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10/22/2014 1:43:54 AM

On Community Feedback

Hey, there. I'd like to see if we can create a sense of understanding about something. I see a lot of threads on this forum that say things like "Please read this, DEEJ!" or "I hope Bungie sees this!" We read all of this feedback. More people than you would suspect look in on the forum here and in places all over the Internet where players talk about Destiny. We take it in. We measure it against data we have on our end. We triage it against our own wish lists. We plan our work based on the people we have on our team and the hours we have in any given work day. We choose our battles on the development floor the same way you do when you look at your Director. "What can I accomplish next to get better?" is the essential question. There is a process in place to support Destiny. You, constant reader, are a part of that process. Your voice is, by my proxy, a part of the conversation - even when it makes the meeting to which I've been invited a little contentious. I do not post in every thread that appears on this forum because I don't assume you'll settle for being placated with a stock "We hear you!" every time one of you has a good idea. The promise I can make is that I am working with the developers to make sure that they understand how you feel as they go about making their decisions. Now, there will be times when I focus on the positive. There are people in this community who deserve an introduction to happy gamers who are doing amazing things to provide a service to their fellow Guardians. Those people deserve their due credit. This does not mean that I'm dodging your feedback. It means that I'm attempting to see our community from every angle - to give everyone a voice. This may have been ill-advised, but it's something I wanted to say. Hopefully it doesn't blow up in my face, because I actually do like talking to you on the forum. I respect the people who take the time to express their honest opinions on this and other forums. I would compel you not to stop. That is all. For now.

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  • Thanks Deej. I look forward to future updates and events. Ever since Iron Banner I've been excited to see what's to come.

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  • Edited by UnKnownEntity: 10/22/2014 9:49:08 PM
    1 thing that makes this game sucks more than the rest. NO PROXIMITY/GAME CHAT. YUP KEEP NERFING AND BUFFING WEAPONS AND DONT ADD IN VOICE CHAT, THE MOST S ANTI SOCIAL GAME OF 2014. good job bungie. the game is dying an will die faster without it., i see people wanting raid matchmaking. um that wont work without game chat. so peolpe get your head out of your asses and get the things we NEED 1ST****

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    • Edited by Epic0ndy1e: 10/22/2014 10:01:50 PM
      The complaints on this forum are worse than restaurant reviews on urbanspoon 90% of users only post to voice a complaint, while the vast majority are happy with the game and do not feel the need to post among all the negativity. The gaming industry was better off without "Generation entitled" Bungie is doing just fine.

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      • Edited by Vyse: 10/22/2014 10:33:45 PM
        I love people that expect everything to be answered and be fixed immediately. There is allot of people trying to voice there opinion and allot of people just complain. There are only so many people looking over feedback for millions of people not everyone will be answered. And honestly what other game company cares or even attempts to makes changes to content simply for what people want to be different. Also ever thought he may not be authorized to give you answers you want to here or maybe there is no answer to your question at the time being. That is all have been getting annoyed by these kind of comments for awhile now.

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      • Hopefully the game reaches its "destiny" within time :) still I am enjoying the game. Just wished there was a little bit more to do lol maybe a king of the kill game type in pve would be fun. Waves of enemies until you die or timed, the problem would be how to fit it in the story to make it awesome!

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      • having put some time into this game now, and testing out vault of glass, and other strikes/nightfall, i have to say the boss encounters in this game is some of the worst i have ever seen. Bosses on this game takes very little strategy, it seems like all you do is find the best corner where the boss cant shoot at you and take potshots at the bosses for the next 20 mins. just look at this weeks nightfall. hide in the room with the shreeker, wait for despawn and shoot at phogot through a crack. that is not good game design, that is horrible design. you run around so much in this game just so you dont get instabigged by the crazy amount of shots getting fired at you, and just try to get some shots in yourself. how about making the bosses actually take some strategy instead of just beeing bulletspunges. how about actually make us get some use out of our supers? the video i linked is from the game wildstar, they have combat telegraphs, how about using something like that in some encounters? where, instead of, lets say phogot, shoots his dragonball Z bombs at us nonstop, you make it so it takes some strategy to avoid his shots. how about making players and classes actually have to use their supers, and give players a switch subclass and weapons button on the fly. have a boss become immune to certain damage, making everyong having to switch over to another element, make the boss use Combat telegraphs on the entire outer area, forcing everyone to get close to the boss to shoot it, and then make the entire inner area around the boss a killzone, forcing players to go ranged. make bosses immune to certain weapons for some small time. make it so that a boss cant be damanged, unless a class uses their super to open up a weakness. seriosly, please put some thought into the boss fights, and dont make them some stupid DPS fight.

