter, and the mic's should be relaying only things relevant to the raid. Just like the first two parts, if someone fails to communicate, or is off topic, boot them and find someone else. 4. Gear- I have seen how this helps so much. A lower level going into a raid won't have the gear to accurately help them in the raid. Are your guns rare (294 damage) or legendary (300/331)? If you have unleveled guns, they are going to be less effective than their upgraded counterparts. Same with armor. Are you a level 24 or 28 trying to do your first Vault of Glass raid. A 24 can beat it without dying much, but they have to rely on other tactics. Be sure to have the best gear you can to help your team. 5. Skill- Some people have a knack for challenge, others don't. It is that simple. Are you a person who is able to take a challenge on your feet, or are you the guy who will be dragging an ally down? You want to be versatile enough to be able to help wherever needed. What happens if your relic holder goes down? Can you pick it up and go ham on the boss? It takes the right amount of skill to be successful. 6. Luck- This one is sometimes going to be the key to your raid. Are the game gods nice to you today, or are they beating you down at every turn? Lady luck may have to be on your side for your raid to be a success. One good run can advance you in the raid. 7. Just Have Fun- This one is just as important as all of the other pieces. After all, this is just a game. If you aren't having fun, then you probably need to find something else to do. A game is a game, even if you are trying to be the best at it. Being a dick and yelling at teammates is not fun for the other guys. You have to remember that at the end of the day, you still want these guys to be your friends, and you are having fun. As a last word I am going to say that I feel everyone should be reading and following these steps. I've been a part of many different groups in different games. Even my clans in racing games lost focus of how to play as a group and have fun. It caused a schism, and the group split. I was left in the middle, and was forced to choose a side. Never be the guy who causes such a thing. It's a game and act like an adult, even if you aren't one. No one wants to have a dick in their clan, group or game. Thanks for any who read and respond to this.
#Raid #teamwork

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