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originally posted in: Bungie Weekly Update - 12/04/2014
12/10/2014 12:49:37 AM
[quote][url=/en/News/News?aid=12447]Bungie Weekly Update - 12/04/2014[/url][/quote] This is going to be 3rd...4th one of these so far? Heh. Anyways, I think a lot of crap needs addressing still. But I think the biggest issue here and why there is such a divide in the logic/reasoning, is that everyone has their own impression of what this game is. And that is to be expected because Bungie never really detailed that. They kinda wanted it to be a bit of everything, and prior to the launch with all those promising advertisements, the developer interviews we saw and the videos leading up to the Beta? Its safe to say that this game was intended to be it, the END ALL game that we could all enjoy and spend our time on being in this world that we wouldn't want to ever to leave. Obviously, that was ruined by Corporate America. Fact is, here is what "DESTINY" the game is... It is an MMO FPS with RPG elements. Its an MMO, straight up, but its a hybrid between FPS and RPG. You can't compare it to the normal MMORPG model. In your "basic" MMORPG, yes, you gain levels to acquire new, powerful gear. That's basic. Those games, like the cheap knock off, copycat RPGs where they are more or less a grind fest? That grinding usually has an end goal so that you can participate in the End Game content. That's the model of a crappy MMORPG. You know the ones I'm talking about. But then you have the GOOD examples, like "TERA Online" which is more akin to what Destiny was trying to be. TERA is a real, Action MMORPG. All you need to do in order to raise your level, is do the quest line. And once finished, you enter the End Game where things get real fun. But then there are other MMORPGs like Lineage which focus on another aspect of the genre with huge wars and conquests. Hell, even for all its issues, Elder Scrolls Online has a number of these key aspects which can make players addicted to it. But Destiny, is not an MMORPG. It is an MMO FPS which incorporates various RPG elements into it. Originally, its obvious that those elements were meant to play a greater role in the game, but it obviously didn't end up that way. At any rate, because of this we view this and treat it more in the same way as any other FPS in this case. In games like Project Blackout, for example, when expansions come out they introduce new weapons and gear for you to get. But all of the old guns remain as well. The reason is so that this adds to the amount of variety and increases options for both customization and player personal preference. Your choice of weapons is just that, a choice. Now, prior to expansion, as far as Hand Cannons go, I love and have fully upgraded the "Devil You Know", "Red Hand IX" and "The Last Word". These are guns I took the time to acquire and build up, maxing them out. I switch between these weapons as the situation I'm in calls for it, or depending on my mood. Now, the Last Word is an Exotic. They give you a retarded option to upgrade exotics to the "new level" at a cost and to reset experience for it. Which is stupid. But not as retarded as them giving no such option to further upgrade all the Lengedary Weapons we've gathered. Point is, we're treating Destiny like an MMO FPS game. New Expansion doesn't/should not mean new items to replace the old. It falls upon the developers to create new weapons and armor (Legendary/Raid) that is actually NEW, in comparison to what is already in the game, so that people like me get interested in it enough to be like "Oh hey, that looks good too, it would go well in my current stock of weapons". Or different sets of Raid Gear that allows us to have more diversity in appearance and more options for how we want our characters to be built. So when you say "too bad, stop crying about it, it happens in MMORPGs", your argument is invalid. Destiny is NOT an MMORPG. It isn't. Its an online FPS that has RPG aspects to it. That being said, you should want MORE guns and armor selections. Not this whole "out with the old, in with the new" nonsense. Weekly Heroic and Nightfall Strikes should not be made more difficult by default. You could easily just ADD additional levels of difficulty like in Diablo. Level 28 Nightfall is "Normal". Level 30 Nightfall could be "Hard". So on and so forth. You maintain what was already there, but add MORE onto it. This EXPANDS the game for everyone. People could do the original Level 28 Nightfall and still get reward drops from Pre-Expansion, while those who manage to complete them on the new difficulty get possible rewards from the Expansion instead. Simple as that. It also increases the number of times you can do Nightfall in that week then, which gives you more reason to be on the game more often. Instead of