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Discuss all things Destiny.
Edited by Phantom139: 10/24/2014 6:47:51 PM

Why you SHOULD consider buying the Destiny DLC.

So by now, most of you have seen some people come onto these forums and make fools of themselves with these wild theories and post their silly "messiah's" video as their only proof to these theories, and I've honestly been having a cakewalk of laughter here in terms of this, and then they attacked me with words, so now it's time to take the gloves off here and punish them with the truth. They cite a video of why you shouldn't buy the DLC, so it's only fitting that you read my post on why you should buy the DLC packs. So let's get to it. First off, that introduction you read there will be the only bashing I do in this post, I'm done with long rant filled posts that usually catch the attention of some people as pure negativity. This post will have absolutely none of that, I'm only going to present the facts, and discuss them and I'll let common sense take over from there. Personally, I would have done better with my own counter-video, but to be honest, most of you I believe are tired of seeing go to 'x' Youtube page, watch, like & subscribe, so no, I don't want you to do that, just give this a good read. :) So most of you have at least seen a few of my posts or have read them, and some of you may not know everything about me. I run my own independent game development company. I have numerous years of programming experience, as well as experience in design and implementation from some small projects I have worked on or with, so you can trust me when I say that I know how games "work" internally. So, let's start with breaking down the most "shot at" point, which is Destiny's currently lacking story. Some of you know, and others don't know, that the lead writer of the story for Destiny left Bungie shortly after the first E3 trip that Bungie took, where they revealed a video of gameplay and talked about some mechanics in the game. Why he left is unknown to us, but what we do know is that during that time, and the time of the alpha/beta, the story as well as numerous game mechanics were changed. This is something that happens all too much in video games, let's not all forget the days of Halo 2 where we had a trailer of an awesome mission, and that wasn't in the final game. Content and mechanics get cut due to all sorts of reasons. Mechanics such as Trading, Gambling, and others were cut from the final product. The reasons, can only be told to you by Bungie, so I cannot provide it to you, just know that they may have been present before, but are gone now. As for the "amount" of story content in the game, this is where some frustration comes into play by people, but you need to also realize that Bungie had to change the story in about a Year's time, so they may have been running out of said time to get everything they wanted done, this is also something that can happen when you have big name titles, so the developer will polish up as much as they can to release to you. This is where the DLC packs enter the picture. How this works is when a game is nearing completion, the team behind the design will start working on the DLC packs for the game, this is how it always works, and sometimes this content may be put on the game's disk as a placeholder or a template to upcoming content (See DestinyTracker for info), in fact, many of you have already found some of this placeholder content, but if you've actually looked carefully, you'll notice it's not done yet. I think the best example I can provide is the upcoming "awesome" new gun Necrochasm, which is a reward for completing Crota's End on Hard. Have a look [url=]at this beauty[/url], but if you look closely, you'll see the noted [b]Cursebringer[/b] perk has a template icon in it's place, and there is no 3D model present for this gun. This tells us that the concept design and base stats were placed in the game prior to it going gold, but the actual implementation isn't actually done yet, IE: It's being worked on, sound familiar? [quote]People are working on this content right now at Bungie. It's not finished.[/quote] Also, if you personally haven't actually explored some of these areas that have been found, please do so, and tell me what you actually find in there. You'll find a lot of glitches, non-working elements, and even placeholder or template art which is obviously not finalized, so again, as DeeJ best said, the content is being worked on. So all of these threads and hate messages about "Disk Locked Content" are not valid my friends, all MMO style games use the tactic of prior implementation to cut on the design work of the developers, IE: They're making it easier to deliver the content to you, sooner. This isn't to scare you, or some corporate bullcrap, these "pre-designed" areas are in place to get the content to you much quicker. WoW uses this tactic for every expansion they make, and that game is still going strong, and the people don't complain about those areas. So, why are you community, doing the same to Bungie, when they're using this tactic to [b]HELP YOU[/b], the player? It just doesn't make sense to me. The last thing I'd like to address here is something very cool, the fact that those are "placeholders" in the DB of the game files tells me that there's definitely a lot of cool new stuff actually coming to the game. I believe fully, that the "leak" or "rumor" of the third subclass and the content of Crota's End from the anonymous tester is 100% true, in fact, if Bungie was dispatching their Ninja's to "delete it or face a ban", then it kind of points to the fact that it's probably true. So people please, chill out. This is a MMO-Style game that is very early in it's life. We need to be helping Bungie give us the experience we want to enjoy here. They don't want to read hundreds of rant posts and hate all day, they want honest feedback to help bring the experience to you. Bungie employees are also Guardians, they want to have the exciting journey that you're taking part in. Don't take in these hate filled videos with silly theories as truth. Unless the information is directly confirmed as truth by means of Bungie telling us that it is, or by means of us actually seeing it for ourselves, it is nothing more than a personal opinion, which is not true information, which is why we finally reach the end of my discussion, and why I think you'd be missing out on an awesome experience to let one 30 minute video ruin what would be a wonderful expansion to your game. Game on Guardians, and I'll see you in Crota's End in December! [b]Edit: My note on the upcoming content part has been clarified ash55, the post/thread was deleted due to it breaking the rules of the forum, genuine leak or not[/b] [b]Edit 2:[/b] [b]Too Long Didn't Read[/b] People who are posting videos on youtube attacking your decision to buy the DLC are not legitimate because there is no solid proof to what they are providing you with, IE: they're lying to you, or pushing an agenda of their own. You should at least consider buying the DLC's due to the cool stuff we've already seen some templates for in the game's database, and finally, the DLC isn't done yet, it's being worked on right now, so these threads and theories suggesting otherwise are wrong. [b]To All:[/b] I do appreciate the select individuals who have provided constructive comments, however the most of you are obviously too hooked on negativity to resort to attacks on me and anyone who disagrees with you, which is honestly an attack on your own credibility. Your "Self-Entitlement" behavior will not be tolerated any more in this thread, if you have nothing constructive to provide, don't bother posting as you will simply be ignored. Opinions the other way will be completely ignored without a solid piece of evidence to back up your claim (Posting a youtube video will not be treated as such). Finally, in no way or form am I required to post a video to make my own point, if you're too lazy to read or at least form a reasonable opinion based on facts, then don't bother posting either. Finally, to anyone who thinks attacking my credibility is a good idea, I guarantee you that it will only hurt you when I press that shiny report button for misinformation, I have provided my credentials many times before, so I don't need to do so again.

