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originally posted in: reminder that bungie lied
10/21/2014 10:00:45 AM
[quote]Not always, and developers which do this should be branded. There's no point in coding and designing future content when you haven't completely coded or designed the full retail version of the game. You don't build walls to a house before you lay the foundation, so why would create DLC to go with a game that doesn't exist?[/quote] Games that have DLC come out in the first 6 months or even later are always working on DLC before the game releases. At different stages ofc. but they have it in the pipeline, that's just how it works. Content takes time to create, even things we (consumers) consider small additions. There are a lot of processes in development and DLC has become a norm because people buy it. If we want to go back to the old form of new content, that is made after the game is released, we need the old form of expansion packs. It will take much longer for content to come out and that won't work with many games, because as i mentioned before the patience of gamers has gone dramatically down. [quote]He's says you can go there right now, and "one day we hope to take you there," then chucks a grenade off in the distance to show it can be traversed. I don't expect to reach the mountains, but the level design was complete in that area a year ago and they are now trying to pawn it off as DLC. This is what upsets consumers.[/quote] I think you put to much into his statement. You COULD go there because it is rendered, modelled etc. but that does not mean it is a completed level design.

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