vendors having old gear and weapons replaced at the Tower, simply expand upon their current stock or introduce new vendors who offer the higher grade stuff. Explain IN-GAME why the new weapons start off at a higher damage output, and why they are offered seperately. Its not that hard to do or figure out. The Gunsmith could be changed so that he can allow players the option to have their old guns, Exotic and Legendary both, recieve special adjustments or modifications that will expand their max exp level, with additional nodes that can be upgraded to increase their max damage to that of the newer weapons from the expansion. This would not be an easy task, of course. You could require players to take on certain tasks or find rare components needed from the planets, or perhaps even the new raid, or a series of items needed to make these modifications. It gives us oldies something extra to do and to look forward to, while at the same time making us work for that extra damage boost on our current weapons. Same goes for Legendary/Raid/Exotic Armor as well. The modifications wouldn't reset the upgrades we've already done or the exp we've poured into those items eiter. That's all we really ask for, a way to keep what we have because we like it and wanna keep it. We don't mind having to work for it. If you did something like that, where you gave us this option to go on a mission or take on a challenge in order to further modify/upgrade our old gear? Hell yeah we would do that. Sounds friggen fun as hell. Does this mean we won't want the new stuff? Hell no. That's the thing. Just because you give us the option to keep our old stuff and allow us to raise its value to be equal to the new gear from the expansion, that doesn't mean we won't want to get the new stuff either. The new stuff might even be a goal for us so that we can use it in order to make it easier for us to go and get what we need to make our old stuff just as good. That right there is the reverse logic, you get the new stuff to help make it easier to upgrade your old stuff. This is ultimately the main problem most folks are having with this game, myself included. We want an actual continuum present here. We want our efforts and time spent in this game to be progressive and constantly moving forward. We never want to feel like the time we spent was useless. The VoG Raid Gear offers perks and appearances that differ from Crota's End Raid Gear. That being said, it gives players more of a variety if they can upgrade their VoG Raid Set because then they can "CHOOSE" between the two or mix and match pieces from both for either an ideal appearance or an ideal build setup that matches their play style. Like I said, we need to bare in mind this is an MMO FPS. More weapons and armor should always add onto the selection and variety for the players to choose to best suit them. Each new expansion should do this. Does this solve the major lack of content in the game? No. But for the time being, it resolves the MAIN problem which has cause many to quit or who are still on the fence about quitting or at least who no longer feel like spending time investing into the game at present. Old players get to keep their hard won weapons and armor and feel like they are getting the respect and acknowledgement they deserve from the company for all their effort and time invested playing. Meanwhile? New players just joining us still get access to everything we did at Day 1, and can enjoy the game that we first got as well with the added bonus of all the new expansion content as well. Will they only want the new vendor weapons and armor? Maybe. Or maybe they'll go to the original Vanguard Quartermaster and see "The Devil You Know" or "Doctor Nope" and decide that they want those weapons. And then they also go the route of doing the challenges and accepting the task of the Gunsmith to get them upgraded as well to add them to their new content stock of gear. This is no one complaining, or "whining" or being a "cry baby". This is actual, legitimate constructive feedback with actual ideas being proposed for how Bungie can make this game more enjoyable for EVERYONE. New and old alike. If you agree with this, please reply and show your support. I'll periodically bump this so that folks can see it. Granted, a LOT of people have already left the game and don't even read these forums anymore as a result... That is unfortunate. I have lost many people because they no longer play the game because of all this. So lets try to get them back. Lets work together and do this. Come on Bungie. Read my proposal and see what you think. Deej, I know its still a topic in the studio. Present these ideas to them. Everyone, we can still save Destiny. We can still make this game an epic legend that will aid Bungie in their goal to conquer the world. Show your support.

