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Edited by Dooodley: 10/25/2014 7:41:07 AM
Since we're on the topic of Etiquette, let's discuss farming. The problem with farming is that people are idiots and by being that they're not only affecting themselves but also other players. This is why no guides should ever be posted, people won't follow them anyway, resulting in: *The idiots watch half of it, to the point that they have a grasp of where to go but not the actual route. *The idiots watch all of it but can't remember the exact route anyway. So now you have a bunch of people who, if it hadnt been for the guides, probably wouldnt have been in the farm areas. Once there though it's impossible for everyone els to follow their completely random pattern. They are missing half of the nodes/chests, which directly is affecting themselves and indirectly other farmers, who will have half of the chests/nodes taken out of rotation, unless they follow the idiot and also skip a bunch of stuff. Then there are those who actually know what to do and where to go but are too stupid to scout the area for other farmers before they start. It takes about five seconds to figure out that someone els is farming the same place but instead of taking those five secs and joining forces they're just jumping right in to it. So now we'll either have one farmer on each side of the map, grabbing chests/nodes for eachother's rotations, or the one originally farming being forced to adapt to the new guy, despite that would have been better if the new guy had caught up. Special shoutout goes out to the guy I come across every day, the guy who is farming but fail to acknoweldge the chest 3 ft away from him. You know, the chest I'm standing next to while shooting him to get his attention. I've come to the conclusion that 80 % of the population must be blind.

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  • it's a casual fps.. the average IQ is lower than the average age.

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  • I ignore ppl that wave, shoot and dance at me. Only because I think they're retards and because getting that chest isn't mission critical for me. Most ppl shoot at you for god knows what reason anyway.

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  • Everytime you leave a zone you change server so pop in pop out til you get a clear zone. Mostly I find because the chests spawn so fast it doesn't affect me. Someone else opening them too just means they appear quicker. I try to wave and point if someone misses a spot but there are places I've farmed for hours that suddenly surprise me with a chest popping up somewhere I've never seen before.

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  • I try to point out chest if people are nearby but some people aren't very perceptive.

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  • Just because they don't follow your route doesn't mean they don't know what they are doing. If you don't like them all you gotta do is go to another area for about 1 min then go back and 90% of the time they are gone.

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  • Put up a thread about the last bit earlier... am dancing like -blam!- at a chest to get their attention.... they come over, still dont see the chest.. think I am just a lonely guardian and start dancing with me.

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  • Some of us are just slower at learning especially if it is the first game of this type played such as it is with myself. Posts like this teach me proper game manners. I was actually patrolling Mars last night when it hit me that I may be messing things up for others already there. I plan on being more careful about all the issues you guys are writing about.

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  • Edited by DwightFryebrain: 10/25/2014 2:46:42 PM
    Hmmm. I never realized that farming was so rigid an exercise for people. Organized routes and such.I will go "exploring" with the idea of farming and finding all i can and so i run into players out there who are likely doing exactly what you describe. Unfortunately your overuse of the word stupid to describe others who do not watch "Tell me how to play destiny" videos and therefore may not get what your doing, is disconcerting and ignorant. People like myself do not wish to F up your game experience, but communications in the game are lacking and people all have their own agendas/ reasons for playing. You WILL NOT tell me how i need to play my game, and I WILL NEVER go out of my way to harm other guardians. The game is a learning experience every day and every player learning the way they are able to, or comfortable with..... Get off your high horse and PLAY the GAME.

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  • I feel what you feel on this brother. I am just muddling along and having a whole bunch of fun in the process especially when I play with others. When I have my more experienced mates with me - they guide me on things and it is more fun all around. Like you - I want to play the game the way I want but I also want to respect others. It is also true that there are a whole bunch of young kids playing and they do things the way they want despite any instructional videos or advice from sage warriors. I am an older guy of 54 years and I do respect all human beings and only want to have fun. I am not particularly good - I get lost sometimes in getting there - but I am a good supporting teammate whose friends invite to strikes and raids. I respect my teammates and try to help them earn what they need by helping them with bounties, etc. Let us all try and act like adults and humane beings and treat each other with respect and have fun and Destiny will continue to entertain us all.

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  • 46 Years of age myself .

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  • Cool. I am PS4 with mic. My Warlock is 25, Titan 26. I prefer my Warlock. If you would like, shoot me a friend request & we will team up.

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  • There is no SET way to farm you twat. I have seen videos claiming to be the best way to farm mars, but have a friend that Farms the scablands in a completely different fashion, and it is a much more efficient way to farm that area. It allows him to get all the chests, and check the perimeter for relic iron. This idea that YOUR way is the BEST way is nonsense and you need to just -blam!- off. It's a video game. I have literally farmed the scablands for days. I have only ran into two other farmers. You make it seem like the farming routes on Mars, Venus, the Moon, and Earth are ALWAYS filled with people farming. It's not, stop crying. If people are there on Mars farming and you don't like the way they are doing it, leave, do something else for 20 minutes and come back, chances are, they got the Relic iron they needed to upgrade and are gone.

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  • U mad, bro? And there is a best way. Mars, Venus and Earth all have areas where the ideal route is to move around in a circular fashion, preferably counter clockwise. The moon is a bit complex but there's still a solid route. So if you have someone zig-zagging all over the place, which a lot of people do, they're not only screwing themselves over but also everyone els. Also, this applies to people who actually are farming. I don't mind people who are just doing patrol missions and braching off every now and then to get a chest. It's easy to tell what they are doing though because the farmers tend to simply avoid the mobs.

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  • Not true. The chests spawn at random.

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  • What exactly isnt true? You do realize that there won't be an endless amount of spawned chests/nodes per area, right? So if you only cover half of them and the chests/nodes are spawned in the other half, you can spend an hour not finding anything. So why would you zig-zag? Zig-zagging just indicates that you are skipping spawn points, because if you werent skipping it would be better to take the natural route. I'm not talking about branching off to get a mats node here and there, we all do that, but when it comes to chests there's a right way and a wrong way.

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  • Farming is a stupid idea, and should not even be in the game. I do not know about other people, but I really do not want to be wasting my time farming materiel's when I can be playing the game. Guide's or not, I just do not want it. I hate farming, full stop. Bungie are idiot's for bringing it in to the game, if I wanted to waste my day farming, I would play World of Warcraft.

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  • I mostly agree with you but sometimes when my friends are all offline or not playing Destiny - I would rather patrol and farm to kill time than go into a matchmaking where I can not talk to my mates. If Bungie ever got it right with matchmaking allowing us to talk to each other- it would be so much better. Sometimes farming is a good time killer is all. This is ONLY a game - not real life and death - so we should all just have fun and get our panties out of the cracks of our asses and laugh with each other.

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  • Panties :o

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  • Lol! We all need to play with humor. It is play after all.

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  • I've started trying to make some code for when you're running a route with a partner and you're just a few seconds ahead of them and have checked out the room. I've come up with 1 bullet for "Empty" or "Go" and 2 bullets or repeated fire for "Chest" or "Stay". I might alter it to simply running out is go and shooting a fusion rifle is stay, but you'd need to get the point across that you would wait for the dude if you did find a chest first. And that'll take you running the route a few times.

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