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Edited by ZaF: 10/25/2014 1:17:16 AM

The problem is not RNG or content....

The problem is items... or a lack of. If lvl 30 gear fell outside of the raid, the games content would automatically be more attractive as it would give people something to do during the week. The game was described as a Loot game by Bungie. So lets try make it a loot game. This is a long post, going in depth about issues with itemisation in destiny, the level cap and drops in the game. First armour, then weapon and finally exotics. (this is all for PvE). TLDR for the lazy ones :) * Only 3 pieces of armour to aim for. Only available from raid. *This makes rest of the game pointless in terms of effort -> reward. *All level 30 characters are practically the same. *Legendary perks are boring and unimaginative. *Exotics are great but only 1 allowed to be equipped, automatically makes any further exotics less useful. *Poor upgrade trees for weapons. Now for some more stuff. [u][b]ARMOUR[/b][/u] The problem is the lack of loot you are aiming for. If you want to reach level 30 you need 3 pieces of raid gear and an exotic fully upgraded. There is only 1 set of raid gear, which means anytime you see a level 30 you know 75% of the gear he is wearing without even having to see him. [u][b]This is terrible.[/b][/u] What this ALSO means is that any drops outside of the raid are practically pointless. If i get legendary armour engrams outside of the raid then so what? they wont be better than the raid gear. This is the problem with having level tied into gear. Its not a problem if there is a VARIETY of sets, armours, weapons etc. But in a game where there is only 4 items to get you to 30 worth picking up it gets frustrating / boring / stale very quick. [u][b]There has to be more sets of legendary gear with more unique legendary properties[/b][/u] There is a real lack of imagination on the legendary properties given to items. What ever happened to some quality bonuses? Confusion? Hex? Damage buff? Increasing defence? Adding elemental damage to melee / primary attack etc? How good would it be if the following set was in the game and could only be dropped from say, Phogoth on a extra tough version of a nightfall strike (this is assuming we ever get nightfal playlists). *names made up on the spot, forgive me* :p Helm: Gauntlets: Chest: Legs: Fusion Rife: Phogoths Eye *wearing all 5 items gives set bonus: On melee attack, STOMP is applied, damaging all nearby units for 200% weapon damage). This is just a made up example (an awful one). but this gives you something to do outside of the raid. Something to aim for, something for RNG to bless you with. Imagine 1 set per strike boss, extremely rare drops but when you get them its great. [u][b]Problems coming with the DLC[/b][/u] The DLC is on its way. Now if the DLC only gives us new raid gear to get us to 32 (35, whatever it is) and thats IT... Then the game is in serious trouble. There should always be advancement. Always the chance for good gear from a variety of sources. if the game falls into a "lets wait for tuesday to see if i get 1 of the 4 items i need" then I do worry about destiny. [u][b]The soloution[/b][/u] Bungie, i am begging you. You need to put a whole host of gear into the destiny universe that gives enough light to reach the level raid gear lets you get to. ALL gear needs to have better attributes attached to it. I will happily write you a bunch of sets out for free to put into the game. Make them rare as hell but give us something to aim for outside our ONE raid a week. [u][b]WEAPONS[/b][/u] Poor abilities for weapons. You have a gun called BAD JUJU... yet it doesnt apply a curse to the enemy??? What is THAT about? You have a gun called thunderlord... but after a mind numbing 3 hours farming spinmetal it doesnt do anything vaguely cool involving thunder(arc)?? Why doesnt it, on the final bullet say, zap all nearby enemies with arc damage?? Legendaries (again as with armour) have BORING perks. Increased reload speed? Dictionary definition of legendary is: -described in or based on legends. -remarkable enough to be famous; very well known. I dont think increased reload speed, or lighter handling falls into those categories. Again, this means that when RNG eventually blesses you with a drop, its not really much of an upgrade. All legendaries are much of a muchness. With almost identical damage / perks. [u][b]IN CLOSING[/b][/u] I hope those of you who are passionate about Destiny have read this and I would love to hear your thoughts on itemisation and where Destiny can improve. These games (for players of other loot games) are ALWAYS about the loot, the prospect of today POSSIBLY being the day you get a epic item. At the moment, the only epic items you can get are in the raid and there is only 4 of them in the whole game. There needs to be a possiblity of new lvl 30 items, new builds and unique character playing styles throughout the game. Not just in raids. Not only that, but the gear needs to LOOK epic. If i spent all that time upgrading my gear, i want to walk into the tower and be BLINGING. I want to look better than other characters. All that looks better is my yellow lvl 30 icon. Anyway im bored of typing, I hope this gets some talk going about the actual issue facing destiny. I think people are getting distracted by RNG, DLCs etc. The real issue is the lack of loot and the system we have where level (and therefore damage) is tied into armour. The lack of armour and the lack of meaning to playing outside of a raid. From a bored Level 30 guy with the same gear as the next level 30 guy. Who looks worse than the level 20 guy. edit: Also forgot to mention the upgrading aspect of items in the game. Bungie have not found out what makes gamers tick in these types of games. Unlike similar games, in Destiny if you recieve an item its the beginning of another boring 3 hours of material farming to upgrade it... and then if you find an upgrade??/ oooh do it all over again. This type of enforced longevity will kill the community off. If I find an upgrade to my gear do i have ti find all 80 shards again? all 150 helium?? its terrible design choice. [u][b]UPDATE [/b][/u]2: Weekly update 24.10.14:: A MOVE IN THE RIGHT DIRECTION. when i saw lvl 30 gear from iron banner it shows Bungie are actually listening. this is the first step! Can not wait to hear what else they have coming up.

