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11/20/2014 3:20:15 PM

Free DLC Bungie?

Hey, Bungie. How about giving us the"DLC" for free. Because, you know, most of it was promised pre purchase but chopped from the game. And now you want us to buy it? You have content on the game that isn't DLC and you blocked it too; like the other set of raid gear. I'm obviously not the only one who's notices considering you're in the middle of a class action law suit with Activision. Guess what bungie, you signed the contract. It's YOUR responsibility to make and sell a game that works on time. But you can't even keep people from getting booted from their games. So basically, for example.. You told us to buy a house. A nice house. For $600,000. You says everything checked out and that everything is good, that we are ready to move in. So we pay everything up front (since you can't make payments on a video game). But when we show up, there's no garage and half the house is under construction. We call you and say, what the f_ck? Why is half the house missing and we have no garage? And you say to us, oh.. You'll have to pay another $200,000 if you want the whole complete thing. So instead of just paying off the attorneys that are coming after you, how about you do something for us? It's such a shame that you're half of what you were when you were on the Halo series. At least then you cared. Thanks Bungie!

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