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10/22/2014 1:43:54 AM

On Community Feedback

Hey, there. I'd like to see if we can create a sense of understanding about something. I see a lot of threads on this forum that say things like "Please read this, DEEJ!" or "I hope Bungie sees this!" We read all of this feedback. More people than you would suspect look in on the forum here and in places all over the Internet where players talk about Destiny. We take it in. We measure it against data we have on our end. We triage it against our own wish lists. We plan our work based on the people we have on our team and the hours we have in any given work day. We choose our battles on the development floor the same way you do when you look at your Director. "What can I accomplish next to get better?" is the essential question. There is a process in place to support Destiny. You, constant reader, are a part of that process. Your voice is, by my proxy, a part of the conversation - even when it makes the meeting to which I've been invited a little contentious. I do not post in every thread that appears on this forum because I don't assume you'll settle for being placated with a stock "We hear you!" every time one of you has a good idea. The promise I can make is that I am working with the developers to make sure that they understand how you feel as they go about making their decisions. Now, there will be times when I focus on the positive. There are people in this community who deserve an introduction to happy gamers who are doing amazing things to provide a service to their fellow Guardians. Those people deserve their due credit. This does not mean that I'm dodging your feedback. It means that I'm attempting to see our community from every angle - to give everyone a voice. This may have been ill-advised, but it's something I wanted to say. Hopefully it doesn't blow up in my face, because I actually do like talking to you on the forum. I respect the people who take the time to express their honest opinions on this and other forums. I would compel you not to stop. That is all. For now.

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  • Keep it coming Bungie. I love this game and I trust you guys to make it even better. Good job.

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  • I had a good laugh.

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  • Edited by Quadra Quill: 10/22/2014 8:47:58 PM
    If you guys really did care then listen to us. It's obvious we want some real answers. Times have changed since Halo, we the fans are now more demanding for answers than ever. Why? Because almost every game that comes out is cut up and sold off to us more. Not only that but the quality of these games are in question as well. We need real answers so we know this isn't happening to game we all hoped would succeed. We the fan base want this game to work out even more than you guys do. We need answers.

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    1 Reply
    • I love you DeeJ, keep up the great work

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    • This game is beyond saving at this point. You guys even managed to completely mess up the Iron Banner. "Bring your best gear you will need it" yeah my ass. People were dominating at level 4 with the very first auto rifle you get in the game. False Advertisement

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      4 Replies
      • Thanks Deej. I've read all your posts so far, and I think you're doing a great job communicating what's going on. I also really enjoy the game (when I get a chance to play it that is, I'm still only level 23), and I think Bungie's been pretty responsive to players.

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      • Well said Deej!

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      • Thank you DeeJ for what you do. I know being the voice of the forums to bungie can't be easy for one guy. (Unless DeeJ is code for an entire dev team; in which case Ignor that comment). But this community needs transparency; it needs specific, and detailed information about why this or that is getting nerfed/buffed. Or when a certain patch is coming out (*cough thorn and bad juju *cough). And if something will never happen or can't happen for a while let us know why.

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      • I love Bungie and it pains me to see all of this hate coming from the community. to be fair Bungie really could have soften this huge blow from the release if they just implemented a few things guessed it..HALO. theater mode...custom lobbies and even the armor customization (your own choosing of colors or shaders for this matter) that halo had would have easily made this game much more enjoyable.

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      • I believe what you say as much as I believe 404architect.

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      • It is desperate and dark days lately isnt it. With all the nerfs and patches...there must be light at the end of the tunnel! Or end of the raid...

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      • Thanks Deej. Honestly. Now for those who didn't know will now know. [spoiler]bungie employs stalkers @_@[/spoiler]

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      • Deej...for being the bridge between us and the're more Tom Smykowski from Office Space than an actual agent. Yes you may read the forums. Yes you may consolidate your concerns to the devs. Yes you may actually do it in a timely fashion... ...however... ...almost every post you've made to the community has been convoluted and vague...which to any educated person shows that you have no actual idea what is going on...cannot shed any light on plans....or are simply content in being a puppet. Every company loves a patsy...someone to feed to the hungry wolves to save face and get a 2nd chance. Your best chance at avoiding this is beyond simple. Instead of silly "take on the devs" in crucible...organize a sample of active raiders, pvpers, and casuals for a sit down to properly address issues in the game. Give them time to prep and present in a professional manner...instead of amazing ideas getting crushed in the forums. If it's a bad idea, tell us why!! I give props to swtor for having an AMAZING weekly q&a...FROM THE PLAYERS. Orrrrr you can just ignore this lol...when you become jack ruby in about a month you can always try politics...just like destiny your content is little to none, but you speak very well. TKE MFO, JD, LL.M.