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  • What they shouldve done was leave everything as it was (for example leave tiger strike as it was) and roc playlist drop more loot and higher exp/rep/mark gains you know... And kept lvl 28 nightfall as unknown rewards and lvl 30 nightfall as double unknown rewards

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    • The problem is your kd sucks.

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        [b]UPDATE 04/12/14[/b]Right then. Big week in Destiny, So this WAS going to be a really positive update about how they are on the right track with the changes but then ofcourse, in true Bungie style, they drop the whole reset XP / Light on items with no real clarification on how the process works. Anyway, lets break down how the update / TDB changes went. There is one key update that I think has gone completely unnoticed by alot of people that could really change the way PvE works in a really good way. more on that later. So, the good .the bad and the god damn ugly. [b]THE GOOD[/b] Buy matts for marks: Brilliant. Makes strike playlists relevant again (kind of) Exotic upgrades: Descent changes (still boring perks) Vex Mythoclast: Feels like a strong weapon now. [b]THE BAD and THE UGLY[/b] Raid Legendaries left behind. Reset of exotics. Glimmer / Coin costs to upgrade gear horribly thought out. There needs to be more clarification on how the upgrading of items works from lvl 30 onwards. I mean, resetting my exotic armour, does that reset the light level to a value below 30?? so to upgrade i have to DE-LEVEL my guardian?? Its like bungie has NEVER played good loot games like borderlands / diablo / path of exile or any good open world games like wow or guild wars. To take this game further bungie need to be honest about the deficiencies in the game. There is already a real lack of loot, yet most of them become useless now unless we put in more hours to grind them. Surely your devs can work out that when ppl have done bounties after bounties to upgrade exotics, why make them do it again for 7 COINS AND 7K glimmer??? i mean, what?? How hard would it have been to put some extra nodes on the items which require some special matts to activate (radiant shards etc) and take it from there?? Are things going to reset every 3 months?? I mean i understand that with new expansions comes higher level gear, thats normal. but really whoever is doing your PR needs sacking. Make it expensive to upgrade in terms of MATTS OR GLIMMER but NOT TIME. You are slapping people in the face who have spent hours into the game. NO YOUR FAN BASE AND WORK TOWARDS THEM. anyway, moving onto something i saw really positive. its a minor note on an exotic update but could have big ramifications on PvE. So i saw this on the THORN update: [i]Mark of devourer increase vs PvE enemies.[/i] Now for me, this is exciting. This means Bungie can make items that dont effect PvP but have uniquie properties in PvE. Bungie YOU NEED TO MAKE MORE ITEMS LIKE THIS. With more unique modifiers. Having guns that pump bullets into enemies with less reload / recoil is dull. Do things like modify grenades, hex enemies, make enemies fight on your side, curse enemies, create barriers around yourself that burn nearby enemies. COME ON MAN WHERE IS YOUR CREATIVITY??? Honestly, I feel like just giving up. I mean, what you really need to do Bungie is post all of the exotics with all the perks on your site (the new exotics) so people have something to get excited about. because right now, grinding all this stuff again for a gun that gives me my super quicker isnt doing it for me , or anyone. Oh and please, for the love of christ, give us a nightfall playlist. give better upgrade perks to the VOG raid gear and upgrade them and drop them into nightfall playlist. do something where we can have some more unique builds ( i have seen some nice exotics for the expansions, but we need more).