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  • Showing my support. Even if this is old.

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  • bump for great ideas!! I got a fully upgraded dead orbit scout rifle, it looks sweet! BUT it capped at 300dmg and new weapons go to 331.. why can't i do something like, trade it in for the new model, even if I have to level it all over, or simply pay some glimmer, and upgrade it go the new version, keeping my existing upgrades.. come on bungie, don't drop the ball and ignore your players, LISTEN to the ppl that pay for wages and do something about it

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  • I agree with you 100%! Listen up Bungie. You really left the old guard hanging with this new system. Really, really disappointing.

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  • Adding to all the players on here who became video game engineers with Destiny

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  • In reality it is not an MMO at all. It has been dubbed such by critics and eagerly anticipating fans. The truth is that it has been marketed and dubbed by Bungie as a "shared-world shooter"

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  • Amen to that! Bump ^^

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  • Can someone please send me a Xbox live trial code please, destiny is getting really dull now that mine expired, I will help with vault of glass or strikes....... just some one please help

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  • I agree malphisto. Legendaries should have an upgrade option. I also think the new gear should offer new perks to actually add substance to a new loadout other than seeing a higher light number. I have upgraded as far as I can even with the expansion missions, without having done the raid multiple times and aside from aesthetic differences all the perks of the armor are and guns are the same type. The old guns should be available along with the new. An easy fix would be you cant buy the new unless you have ranked a faction up to a higher level than three. Its an easier fix to the game while keeping more items. I still will do VoG simply for the weapons I never got dropped that I want (aetheons epilogue) but would like the weapons to be upgradeable. Another thing I do not fancy is the primaries only being dropped in the hard mode raid and then not having that option available at dlc launch. There is not much content to the dlc as is and this isn't like they have to recode everything just add a difficulty modifier. That's two hour of work tops for a entry level programmer. I have over 550 hours in this game with very little of it being pvp, so obviously I spend a lot of time grinding. Additionally I dislike several changes made to the economy systems. I seldom harvest materials now just chests, and even doing that I sit on way too much stock that I can no longer sell. This makes little sense to me (who really need 360 spin metal?). The selling of excess material was a good way to get a few marks or rank. And that is not a spamming way to rank up as the rep was only 25 (same as a stirke). I think a trading method would be a great way to balance the substandard loot system. If need be limit how you trade (maybe with in clans only or whatever). I do not play three characters because there is no reason to content wise. The story is no different and there isn't a multiple path system which could have been added. The cryptarch change is a sideways upgrade, sure he may drop more purple now but he now requires a lot more engrams to level. That is not a fix its just a grinding modifier that bungie either hoped would go over looked or just blindly accepted. Blues and purple engrams still drop way to little and if you do get a purple you have seem to get more materials than items. Lastly the iron banner for this month will have level 31 gear ( who cares). How does this make anybody wanna relevel up to get something they can get from a commendation? It will do the same thing performance wise. Special events are supposed to be special not just a way to earn reskinned items. I know that this is being done to make the raid necessary to get to the new cap, but really why even play it if it wont get me even one step closer to level 32? This is just a cheap ploy to attempt to extend player involvement in a game that fellshort and a dlc that didn't do enough to fix it. Don't get me wrong I enjoy getting on and running the nightfall or a raid. But the daily grind of bounties, public events and daileys just o get a few materials to level up gear that wil be obsolete as soon as you get a raid piece is maddening. As you have said this is not a mmorpg and should not grind like one. If this game is to reach its longevity goal substantial changes have to be made to ensure a solid loyal fan base. This is a console game not a pc social one (like star wars old rep or evony). Again this is not whining or trolling just adding a wordy 2 cents to the issues surrounding this game.

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  • Agreed!