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  • Fix netcode>release dlc. Priority's people.

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  • Edited by magnis: 10/24/2014 3:32:49 PM
    Hmmm. while your main thoughts, not facts should have started your post. It is blind ignorance to tell people not to or to buy a DLC. what should be the warning to gamers is that hype should not be taken advantage of. That when a gaming company show case art work, then video, then game mechanics video no more then a month from game release to spread such hype due take care to have them prove what they are actually showing you. The lead writer joseph staten, no relation lol left bungie in septmeber of 2013. take on new challenges. then in janaury the grimiore project was undertaken and no one batted an eye on this feat. those are the facts when it comes to destiny. everything else is speculation. What is true in this game is that while it is a nice game format and has some good features with plenty of gloss over attributes. the incomplete forms many people are talking about are to the place holders that are in the game. examples are as follows speaker sells cosmetic attributes that do nothing. speeder bike attributes have no meaning ships are detailed in to much attributes( weapons and missles in some respects) to just be a loading screen function no real communication format unless you make people your friends gear attributes are not that much different and server the same purpose as the factions go. the npc who you can interact with have timers to represent changes in gear they sell yet nothing ever changes. many missions run the same format. the ghost does nothing different and really does not help you in game. in battle hes no where to be found. These attributes are some of the incomplete forms that are talk about and to many of you saying its a story well i say one thing. stories have chapters and they build one after the other. this game has parts of its 1st chapter missing, even though they where show cased as apart of chapter 1. The DLC is apart of chapter . to have a DLC come out 2 months after the game shows you did lie about some things in the game. You did cut some things out of the starter product and thought not to tell us because that would hurt sales and many people would cancel pre orders. I wont say to buy or not buy the DLC because some jerk tells you to but because bungie talks str8 and puts there jobs on the line. That they wont cancel or cut attributes out again. That they will put back the bar of real game content. Not ghost failing and call forth the enemy to attack again. there should be choices in the mission. Ghost is suppose to be a side companion so why is it not gaining experience with you to not always alert the enemy. Buy this DLC because bungie promise in full detail what will be in it a month from release. Not stay hush hush on things and have us go through every place searching for info. Hold DJEE feet to the fire and if he gives a non answer or a side answer, then we dont give them any money. Speak frank with him as its apart of the consumer place. The videos has merit and show case a problem. If you wish to be blind to that problem then say so and it will be fine. Its not nice to say the videos are hate filled when many of them are showing and talking about aspects that bungie just forgot to tell us, even after launch. I know DLC and they are not meant to be on the disk. If you put our content on the disk then say it will be there and we are still building the story. Honesty and truth is what the gaming community ask for. if you are honest you will get rich. if you are not then sure you will get some money but only for the period. it is that simple.