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        • This holds true even after the game changes in DLC release. Idk man. I really loved the idea of this game and I don't want to give it up. I realize this is an older post but it's all true. Right now I'm a level 31 on the Warlock because of raid gear. If I level these two pieces I'll be almost 32. Then what? Hard legendaries...Darkness continues and spawns enemies in the exact same locations... If I go to earth I know exactly where to go to farm hive major kills. If I go to Mars I know exactly where the most glimmer will be. If I go the the Citadel on Venus I know the exact location of every freakin enemy and could draw you a map (granted they have put more there now). These new strikes run the same ground backward. But you know what, I don't even care. Because it feels different. Can't we just add some randomness to enemies or public events? Like why does a warsat drop on Archers Line every 20 minutes? Are there that many warsats?? Anyway...I'm done. Haha

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        • Well. It's good to see someone gets it. Great post. I realize this is Bungie's first RPG esque/ loot game. But at times you think they have never played WoW or Diablo or Borderlands. It's so clear they got the FPS part of the game right. They are masters of FPS still but the RPG/loot game needs A LOT of work.

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          • Man I definitely agree

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          • As much as i would like to have easier ways to have gotten to level cap what i dont like is that level is dictated by luck. Heres a simple solution that would also offer the freedom to custimize gear.

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          • 1
            [b]THE DARK BELOW[/b] Well it's here. The raid is amazing. The new exotics are really good but the legendaries are still crap. The new content was basically old maps reversed or a new room. All characters play the same. There is no difference between the classes. Raid gear still has no set bonuses and we can still only equip one piece of exotic armour meaning everyone has the same build tbh. [b]SO HERES MY QUICK FIX TO ALL CLASSES PLAYING IDENTICAL[/b] Allow 2 exotic armour pieces. At least we can have perks that synergize and makes us unique to other classes. The only reason I'm Suggesting two is because the best scenario is to have a lot more imaginative gear but bungie don't seem to want to do that. Deej I would love you to ask some real questions of the dev team: Do they not feel the classes all play too similar ? Are they not saddened that all classes wear identical gear bar one exotic. Do they understand that achieving the highest level is a must in this game as it correlates to dmg recieved / given. As a result shouldn't there be more armour that allows 32 with perks that differentiate play styles ? If they can separate the thorn pve perk can they not do that with a lot of gear allowing proper crowd control / team buff perks ?

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          • Edited by DoktorBoar: 12/4/2014 9:12:05 PM
            Bungie makes "self upgrading" the main content of the game. Access to a variety of items is heavily discouraged with the over-complicated/random/limited time offering types of availability. Super long upgrade times (factoring all material costs in addition to xp) on high level weapons also make it difficult to spread upgrades across wide varieties of items. But really, guns and gear alone don't mean shit to most players. Especially non-customizable ones. Especially ones that take lots of repetitive grinding! The grind for gear and levels is not for me because I'm not trying to enter a contest and prove what a selfish asshole i can be. Especially in a "community" game. The whole lack of variety is done on purpose so you know that every level 30 is some sort of baidass or something. Elitard design.

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          • After reading your post I do agree with you that the lack of content loot wise is the problem. I would like it to be Diablo III first person style but the loot does not match up. I am playing because it is he'll of fun but it is also has a hell lot of repetition. I hope they fix this. Great post!

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          • I do find it odd that a full raid set (hat, gloves, jacket and boots) doesn't get you to 30.

