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10/22/2014 1:43:54 AM

On Community Feedback

Hey, there. I'd like to see if we can create a sense of understanding about something. I see a lot of threads on this forum that say things like "Please read this, DEEJ!" or "I hope Bungie sees this!" We read all of this feedback. More people than you would suspect look in on the forum here and in places all over the Internet where players talk about Destiny. We take it in. We measure it against data we have on our end. We triage it against our own wish lists. We plan our work based on the people we have on our team and the hours we have in any given work day. We choose our battles on the development floor the same way you do when you look at your Director. "What can I accomplish next to get better?" is the essential question. There is a process in place to support Destiny. You, constant reader, are a part of that process. Your voice is, by my proxy, a part of the conversation - even when it makes the meeting to which I've been invited a little contentious. I do not post in every thread that appears on this forum because I don't assume you'll settle for being placated with a stock "We hear you!" every time one of you has a good idea. The promise I can make is that I am working with the developers to make sure that they understand how you feel as they go about making their decisions. Now, there will be times when I focus on the positive. There are people in this community who deserve an introduction to happy gamers who are doing amazing things to provide a service to their fellow Guardians. Those people deserve their due credit. This does not mean that I'm dodging your feedback. It means that I'm attempting to see our community from every angle - to give everyone a voice. This may have been ill-advised, but it's something I wanted to say. Hopefully it doesn't blow up in my face, because I actually do like talking to you on the forum. I respect the people who take the time to express their honest opinions on this and other forums. I would compel you not to stop. That is all. For now.

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  • Edited by COLDasICE MEDIC: 10/23/2014 11:50:38 AM
    if you want quantifiable opinions, you would need to have a growing/ evolving survey. one that that acknowledges legitimate complaints. rate likes/ dislikes on a scale.

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  • My vision of Destinys birth..

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    i like blueberries in my pancakes

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    • Thanks for this. Really. While it'll start a whole new plethora of idiots whining it will sate the thirst for some sort of response that many of the forum-goers so desperately needed. I've been party to the complaining, won't deny it. But foman said it quite right....we're all still here. Obviously something is done right. For me it's what has always been fantastic in Bungie games, the core gameplay. I do, however, agree with a majority here in the idea that the story isn't so fantastic. People will continually conspiracy craft regardless. Something did happen in the development cycle, plain as day. No clue what it is and no clue if it was for better or worse. But even if it was for the worse I've continually had faith in this company to be heading for the better. A lot of stuff is very frustrating about this game. From connection issues to loot issues, I've dealt with them all. Sad part is that I've seen more complaining here than I heard from battlefield which was an absolute disaster at launch. People continually claim things like halo wasn't this bad with the lack of information. As a vet here I know that's untrue. Halo was released with a lot less going on than this game, so any issues were less noticeable so it just seemed like there was less of an information blackout. People truly need to understand that fixing any issues with a video game is a lot like fighting a hydra (mythical, not Destiny), cut off one head and three more spout up. It's going to take time. There's one thing that did truly concern me, but recently those fears were slightly alleviated. Most fixes were to pvp without any concern for pve. But the fact that you're working on the mythoclast alleviated that fear that this was all gong to be pvp-centric. That's what made me truly understand the process. Y'all messed up, but you admitted it. Not too many game companies will admit that. The final thing that people may need to be clarified, but I'm pretty sure is true. The little loot cave fixes and raid fixes. These weren't a concern to us and it wasn't asked for. Sure, I'll give that. But what gamer is going to ask for easy rewards to be taken away. It's my belief that these were easy fixes and you have part of your team working on those and another, hopefully larger, portion of your team working on what gamers are considering the real problems. Thanks again for this, deej. You might catch flak on the forum or even in the office from this, but the logical portion of the community and the long-term fans will be happy for this.

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      1 Reply
      • Stow your temper guardians! You fight like devils in the crucible but you whine like children on the forums! Prove your worth! -Lord Shaxx

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          Damn it DeeJ you've woken the hive! If only there was a "fanboys" vs "whiners" crucible battle. [i]sigh[/i] Tread completed: leaving in 30 seconds *sits and waits*

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          2 Replies
          • I guess this is better than nothing, or staying quiet. As long as I know you (and the other guys at Bungie) are checking out feedback and as such, that still counts as something. I've never really had many complaints about Destiny, seeing as it's been the main focus since launch. No, really... I've played over 400+ hours and still going (somehow) because I enjoy it with friends or have something to keep me going, regardless if there's no DLC until December. Only problem is.... Where's my Patience and Time? Only one of the Exotics I've had my eye on since finding out about it! I guess it really fits into it's name, right? <3

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            • lol when u reliZe u suck at ur own game lol 2-15 in crucible.

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            • There should be a better way to streamline our ideas on what should be added, what needs to be fixed, and new ideas that could be used. Also could you make a news page or section in Destinies start page so we can see what's been changed and updated so we don't have to constantly come on the site same goes with grimoire cards. I have my fair share of gripes because I felt and still feel the game has potential. Just don't milk us with the DLC.