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  • sorry for the typos

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  • Can someone please send me a Xbox live trial code please, destiny is getting really dull now that mine expired, I will help with vault of glass or strikes....... just some one please help

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  • I am going to move this over to the comments for the new weekly update. Those who see this, come on over to continue showing your support. May just make this into a forum post instead or a legit petition.

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  • Oh look the expansion was basic trash no one gives a -blam!- about. Shocking. Sorry to those who wasted money on the season pass.

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  • [quote]Oh look the expansion was basic trash no one gives a -blam!- about. Shocking. Sorry to those who wasted money on the season pass.[/quote] It was. Very limited content with no real story telling, designed as a bounty system. Lazy nonsense. And folks wonder why expansion sales didn't meet quota.

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  • Its like people didnt see it coming a mile away like the dlc would be this amazing change everything factor lol

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  • *Periodic Bump #5* We're getting a lot of support for this. Thanks to all who took the time to read and respond to help the cause. This is what we are doing on our end as a community to fix the problems and improve this game this game that we love. Its not about hate, its about wanting more for something we all enjoy and want to see succeed. We know that, as it is now, it won't. Hopefully, Destiny is not a lost cause and Bungie/Activision will realize this, and work WITH us rather than against. If it can't be saved? Well, least we tried. I do want to point something out though about the trolls talking crap on this and who are insulting us for speaking up about the game. Take notice at their stats. Click the dots and hit to vieq Author Profile. Check to see how long they have been playing and what they do on the game. That enderprime kid and cell5 person, best examples. One has only done the raid, VoG, 1 time. The other? Not a single raid. One character total, at level 27. And they come on here and talk crap to people complaining about having to reset their exotics and trash hard earned legendaries? If you encounter people like this who are talking trash, view their stats first to be sure whether or not they even know what it is we are going on about. Cause they clearly have no idea how we feel.

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  • Edited by Kitosumi: 12/17/2014 9:14:00 AM
    I'm someone who played the crap out of this game since launch day, pve and pvp both on all 3 characters. I grinded the raid usually 4 or 5 times a week for friends/Clan mates and I was happy with my exotic weapons and drop rates. I spent a month prior to the expansion logging in and grinding to max out all of my exotics (18) and perfectly rolled legendaries across my characters. I wanted every top notch weapon in the game and I wanted it usable at my fingertips. Then the expansion I so desperately desired dropped, and I wanted to ring the necks of whomever designed such a fake-excuse of a DLC. Hey I don't care if you promise content and deliver none, lie cheat and steal to get us to support you, but the second you write MY time off completely and waste ALL of the efforts I have put in to enjoy the game you've made it personal... I've supported you since halo 1 launch day, played every title you released to completion, and felt like you and I were right alongside each other every step of the way. Now you couldn't pay ME enough money to fix your game or messed up design team. I'm almost crying as I write this but I only have one last completely frustrated thing to say to you: F you bungie

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  • [quote]I'm someone who played the crap out of this game since launch day, pvp and pvp both on all 3 characters. I grinded the raid usually 4 or 5 times a week for friends/Clan mates and I was happy with my exotic weapons and drop rates. I spent a month prior to the expansion logging in and grinding to max out all of my exotics (18) and perfectly rolled legendaries across my characters. I wanted every top notch weapon in the game and I wanted it usable at my fingertips. Then the expansion I so desperately desired dropped, and I wanted to ring the necks of whomever designed such a fake-excuse of a DLC. Hey I don't care if you promise content and deliver none, lie cheat and steal to get us to support you, but the second you write MY time off completely and waste ALL of the efforts I have put in to enjoy the game you've made it personal... I've supported you since halo 1 launch day, played every title you released to completion, and felt like you and I were right alongside each other every step of the way. Now you couldn't pay ME enough money to fix your game or messed up design team. I'm almost crying as I write this but I only have one last completely frustrated thing to say to you: F you bungie[/quote] See Bungie/Activision? And all you moron kids out there. THIS guy is 100% correct. You are -blam!-ing up this game, and you need to fix it. Cause there won't be a Destiny 2 at this -blam!-ing rate.

