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10/25/2014 12:47:27 PM
thats what forums are for. Deej said himself people SHOULD be complaining and that people like you should stop defennding them for no reason

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  • There's a difference between feedback and complaining. Example: Feedback: Hey, I feel like the vex is to powerful in pvp. Something should probably be done about that. Complaining: WHAT THE -blam!- BUNGIE!!!!! ARE YOU -blam!-ING STUPID?!?!? NERF THE -blam!-ING VEX OR IM QUITING THIS SHIT PILE OF A GAME!!! See the difference?

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  • the 2nd one is still feedback. just because its written in anger doesnt make it lass true. also if someone gets this upset about the game and still decides to voice his opinion instead of selling the game just shows that they really love the game which makes their opinion even more important. just because you guys dont like cusswords doesnt mean everybody who uses them is wrong

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  • I agree

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  • Your whole post is defending people who complain, so I'm going to guess you're one of those complainers. If you can't tell the difference between feedback and complaining you're a hopeless case anyways. Just so you know, anyone who cares that much about a game that they have to scream and yell and curse like a child throwing a tantrum, needs to be treated like a child and be told to shut up. P.S. I like cursing. I use that shit all the time. -blam!-.

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  • yeah screaming "SHUT UP" at a 4 year old will solve the problem. ohh lovely lovely humanity

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  • Treating like a child and told to shut up were two separate things, and I never said anything about screaming. Good job though bub, nice try trying to call me out.

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  • I didn't see anything in his post about defending Bungie. It was a rant thread about the people who only have negative things to say about the game. If it's so bad for them, they can stop playing. They won't hurt our feelings. They won't hurt Deej's. They won't hurt Bungie's. I'm tired of seeing posts with -Blam- as a filler word. Honestly, if I was a developer, I would disregard any post that was that toxic. The people who enjoy the game are "sheep" to anyone who has a complaint about the game. Honestly, they are the sheep for hating the game so much and continuing to play it. It would seem that they have no will of their own.

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  • Indeed. I wasn't defending anything o_O. Nor was I ranting, to be honest. If I were going to go on a tirade, it would have been much more thought out, with valid points given and such. I just made this thread on a whim because it amused me. I agree, though. If someone does think that the game is just sooo terrible, they should probably just leave it alone and pick up an other game to spend their time on. As for "-blam!-", it's part of my everyday vocabulary. :D

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  • I like you. I'd like more people to think like you. Seriously, thank you.

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  • Edited by Glorious Duck: 10/26/2014 1:19:02 AM
    you both have the same stupid argument that i hate about this community "just stop playing if you dont like it". stop saying that its completely idiotic and just shows that you have no counter arguments for the other persons critizism. if youre gonna write something like that then instead better write nothing at all. same value.

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  • To be fair, your comment was a bit idiotic. "Someone's complaining about the community complaining?" "Deej told us to." Sadly, the people who do complain about aspects of this game have many more comments that would fall into this same category. It would also appear that they are resorting to "the loudest gets the attention." Of course the constant complaining of OP! NERF! BUNGIE DOESN'T LISTEN!!!!11 does come off as a bit whiny. The majority of the complaints are sadly, not constructive criticism at all. They would fall under the category of negative criticism, and the members offering this criticism should consider themselves lucky that Bungie listens to them at all. And yes they listen. This is why many of the crew at Bungie get agitated when Deej brings it up in the meetings they have. The changes to the weekly events show that they listen as well. However, there will still be comments about Bungie not listening. It most likely will be made by the same people as well. The part of the community who does participate in this negative feedback should also stop trying to silence those who have hope for the future of Bungie. And yes, they are trying to silence us. This all falls back to "the loudest gets all the attention".

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