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10/22/2014 2:18:08 PM
I am blown away at how many people are crying about the random porting on the Atheon fight. Unless you are doing the raid with people who are very bad at this game then this part is not difficult AT ALL! What is wrong with them making something that was supposed to be challenging....challenging? Bringing people along on your raid that are unable to shoot a few light bulbs and stay close together for a cleanse is a mistake and you have yourself to blame for that not Bungie. I seriously feel people just fear change and there are people who were not assigned to be on portal squad on their raid team that think there teammates were doing some pro stuff while in the portal when it is actually incredibly simple. Using the relic is also simple and unless you are playing with jerks that have no interest in allowing you to learn how to use the relic in the event that 3 un-experienced players are ported and in that case you should find new friends. If you are worried about how you or your noob teammates will handle this change then it is on you to help explain it very clearly to them and you should have no problems. So what if you were becoming familiar with employing a strategy of a certain 3 people and now it is no longer going to be like that? Why should this change only be implemented on hard mode and not all modes. Anything that makes this game more difficult even if it is slightly Bungie has to listen to crybabies on the forum whine all day and night and it is very sad since this change is honestly not a big deal. Stop pretending that we the fans actually get to make the decisions on the game. Sure Bungie wants to keep their fanbase happy, but somewhere along the line you guys got confused and you seem to think that the community decides what kind of game this is going to be not the developers. The more vocal part of this community is the garbage part of this community, the line between much deserved criticism and whiny entitled man-children is becoming very blurred and it is so so sad. I wish everyone who non-stop says this game sucks and complains about everything would just retire and stop sharing your grief with the millions of people who enjoy this game and hope they continue to improve it because there is much room for improvement we all know this. But small changes being made to an end-game raid should be welcomed not complained about non-stop as if they are somehow ruining the raid. They are not, everything is going to be okay scared little scrubs.

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