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            • The problem is clearly someone at bungie had a really good idea for a game and was working with someone with no imagination or the equivelant destiny has everything to make it an amazing game but I get the feeling that they got to a certain point and then the no imagination guy just said that'll do well to be honest no, no it won't do having the same unimaginative layout for every mission and then ending it with no closure or show of what the game could do is BAD DEVELOPMENT don't get me wrong I enjoy the game but for the love of gods bungie have some balls and back your game enough to invest the appropriate amount of time into it (my god that was longer than I thought I'm starting to come off as intelligent ) whatever just some thoughts and personal hates

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            • One of the things I was thinking was instead of your armour making you stringer armour only covered two things abities and damaged taken. Your ghost "little light" should level up thus raising your own light level. Job done me thinks.

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            • Great job.

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            • Allow us to equip all exotics, please I want to be legend

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              • Yeah, I remember the countless number of armour and weapons in World of Warcraft. And flippin' [b]Transmog[/b]

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              • Great post! I think that there needs to be a few exotics and legendary weapons or armour that are on par with raid gear that can only be obtained by completing a set number of bounties or even just random drops or rep rewards. Your so right when you say that the lvl 30s are all the same. Some of us that have done the raid didn't enjoy it.. I'm one of those few. I'm not spending hours apon hours doing something I don't enjoy just to look like every other chump. Sorry but 6 random people doing something that randomly ports newbs is just ignorant.

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              • /signed

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              • Bump. This game needs to take a serious note from the creativity in borderlands. We're not looking for totally off the wall guns and armor but man there needs to be a drastic overhaul in the skill trees for everything. You know what? Scratch the last bit. We DO want crazy exotics and legendaries. I really like the idea of having abilities for the ghost to unlock. Finding data chips to unlock more skill trees for different buffs. He's just a gps right now.

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              • Wouldn't have this problem if there was simply and armor editor, to change appearance, bundle seriously dropped to ball on customization

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              • 1
                Thanks omni. Havnt updated in a while because the last few weeklys have been a joke. Nobody cares about a tumbler rolling but there you go. Rumour has it you can buy matts in in the next patch which is a welcome change. I just hope spinmetal / bloom farming isn't replaced by glimmer farming. After looking at some of the data mined new items from the dlc it's good and bad. Good: some of the exotics have really good perks. Unique perks that WILL make you play your guardian a certain way. Bad: the legendarie armours are all boring . That's from initial inspection but really if I see anymore gear with more ammo or faster reload as it's perks I will cry. I think you need to be allowed to equip 2 exotic armour pieces plus 1 weapon . If they are going down the route that only exotics can have guardian defining perks then it needs to happen. Still not bought the dlc yet. I genuinely don't believe they deserve my money. Next update will decide it for a lot of players u guess .

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              • I think a lot of this is true. I think one of the most interesting and fun things I have done in game has been trying to find the best random blue auto rifle I can. Something I can take into crucible and have people say what just killed me? It's been fun but I have no space for the extra weapons now. In some ways I think all the legendary and exotic weapons ruin the experience.

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              • Best post in here

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              • 4
                Underwhelming. [b]Patch Update : 17/11/14[/b] Well, that seals it for me. Wont be buying the Dark Below until its released unless something drastically changes. Will wait to see what happens in terms of the changes the game desperately needs in PvE to keep it worth my time. There is literally NOTHING addressed that is needed in the game. The patch was literally a massive FU to the community. all these useless changes. not comments on fixing key bugs, itemisation issues or material farming. There has been NO weekly updates regarding any concrete information for PvE and its a disgrace. Im guessing all the changes will be in the DLC which you will have to pay for and on moral grounds I find that hard to stomach. Deej, if you are reading you need to address these key issues in your weekly updates instead of constantly posting above PvP. I mean if this is the direction bungie has decided to take then just come out and say it. Tell us that there will be no character advancement, no unique character traits or abilities from armour. Just say that this path of increase ammo and once a week gaming is the path the game is taking then you can save everyone alot of time. Well the 6 guys i played destiny with from day 1 have all bought Final Fantasy 14 and there is only 2 of us left now. Such a waste of potential.

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                • What I don't get is why didn't they make it so you can get lv 30 gear out in the wild. And make stuff like raid gear have more perks. So say the normal gear would have light lv to 30 with two specs. Raid that what they intended? I think so.

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                • Mega bump

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