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        4 Replies
        • I don´t believe a word that comes from Bungie any more. You´ve decieved us, lied to us and f**cked up one of the most promising and anticipated games in years. "Their decisions...", tell them to hire a story teller and a project manager with some spine! Techie developers trying to tell a story has always led to disaster!

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          • Thanks for the communication, DeeJ.

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          • More ambiguous rambling. We need specific responses to community concerns. Please, provide these.

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            3 Replies
            • Thanks Deej! I don't envy your job!

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            • Hey Deej, I'm sure you guys know this already, but people only get this level of annoyed for things they actually care about! Sure there are things that can be improved which there are with almost all things in video games and all other forms of media for that matter, but I for one have sunk more hours into this game than any other I've played (including even Skyrim!). For me personally, the main reason for this is that I am connecting with people in my clan that I wouldn't normally have the opportunity to hang out with, which has resulted in a lot of laughs and some epic encounters in the game. I look forward to more updates as and when they come and hope you all know that there are a huge amount of people, not all of whom are necessarily that vocal, that are thoroughly enjoying themselves! Cheers - KF

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            • Can you bring the Base damage up on the exotics like they were in the beta? Doesn't feel right that the legendary weapons have the same base damage as the exotics

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            • For some of the posters: it's not that gamers are the "most" impossible to please but it tends to be rather where the less involved the community feels in relation to the developers, the louder they get. This is really the more accurate assessment in my opinion and implies that if the developers are more often heard engaging the players, the less often you hear threads that sound whiny or rage filled. At some level Dust514 had an overhaul with some of the devs and lead devs taking a more active role engaging players and the result has been met with some success; players tend to be quiet when they say "yes part A is a problem and we're addressing it this way but we don't want to break game mechanics just to fix this problem so give us time to explore the best way to solve it without creating more issues but we are aware". At that point most ppl will stay quiet and the ones that continue to rant get met with a "link here so be quiet". Other games, FF14 most notably, have more engaged forums with a minimum monthly letter by the developer that generally summarizes what they are doing, what they intend to do and things to expect. One thing I've learned generally is that it's that whole "we are aware and this is what's going on" that tends to keep ppl happy but when there is more quiet than feedback then expect the forums to have a bit mroe chaos. I also want to point out I don't think any game does it quiet perfectly or nearly well; in Dust514 the engagement is there but they tend to stay away from posts critical of the company and in FF14 while you do get Q&A from the developer it's mostly from questions filtered and selected in advance and doesn't always address more pressing concerns. I'd say all game companies are behind the curve on this one where some companies have full time staff (even a small one) to just check their social media where as game companies prize this as one of the lowest priorities with typically one person or a few who work on it. Destiny, in general, could honestly benefit from more employees dedicated on feedback and engagement in general rather than maybe 1 person it looks like.

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              • Edited by EXUnForgiv3n: 10/22/2014 9:51:22 PM
                I don't see you talking to any of us on the forums though, Deej. I see you stopping in on a thread, usually saying either, "That's a good idea and we are already thinking of it." or some snide comment that literally does nothing, which it is not your job to enjoy these forums. It is your job to take in input, give feedback, and let us know that the community is still being looked after and what sort of things are on the upcoming agenda. You may have fun with the forums, but only when it is pertaining to your job. I may have had a great conversation with my waiter at dinner, but that doesn't mean I want him/her to sit at the table with me, eat my appetizer's and talk about the latest fantasy football numbers. Get out of here. The one and only time I've seen Bungie reply back to us was when they said they were going to nerf the shotguns, auto rifles, buff the scout rifles, and make Bad Juju and Thorn better. That was a month ago and you've done some of those things. I understand things take time but that is not what I am going on about here. I am wanting to know that you have plans to do certain things that you had plans for. The loot cave, templar pillars, Aetheon baby bumpers, and Aetheon's teleporting "hotfixes" should have been told to us within a couple day of said hotfix implementations. Don't blind side us with something and expect everyone to praise the fact you fix things, take a hint from Blizzard. They usually post their patchnotes a couple of days prior to implementing them so we, as a community, understand what we will be dealing with come patch day. You, however, choose the most retarded threads to reply to, and expect the community to not jump your ass? Deej, you are not our friend. It's ok to be civil, but do your goddamn job and stop trying to sugar coat your poorly executed community manager work by trying to be buddy buddy with us. Be professional, that's all we want from you.