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  • I'm enjoying the content of the game and will be happy to pick up the DLC eventually. Also, this story is Shakespeare compared to Diablo 3. Oh crazy uncle Decard, there's no such thing as demons CHILD, I HAVE GONE THROUGH THIS -BLAM!- TWICE BEFORE! WHERE DO YOU THINK ALL THESE UNDEAD COME FROM?!?!

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    2 Replies
    • Edited by Textually Harass: 10/24/2014 12:03:12 PM
      You are literally brainwashed if you buy the dlc. The difference between destiny's changes during development and other game's is quite obvious. Other games cut content but REPLACE it with something. Destiny promised stuff. Never put it in. And never put in an alternative either. This game should have been delayed, but theyd rather throw it out and make money instead of finishing the game.

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      34 Replies
      • The thing is players are not satisfied because of the lack of story. It's like there selling the rest of the actual game in DLC. This is how people feel. It feels like they gave you a bowl of Ramen but you have to but they water and the sauce packet. It should be more like you have water, noodle and sauce pack then you can sell different flavors or toppings. Destiny could also be a cheese pizza that was meant to have hell of alot of topping but none were include...but you still paid for those toppings

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      • I agree, but disagree. The game is great, I love it. The thing is though that they showed us all of this content. Probably like 95% of the stuff they showed us prerelease, we didn't get. I understand that they are working, but instead of releasing this content we were showed, they are doing all these little updates that many people hate. They're changing the VoG, adding crappy week long events that most people hate, changing guns that people worked hard to earn... they should stop with this little crap that doesn't matter, and release what we all want... Older Russia and the many other places. Even if it was just one, it'd be awesome. I myself only just finished uncovering all the secret places I could at the Tower, Earth, Moon, and Venus. I still haven't finished searching Mars, but other people have. I think it's about time we get an update that we want. But don't get me wrong, I still agree with your post about the DLCs and whatnot.

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      • Already bought it, don't care, have money, like the gamE, here for the long run, nut here for quickie

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        2 Replies
        • thanks for eloquently putting in words what i always wanted to express. just because it is on the disc dOES NOT mean you got ripped off. It also does not mean you were ever entitled to it. It is a natural way of buying time to build the next DLC, etc. Bungie IS out to make money, but they are NOT out to steal or hurt you. The reason this message board is the way it is, is because the younger generation has grown up with a sense o f entitlement and instant gratification. Having to work for something, and feel good about it, no longer exists. This is fine with me, whatever, it just makes me sad that they are the primary voice Bungie is listening to. I also understand this is Bungies first attempt at an MMO, this game will grow and has potential to take over. I really think they can.

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        • I never really believed all of these conspirasies, I'm widely ignorant about video game design and development so I was never sure.

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        • Trust me i love this game and wont stop bcuz of all this hate, but i have stepped into seraphim vault and pikd up the dead ghost. That place was supposed to b there from the beginning imo

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        • I watched the video about why you shouldn't buy the DLC. Most of it is null and void because he doesn't understand game design/development. The only real legitimacy he had was how some of it might be dummed down cause of the rated T for the younger audience. And making it different between generations would only help sales. It would also gain favor with Sony/MS cause it would encourage selling newer consoles. So that entire part was bullshit.

