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Discuss all things Destiny.
Edited by Ectso: 10/26/2014 2:08:38 AM

God can we please get a permanent Pure pvp playlist...

Despite the cuts and all the bs that Destiny has become from what we where told it would be, I still enjoy it a little, albeit that it's so very boring being at the top level... This is where pvp is supposed to come in and save the day by keeping people distracted until the next dlc comes out, you guys worked with activision, I'm surprised they didn't tell you that little secret... PvP doesn't feel rewarding at all but that's not my point. I absolutely abhor how one shot, skill-less, power weapon, super heavy PvP feels... everything kills you in less than a fraction of a second except for primaries. Guess which weapon rarely gets used? I love my my assault rifles. I'm an old school Halo Fan, I miss a little engagement that doesn't end in 1 second with fusion rifle 600 times in a battle. I miss actually living long enough to use a bit of tactility. Dodging, hiding, hitting corners, jumping around each other like angry fighting cats. Battles actually lasted long enough to make you feel like you earned that kill. Now its just an impersonal super nova to the face from around a corner and you carry on your way not really caring who you just killed because deep down you feel ashamed for wasting the ability to kill 6 people at once on a single douche hiding in the corner with a shotgun. It's gotten so bad that I kill people in droves because they refuse to change their weapons and will sprint at me down a long hallway with a shotgun out... I watch my roommate do this all the time and wonder why he got killed with a hand cannon or something... I'm sure this suggestion has been made before but I'd like to see a pure playlist. Primaries and Grenades and Melee ONLY. No double jumps, boosting, or heavy weapons. Secondary ammo takes the place of the rarely spawned heavy ammo crates. Your maps are already designed for this purpose. There's not a single in-accessible area for for single jumping except that round spinney thing in that Mars level which I never cared to learn the name of because your maps are slightly lack-luster... the one where C flag is WAY too damn close to B in comparison to A. I digress... your levels are designed for this style of game play. There are stairs and "fat people" access to every stage of every level so that, alone, merits the use of stripping double jumping for some old fashioned normal person use of feet. You already use that dynamic in the tower so its not like you would have to write new scripts for it. Just treat the levels as the Tower is already treated. Bring back the Primary. Scorn the skill-less one shot secondaries and supers. Give us back that feeling of making things personal that you guys did so well with Halo (screw activision, they're to blame for this, I just know it...). Also, for the love of god, make it a permanent damn playlist. Don't give us that bs temporary playlist crap. Its not like you guys tried that successfully for Halo OR CoD. It enrages your entire fan base and further pushes us away from feeling at one with your game. P.S. can we please have an Auction House, Sparrow Racing, MORE SWORD PLAY and SWORD PLAY PvP, a chance to gamble on blue and purple engrams for the cost of coins and motes, bring back the player ship dropping us off in the world when joining a fireteam, and fleets of ships that aren't painted dooky brown, and more elements of an MMO game, not some watered down 12 year baby crap. Seriously, go play WoW or DnD or some mmorpg of your choice, take some notes, stop listening to activision, follow your old dreams. Not these new corporate induced ones and get back to us with a true mmo. Revolutionize, don't ostracize. I don't endorse ALL of what the video is saying but it's a good watch and incredibly well spoken about the state of the gaming industry.

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