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Discuss all things Destiny.
12/3/2014 10:22:07 PM

With accordance to the 12/3/14 news update from the "Destiny Dev Team"

You guys (and girls) stated that stronger armor and weapons will become available from vendors within the tower starting December 9th. Will these new items (specifically weapons) surpass the VOG weapons and armor? And if yes, will the VOG "legendary" items drop with the new increased attack/ defense values starting December 9th? If not, will there be a system in place to advance VOG raid items similar or on par with the new exotic item progression system? Thanks for your time and hopefully the community at large and myself could hear back on this. P.S.: I like the transparency in advance on near future additions on the core currencies and how they will play out. I was kinda burned on the addition of the exotic shards, not for lack of some strange coins, but on how I would of utilized my duplicate exotics and the timeliness of their breakdowns. Some transparency in that regard would of been excellent, say a full two weeks in advance. Again, thank you for a great game that I wanted from the moment I heard of project tiger.

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