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          1 Reply
          • The amount of silly rant posts I've come on to this morning has me laughing at many of you. You people have only cited non-information and continue to rely on these silly theories, but that still does not give solid proof to your point. If you cannot provide proof, and legitimate proof at that (quoting a youtube video on why you shouldn't buy full of opinions is not proof), you have no argument against my points. Now, what I have provided to you are facts, what we do know for sure. I gave you the information that we were all made aware of months if not a year ago, and from there common sense takes over. For you guys to sit back and think that Activision has the controlling direction on the game is silly, have you actually read their contract? Activision only has Bungie making the game and gave them a schedule to release expansions for the game, nothing in the contract says that Activision is given the direction and controls of the game, that's all on Bungie's end. I've posted quite a few times that I only take facts, and yet you still post nonsense in my thread expecting me to what? Change sides, apologize to you? No, you have given me nothing more but more motivation that what I have given is truth and that it's hurting you. You want an apology or a post telling otherwise, [b]GET PROOF[/b]. I'm not going to reply to anyone else in this thread who posts any negativity or thinks that attacking my "credentials" will help you. I know what I know from experience, and what I see here is what I have presented in my topic. End of story.

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          • Can you at least tell us the name of the developers you work for? This way a lot of us can avoid buying your products as you seem to be ok with shady business practices.

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            3 Replies
            • If money grew on trees you'd make a good point.

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            • What's your activision employee ID agajn?

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            • Edited by Olórin: 10/24/2014 12:54:01 PM
              How's about everyone buy (or not) the DLC if they want it, and not by what some random guy says about it (defending or attacking it) on the forums.

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            • I don't have to go so deep into all of this. I enjoy the game. I'm looking forward to doing more things in the game that I enjoy. I already bought both DLCs. If I had not purchased them yet, I would buy them.

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            • I just want a story where we are the bad guys and Bungie to confirm it. That's all. I don't care, I want the original story back. If the Traveller is REALLY the bad guy it would actually be an awesome story but Bungie is silent. They are not telling us anything… Did the change the story to dumb it down so that we are the good guys as always ? That's boring!!

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            • I've already purchased the DLC for the next two instalments. In all honesty I hope that Bungie releases destiny2 for $500 then all these whinging little sooks would have something to cry about. I'd still buy it! 300+ hrs and still loving it.

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              24 Replies
              • doesnt have youtube video so did not read

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              • You fail to realise we are not all "game developers". We are gamers, we do not have the insight you have, nor have the majority of gamers before us. So when we are given a game quarter complete, what do you expect? Oh it's ok this is totally different to any other game we've ever played but you know I guess that's just the way it goes, I'll pay more money soon that'll be fine. I don't think so.

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              • Or you could just wait a couple of days after release of dlc, watch a few vids then make your decision.

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                4 Replies
                • Let me just throw a couple things out there. I am cool with the DLC if it was free package as being part of the base game. You pay 60$ + for a game which should have a solid foundation of story and gameplay. But the thing is that this story is really disjointed and its supporting characters are extremely immemorable (except for everyones favorite, all hail the "Queen!"). But its not fair to have it being charged as 15$ extra for something that should have been part of the initial game in the 1st place. What I really want to make note is if this game had a decent story that is interesting and connected, my journal to lvl 30 and conquering the VOG Hard would have been that much more spectacular and memorable. Instead I am left with just relying on playing with friends to enjoy this game. If my pals werent so friggin cool I would have dropped this game in a blink of an eye. Heck I would have been cool with this game being DELAYED even further just to have the maximum experience that should have been part of the package. And Bungie will never "admit" to any truths claimed by the community. IB was just a plain middle-finger to the end-game achievers. "We want everybody to enjoy the experience," well that experience was just another Crucible, but now we have alot more players ditching the PVP mid way compared to Crucible just because they are losing. It was another smack to the face for consumers that delivered differently from what it was branded to be. In all honesty low levels should not be enjoying IB, why cater to them? Its obviously a goal to strive for low-levels (if they care). We can bring up a billion theories on how employees leaving Bungie, Activision influencing Bungie's game, or whatever else, but its undeniable at this stage that they continue to "say this," but "do that." Broken promises. And I am fairly certain WoW doesnt eff things up to this degree. Its not like the community as a majority would care about minor flaws. These are MAJOR flaws. I feel like I went on a tangent somewhere.

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                • Get out of here. Dick rider

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                • When does the full game release? I'm tired of the second beta.

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                  6 Replies
                  • TLDR make a video pl0x

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