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            • Respect for the post, sadly people will always want more. Too many people here have an 'everything now' attitude coupled with entitlement issues which makes them believe it is their right to have all the answers all of the time. Changes will come, I want them as much as anyone. Difference is that I don't have to spam about getting 'a roadmap' or anything like that.

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              2 Replies
              • Thank you DeeJ! ...also Cupcakes...

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              • I do want to thank you for listening. I think a lot of us would just like to hear what exactly you guys are working on right now.

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              • Edited by PloppaDom: 10/23/2014 9:51:35 AM
                deej, i have one point to make that i tried starting on a thread a while back, now i agree with some of the points people make about having quick buttons for ammo sythesis etc but i feel my point is more below \/ i really feel that there should be a loadouts selection on the touchpad selection or something like that, this is so i can change between my titans classes when im in battle or going in to pvp so i dont have to change each peice of armour and each weapon over to suit the kind of environment im in.... similar to other loadout selection setting as seen in things like 'dc universe' and so on.... by doing this you can have a differnent style of armour and shader per loadout with additional loadouts available for purchase from XUR or some other tower vender?? i fully understand if the developers feel this is pointless perk to add to the game but when i see/hear reversing beepers on a sparrow and multiple guardians in the tower trying to do all lose their S**T and do the Harlem Shake i get a tiny bit frustrated that little bonuses like this could be added to improve a guardians gameplay?? i dont expect any likes and comments becuase this is what i would really like to see in my destiny! thanks for hearing us out...

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              • Please fix the glitched ghosts. Ras-2 bunker and freehold station tv

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              • In my line of work I understand what taking this chance in reaching out to the community means even though most people will use it to channel their rage. Even though I may be critical at times Id like to say thank you, Deej.

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              • It's alittle long but this guy makes a lot of good points, I was hoping the game would improve but after listening to him explain more than likely, why it is the way it is, I don't think it ever will.... I WISH it was what it should have been... Where is the old game?! It seemed soo much greater than what was sold to us... Don't all hate on me at once, I don't hate the game, it is fun to play, but no one can deny it is very repeative and not what the people following the game were expecting.

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                6 Replies
                • i hope you are reading my threads also, because i don't tag them with "Please read this, DEEJ!" or "I hope Bungie sees this!" :-|

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                • Edited by Drakan: 10/23/2014 8:29:43 AM
                  Yesterday I posted a thread on the feedback forum regarding a serious bug affecting ammo synthesis. I have 40 x ammo of each of the three types and they are not working; nor in patrol, nightfall or wherever. This is serious as I am unable to complete strikes, nightfall etc without ammo. The cool down activates but no ammo is feeded into the gun. Thank you.

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                • You are doing a great job communicating with this community. By far the best I've seen in years. No complaints here. The game isn't perfect, but it is good. You guys are doing a great job.

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                • Hey deej why are you the only moderator on the forum? This is a serious question they need more gms so that more post can be heard.

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                • I apologize, and sincerely dont wish for this to seem antagonistic...but will the [b]titan's catapult[/b] ever be fixed, as I'm fairly certain its glitched and doesn't work as intended...

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                • Can you tell us what happened to the story? Or rather why there isn't one after what, 5 years?

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                  4 Replies
                  • Its too bad yall didn't do this for the alpha players and beta players suggestions before the game even released. So yeah honestly I'm guessing the player numbers are dropping so here comes the pr.

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                  • Edited by Broke n' Tokin': 10/23/2014 1:52:07 AM
                    Just a PSA to everyone who uses this forum: You can provide helpful and constructive feedback without throwing a temper tantrum and acting like a 3-year-old child. For Christ's sake, this game hasn't even been out for two months and people are losing their shit when something goes wrong. Give it time. You act as if Destiny is the only option you have to keep yourself entertained. Go out there and learn something. You go from sitting in front of the TV and yelling, to sitting at the computer and yelling. There are bigger issues out there. Such as the health risks of [b]sitting around all day.[/b] Shit, if it's that big a deal, and you really are so lazy and uninspired that all you want to do is play video games, how about you take a break from Destiny and play something else? This seems like common sense. It blows my mind how many people think that the imperfections in Destiny are the most important issues facing society today. Have you ever considered how lucky you are to have a game console in the first place? To have the time in your life to play video games? To even have electrical hookups that make your console work? To live in a society where it's accepted to sit around doing nothing for a few hours every day? To live such a life that you have the time to relax and forget about everything else, rather than having to work 24/7 to make a living and still wonder if you're going to have enough for dinner tomorrow night? Jesus Christ, this community needs to grow up. The entire gaming community needs to [b]grow the -blam!- up.[/b] [b]TL;DR[/b] If people were as passionate about real issues as they are about the trivial things I see here, the world would be a better place.

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                    20 Replies
                    • No, YOU GROW UP!

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                    • Edited by JHarv: 10/22/2014 11:54:35 PM
                      Just more damage control following false hope. "We're planning things so something happens at some point, don't worry you're gonna love it. Keep the faith, sit tight, and game on!" Yeah yeah, but at what point do the words become action? Empty promises don't sit well for a child whose parents promise them ice cream every day for doing their homework and never get it, nor do they sit well for a community who continues to be mislead and ripped off.

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