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originally posted in: Bungie Bounty - Iron Banner
10/13/2014 8:00:54 PM
To everyone complaining about the Iron Banner: Get Better Sick of hearing people complain that a Lvl 10 person can kill them ... a lvl 29 ... Iron Banner did not make you invincible. Nor SHOULD it... Bungie did a very good job at leveling this while still giving an upper hand. It is playable for most levels. As a COMPANY they want all fans to be happy. Before you rant about how "Thats now what Iron Banner was supposed to be... Level should matter like in PvE"... Stop talking... If you are lvl 29 and have all legend armor and weapons... You have an advantage. The advantage does not mean you can run through everyone like they are pesky flies. I am lvl 28 hunter... not having 1 issue killing higher or lower level people. Also - Not having any problems defending myself against lvl 10 players. Get Better... Bungie did well besides the fact that it is ending... EXTEND IRON BANNER please.

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