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Edited by GreatSeabee: 10/12/2014 10:00:34 PM

Destiny 3.2M players doesn't sound all that great

[quote]Yesterday marked the one month anniversary of the launch of Destiny. Hard to believe. It feels like so much more time has passed, given the battles that have raged and the adventures that have ensued. Check out the achievements you've logged as a community: •Destiny averages 3.2 million players each and every day! •Average playtime is still right around 3 hours a day, even on weekdays, one month after launch. •The average player plays Destiny 1.8 times a day. •The average player has played Destiny 20.9 times. •Over the past three weeks, we’ve had more players online in Destiny than we did during the same span for Halo 3 and Halo: Reach, combined. [/quote] Halo wasn’t stretched across 4 different platforms. If the number was closer to 5 or 6M, then I would say wow. Posting 3.2M average? Really? You can’t compare Halo to Destiny. I am also to believe you sold way more copies than that. Sure if you had a better storyline, better events, and YOU TOLD THE TRUTH your numbers would be higher. Just saying! Don’t get me wrong, I have played and tried Queens Wrath and didn’t do Iron Banner due to work commitments. The few I talked to outside these forums said it was fun but not what they said it was going to be. It is a pattern people. Just accept it and either play it or don’t. When their numbers start to shrink and they realize (like Microsoft and Xbox One, Windows 8, etc..) they need to listen to community now or suffer the loss shortly down the road. Microsoft swore up and down the Kinect was integrated into the system and they wouldn’t sell it without it. Shortly after bam, you can buy one without it. I would listen now and not weeks from now. SPEAK to the community and let them know a timeline of what priorities you are working on. As a project manager, I tend to let my customer know what I am working and give them opportunity to place input. I don’t say one thing and do another. I need $$ and recommendations down the road. I am honest and say it like it is. If my team bust a timeline or go over budget, I don’t ignore them or blow smoke. I tell them the truth. 90% they get upset but with the truth I give them a plan on how to get back on track and they usually hire me again. My advice to Bungie if they read this at all is just tell the truth. People will play the game, just have some integrity and some honor. Your missed guidance or deceptive motives will kill your game. Just be blunt! For example… Iron Banner bring your “A” game because skill matters and 20% of your gear does too. Right, no expectations other than some knucklehead is going to kick my butt because I suck at PvP due to his/her superior skills. Truthfully people will try and use this against you. Someone who is sue happy will say “Join the cause for Class Action Law Suit!” They advertised this and admitted to lying to us. It is okay because you have 499M in your budget still right? I know if this was my company that I was part of, I would be shamed. Shamed that I fooled millions by its miss guidance and lack of honor. I wouldn’t be proud to say “I made this!” Shoot I feel bad for your employees. I see some changes come in the future and not game changes. I still play the game from time to time now. Not as much as the first week because frankly I am not a grinder and don’t like PvP. The game play is good, scenery is wonderful but it’s the lack of content, story and all the other stuff you said the game was to be, like SEE that mountain yeah you can get to the top of it. I just figure I would play when the new stuff comes out and if it is recycled, then guess I will go do something else. If I could ask one question to Bungie and that would be what is your company’s mission statement and do you honor it?

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  • Excellent post. Thank you for sharing. Bungie, practice integrity, your numbers will mean nothing if you continue to promise one thing and then not even plan on delivering it. The Iron Banner where gear matters? "Oh yea, we saw you wanted that, but we decided your excitement was unfounded." Nice.

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