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        2 Replies
        • I agree with Arron Rift's idea about some sort of a marker, because a stock "We hear you" would actually suffice in helping people to feel that you are indeed listening. Now I have only one major gripe with this game (Besides servers, though I guess it's not entirely Bungie's fault with it) and that is loot. 100% RNG only works in other games because it is group RNG. It's the collective 5, 10, 20, or 25 people versus this one system in other games. So, when a duplicate item, something that I already have drops, I don't just smash it into materials, it goes to another person in the raid that does in fact need it. If you don't want to have a group loot system, I don't really think you can keep the RNG as is, because at the end of the day, it just feels unrewarding. I can think of numerous different methods for changing the loot system so that it doesn't just seem to hand out immensely powerful items to some people while shitting all over everybody else. I think the method for Raid's that I would most be interested in would be raid tokens to buy the Raid armor sets, because I know of several people who are still stuck at level 29 after clearing the raid over 20 times, and others who are level 30 after doing it 2 or 3 times, my brother being one of the prior. He just this week deleted his hunter after clearing the raid on normal and hard and getting nothing so that he could do it again. I would wager that he had around 10 clears on his Hunter before he did this, and has 9 on his Warlock with another 6 on his Titan. AND YET NOT ONE LEVEL 30. Whereas I have done nearly 600 crucible matches and gotten one piece of loot I can't even pretend I'd enjoy. (And yeah, that one piece was the Truth launcher. Yippee) This brings me to my second idea for a loot system. Let's call it "The Points Reward System" where all your crucible score is as the site already does, added up and say lumped into one big pile of nearly worthless currency. Now you add a vendor that will accept said currency in exchange for exotic weapons (And hell, it'd be really nice to see some actual PvP gear, some gear that you could only get by doing extensive PvP to show that you meant business) ...In any case, you'd spend 500k, or 1 million, or hell, even 2 million of your crucible points to buy your choice of exotic weapon, instead of just praying to god you get the one you want. - Look, I see your whole RNG concept, and rarity and blah blah, but this system would; A: Reward people for time spent, instead of just getting lucky. (And at the same time, improve the actual rarity of exotic weapons) B: Give people a sense of accomplishment, a drive to actually contribute to the team, even if it's only for their own gain. And C: Remove the chance of people AFK'ing to abuse the current system. No points, no loot. I LIKE it when the best items in the game are hard to get, I do.... But your current system doesn't actually do that. It makes it entirely a guessing game. There is just way waaaay too much randomness in current loot methods, which from a lot of player's perspectives definitely favors other people. In a technicality, and though unlikely, there is a chance that you never reach level 30, no matter how many times you run the raid. I'm an MMO veteran, so I've seen poor luck with loot before, but never have I seen such a discrepancy between the ones who are essentially blessed by the system, and the ones that are -blam!-ed by it repeatedly. That's because other games have a fail-safe; the group loot system. Where even though the loot is all RNG, it's dropped in a big ol' pile for the whole group to sort through. Though this system can potentially still leave people wanting, you can get around it by finding a consistent group to run raids with. Even if you lose every single roll, eventually it will come around to you.... But without that fail safe, if you lose every single roll with this RNG system as it were, you will get nothing. Ever. And there is an even greater chance that no matter how much you play the game, you literally never get any of the exotic weapons that you want. When you get an exotic weapon that you have literally zero desire to use, well it doesn't feel so exotic. I wouldn't even mind if there was a possibility that I never got my loot... If it wasn't just handed out to other players after their ass drags like a dog. End rant.

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        • So if you read so many threads why do we get so few responses? Why just you? Most of your responses are vague at best. Vague is the best way to describe 80% of what you say and should never be taken literal. You almost redeemed yourself when you teased 2 passanger vehicles but guess what's not in the game Deej? Why don't you implement any of the good ideas that people come up with? You nerfed the mythoclast because people cried for a week but things we have been bringing up for a decade are ignored? ? You don't need to listen to any single person in this forum. You should be listening to the community as a whole. The community has spoken.

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          8 Replies
          • Edited by BigBrutal64: 10/23/2014 3:39:39 PM
            Deej......I am really sorry to have to write this......You lost all credibly with me (at least) a while back. I wish I could believe what you write.

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          • Deej the only thing I am asking for is private matches and a theater mode

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          • Edited by CDugD: 10/22/2014 4:31:16 PM
            As someone who works in custom software development services, if we talked down to our customers the way that you do, we wouldn't be in business very long. You are a software vendor in a market full of competitors where consumers have tons of options. That's the power dynamic. Talking in circles and keeping everything vague is off-putting and disrespectful. We are your customers. You provide a service for us. We pay your bills and keep you afloat. Please treat us with respect. Basically... try harder.

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            13 Replies
            • Whenever there is a game failure, at some point you get THIS post from someone 'involved' It says nothing of substance, does nothing but antagonise and ultimately just collates the anger of the disgruntled gamers in one place. Disappointing to see it here but unsurprising when there is a gaping chasm of content that looks like it can never be fully realised without redefining the story and Bungie seem to have evolved an appeasement process aimed at those who shout the loudest.

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            • Some amount of criers on these forums

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            • Thanks for the update DeeJ! It's good to hear that you are actively viewing our feedback. You are doing a great job with a tough, critical, and out-spoken community. Keep up the good work.

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            • Edited by Prozog: 10/22/2014 7:59:16 PM
              Why is Bungie making nerfs and buffs, when they have not even fixed the VoG audio issue???? Hmmmm..... Why are not the game issue's being addressed prior to people PERSONAL request.... Making these requested changes prior to the one's ACTUALLY needed are hurting this game.

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            • Sitting here on a rooftop in the Divide. Absolutely nothing exciting to do. Same random bounties for the passed two months, same strikes... I could start a new character, and do it all over again. Playing hour after hour doing the same missions Ive done a gazillion times. Man, Destiny's lack of content is just so overwhelming of the good things in this game. I want to say good things but when the bad greatly out weigh the good, it is hard to justify. It almost sounds like Bungie expects us to give them all praise for a beautiful, great game. Guess what Bungie, you would be receiving a mass of praise, if you would have gave us a full game to judge. I thought I would be in for 10 years maybe, but I havent even made it two months. And with that, I have been returned to orbit for inactivity. Can we return Destiny to Bungie for inactivity?

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            • I think there are some enhancements to playability which would not be controversial and would be received well by most people. These are things like: - status of faction, vanguard, crucible, cryptarch etc.. level on one of the screens (its somewhere on this board) - ability to view grimoire - knowing how far you have till bonus is nice - fixing where grimoire progress is not updated for some daily and weekly strikes - locking weapons and armor which you do not want to accidentally dismantle - putting exotic bounties in the mission bucket

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            • Don't just tell us you all are listening... SHOW us please!

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            • Damage controlling at it's finest.

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