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originally posted in:Dads of Destiny
originally posted in: Why do we Game?
12/10/2014 7:31:43 PM
I game a stress relief and it is something that I can do that I enjoy just for me. I used to play golf 1 to 2 times per month but with cost per round d and time loss with family it became an expensive habit both monetarily and emotionally. In came xbox one. I had an original NES and then nothing else before the xbox one. The things I love about gaming are that I can do it after the kids and wife are asleep so no lost family time and that I play and interact with a lot of people that I used to go to bars with but can't anymore due to family commitments. Initially my wife was against the xbox one because of cost and the fact that I had never been a gamer but since I have put over 800 hours on the system the cost per hour of entertainment is close to $1 which you simply can not get in any other form. Wow that got long quick. The short answer is I game because either is fun and I can do it cheaply and without compromising family time.

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