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                8 Replies
                • How about you answer this? What happened to Mercury, the Reef, Saturn, and Europa? These were said to have been places where we could have gone as a player in your 2013 Vidoc's. You even have footage from a map in the reef, not too mention how you already had orbital sequences for Mercury and Saturn. So, what happened to them? Are they on the disc just like the first 2 expansions?

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                • DeeJ, I realise you don't have an exceptionally easy job and I feel like it could at times be best described as being caught between a rock and a hard place, which can't always be the best job in the world. That being said, I'm thankful you're doing it. I always like to think a little thanks goes a long way, so thank you.

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                • that's it for Bungie, The most boring game just ran out of events. and WTF is DTR. Nobody gives a sh*t about your charity work for people who's looking to play VOG. anyway.. so what game are you guys replacing Destiny. I went back to BF4. Can't wait for the Final Stand DLC.

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                  • Edited by OlRazzelDazzel: 10/22/2014 8:47:39 PM
                    DeeJ, out of most of the 12-year old spam that filters through these threads I will say the most prevalent complaint by far is management of the RNG. I for instance can grind for hours in VOG or killing trash on the cosmodrome only to receive the equivalent in drop rate. I have played MMO's for years and I know what grinding is all about; however, I would at least like to see a stable loot table come from The Templar or Antheon. If that is not in the works, can we at least look into a special form of token that can purchase the gear that normally drops? I and many others would not be salty if it took say 10 "coins of glass" to purchase a chest piece or equivalent. At the same time keep weapons, the sparrow, ship, and shader the same. I think this is a fair representation of grind time. All in all being literally "stuck" at 29 is a bit frustrating considering it is no fault of my own, and I know I'm not the only one who feels this way [quote]" ...just give em' the ol razzle dazzle"[/quote] #RNG #stillnochestpiece #stillnoboots #welltimetowaitabother7days #whydoesthatdudehave3level30toonswithlesstimespentplayed Edit: thanks to bungie for actually listening at times. Also don't take away our ways to overcome bosses like pushing them off the map if you are not willing to meet us halfway with other problems.

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                    • Well said chap

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                    • Edited by veilsix: 10/22/2014 9:07:23 PM
                      Thanks for the post Deej. Granted it's less than what we want to hear as far as what's happening, but I always keep an eye on the Weekly Updates for the big news regardless. I hope we hear more, and sorry you felt you had to post something like this to bridge with the community, the negativity has been tiresome I know. I appreciate your efforts and am enjoying the game quite a bit. Like all things, there is room for improvement, but that applies to everything in life. You guys as a company have shown greatness in products past and I'm sure you'll achieve it with Destiny, I think it's already on its way and your efforts already prove you're determined that be the case again. Thanks and enjoy your day!

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                      • Gamers are seriously the most impossible people to satisfy. I for one am stoked and recognize that you guys have in fact been listening to the community. This is reality people, you don't wave a wand and fix everything magically. Was the game as complete as it could have been? Maybe. If you don't like it don't play it. What a bunch of pansy crybabies "shoot the messenger idiots". I am sure DEEJ has nothing better to do than respond to each post about WHY DID YOU RUIN THE VEX MYTHOCLAST. Unbelievable.

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                      • I wrote a huge breakdown and posted it a few days ago. It got buried immediately. Its a huge coincidence because in it I talk about how you may be reading threads constantly but we wouldn't know it as well as more and more threads titled "Bungie!...." or "Deej NEEDS to read this" as a result. I'm sad that thread went nowhere but this post could be a direct response to what I wrote (again purely by coincidence).

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                      • Thanks for the heads up Deej, hopefully my idea about being able to use the larger keyboard on the phone app will come to light. It sucks typing with one hand lol.

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                        4 Replies
                        • Lies like everything else you've been saying

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                        • Can I ask a serious question? Are we going to do Stonehenge tomorrow?

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                        • Keep it coming Bungie. I love this game and I trust you guys to make it even better. Good job.

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