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Edited by BombSoup: 12/3/2014 5:36:34 PM

Taking a break til Crota? ( or The Curse of RNGesus)

(This is just a *tiny* bit of QQ about RNG and legitimate curiosity) So I finished 2 Nightfalls, weekly, and Hard raids, but no new exotics or raid pieces in need of leveling. At this point it seems best to just sit on my shards and energies for Crota Gears. If Xur sells Gjallerhorn or IceBreaker (Which Im not expecting) I can see spending some time to level them before TDB, but I don't think leveling Thunderlord (which I am expecting) will really be all that important since I don't think I need to have a 3 stack of arc damage with my finished Fatebringer and P&T. There is definitely some disappointment in seeing 2 players get mythoclasts for shards, or in missing raid helms on both my characters, but it got me thinking. How many other players don't need to play this week? I'm not sitting on 300 shards and energies like some players, but I definitely have enough to upgrade anything new I might get (and/or need finish to clear TBD) next week. I could keep playing just for the fun I have, but without the need to be building up something for next week, I feel my time would be better spent on other games that have been sitting or catching up on shows (or hell, getting extra work done). Anyone else in a similar spot? How many other players have found themselves dealing with the new experience of feeling maxed on Destiny this week? Sadface is Sad :(

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  • Update - Just read this GameInformer Article [url][/url] which specifically states - "To encourage players to embrace initial upgrades even as they wait for raid drops, ascendant materials are now used primarily to upgrade non-raid legendary gear. Raid gear is instead upgraded with radiant shards and energy, which are acquired in the Crota’s End raid. To put it another way, the raid has its own internally consistent upgrade economy. In addition, if you don’t get the specific energy or shards you’re hoping for, Eris Morn offers an exchange, allowing you to trade in one for the other. Another way to get radiant shards and radiant energy is to break down unwanted items acquired in the raid." So the shards and energy I have now I can just put into any gear I have, and leave everything else. No point in upgrading anything else. Also mentioned in the new exotic upgrade system, which sounds really cool, but also means I have no reason to upgrade exotics any further at this point. (Good to know).

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