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  • pretty much my story as well i am just about done with Destiny ill pop in on Tuesday for the reset and ill peek in on Fridays but the thrill is gone, it left the moment i was required to re-level existing exotics and pay for it as well,,... thats 24 across three characters some weapons in triplicate , its hard enough maintaining three separate characters to keep the game interesting and challenging so ill delete the hunter and the warlock and keep the Titan with one set of weapons ( guess that solves vault space problem) for the expansions i already payed for but i wont be back for Destiny 2

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  • For those of you who want to post a novel for a comment, how about just providing a link to your 50,000 character comments, I'm just here to read the funny one-liners anyway. Yes I'm jumping on the 'it's all about me and my hurt feelings' wagon for a sec.

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  • [quote]For those of you who want to post a novel for a comment, how about just providing a link to your 50,000 character comments, I'm just here to read the funny one-liners anyway. Yes I'm jumping on the 'it's all about me and my hurt feelings' wagon for a sec.[/quote] LOL!

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  • @Malphisto, my fiend you make some excellent points and I hope that bungie sees this post and listens however there is one last thing I would address with the release of the new DLC. We now require things like "Crucible Commendations" which we can only gain by increasing our Crucible Rank, In my opinion this was an extremely unnecessary addition to the game since it already took long hours of Crucible grinding to get new weapons and with the cap of 200 marks lets face it you could only buy one weapon at a time or maybe 2 pieces of gear. This new addition to me has completely killed my desire to play in the crucible and now leaves me wondering where am I going to get new/better weapons from? Unlike a lot of players I don't have many friends who play this game on PS3 so I can't even run the raids, instead of completely changing all the weapons out in all the vendors and making them harder to acquire, why not do some more work on an in-game grouping system like most MMO's have where you can register a Party looking for specific classes, level requirements, approval to join from the group leader, ect... which would not only get more players into the raid's but would improve the community since something like this could be used for almost any mission. Just some food for thought on that last bit.

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  • You make some good points about what the game could do to be better, but the game has only been out for a few months; Bungie isn't getting to get everything perfect right off the bat. A lot of the changes they have been making are also polarizing, which makes it hard on them to accommodate everyone's wants and needs. I don't mind having to level up my exotics again if I [u]choose[/u] to upgrade them. While the extra damage would be nice, it is up to a player to decide of it is worth it to them. It would be nice of Bungie offered an upgrade option to legendaries, but again, the difference in damage isn't that big. Since the beta, I have liked this game and I still do. Is it perfect? No. But i still think it is worth what I paid.

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  • [quote]You make some good points about what the game could do to be better, but the game has only been out for a few months; Bungie isn't getting to get everything perfect right off the bat. A lot of the changes they have been making are also polarizing, which makes it hard on them to accommodate everyone's wants and needs. I don't mind having to level up my exotics again if I [u]choose[/u] to upgrade them. While the extra damage would be nice, it is up to a player to decide of it is worth it to them. It would be nice of Bungie offered an upgrade option to legendaries, but again, the difference in damage isn't that big. Since the beta, I have liked this game and I still do. Is it perfect? No. But i still think it is worth what I paid.[/quote] The main issue is all them other things they are getting wrong? Players have been forgiving and trying to be understanding. But this problem in specific? Its huge, and dangerous. People quitting the game left and right, reviews for the game dropping, approval rating down. Its bad. Its reputation as a waste of time and a piece of crap game is spreading like wild fire. That is a serious problem. You and some others might be ok with it? But this is clearly a big deal for a vast majority of people. It needs to be addressed asap. Its a hamster wheel, and folks are getting tired of running it.

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  • i think that just the fact that you never see any new shaders and mind you there are millions of possible colors and combinations,, in the shader /emblem store is a telling sign that Bungie truly doesnt give a shit and shows how half ass it all is...

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