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Discuss all things Destiny.
Edited by adventfalling: 10/4/2014 1:41:03 AM

Soo... since when was halos story so good?

I keep hearing people compare the stories of halo and destiny like bungie dropped the ball so bad. But I played the first 3 halos and I don't remember the story being that compelling at all. An argument could be made for halo having better characters but the story was just as tangled and unremarkable I think. Maybe I could be wrong it's been awhile since I played them because my 360 broke not long after I got it and never bothered getting a new one. I'm just confused because I hear that this game is uncharacteristic for bungie, but I've always saw halo as having amazing gameplay and a story no one ever cared about. Edit: wow this blew up quickly I only expected 2 or 3 replies, love everyone's passion. It is quickly becoming apparent that this story meant alot more to some other people than me and my friends, and that's great maybe one day we will be having this same conversation about destiny. Edit II: extended universe does not count, I'm talking in game story. I would also make this point, the people saying the story will come together with dlc are getting tons of flak on this forum. Well I would argue those books are just non-playable expansion packs. Why weren't those archs in game if they are so important to the story.

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  • Yeah I though the same. Even when Game Informer released an article about Destiny during the beta they said they were concerned about story content and continuity because, and I quote,"Bungie has never been known for their story telling." They listed several examples of the Halo story that were either never answered or did not make any sense.

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  • Halos has alway b33N b3tt3r than des[u]tiny[/u]

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    2 Replies
    • Lol people just use it as an excuse to complain. The halo campaigns were incredibly short and very easy to beat. It was pretty much just go from point a to point b 90% of the time. Then after beating it in a few hours everyone would go do matchmaking over and over for years lollll destiny has 50 times more content than halo but you give people a little and they want moar moar moarrrr

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      6 Replies
      • Wow, the story was the only reason I likee halo.

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      • Since the dawn of time.

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      • "Oh shit, aliens! Master Chief, get 'em!" That's all I remember.

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      • I suppose everyone views things differently, but personally I absolutely loved the story in Halo. It had it's share of bad moments (Halo 2 as a whole was rather confusing and THAT ENDING) but so many good ones too (The Flood reveal, losing and retrieving Cortana, and THAT ENDING [to Halo 3 that is])! Destiny's story is practically non-existent. No, that isn't right... it's like it's there but just in the shadows. Characters that have no background or context whatsoever (The Awoken Queen, the Stranger, the Speaker, and the Traveler itself!), a universe that seems really interesting but is not really explained outside of those Grimoire cards (which wouldn't be too bad if we could view them in-game), and pretty much the whole of the "plot" in Destiny was unexplained, rushed, or just downright incapable of being understood.

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      • played halo 1.... I was like wtf is going on? Didn't give a -blam!-, im playing a game mostly for the gameplay not the story.

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        • Why is it that people keep saying that the "extended universe" is not part of the game story? The books based on Halo gave in-depth looks at characters that were only brushed over and made the games much more interesting (for me anyway). Bungie mentioned before the game came out that they were going to try to engage the player in ways that hadn't been done with a game before i.e. the app and the grimoire cards. I think the cards have a bit more relevance with Destiny than the books did with Halo due to the fact that you need to earn them to reveal more of the story. This is not to say that there is a complete story even when reading the cards because there isn't. I am hoping that the story get built upon pretty quickly with the coming releases. TL;DR - The "extended universe" is part of the game story, but it still does not give a complete picture.

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          • Much like destiny, halos story comes from outside the game. Books, movies, waypoint, etc. oddly enough that doesn't bother anyone nearly as much as people seem to be pissed at destiny even though it does the same exact thing. The in-game story is just enough to get going and get a grasp on things. It's entirely up to the player if they want more

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            4 Replies
            • Halo had something that Destiny lacks and that's Master Chief=D Honestly though, there is so much depth and story to Halo, I don't even remember when it all blew up. Halo was just that perfect package, that outside of melee pull (when you press melee you dash toward enemy from 5 feet away, not unlike in Destiny and CoD these days) for me game was perfect. Story was pretty good too. At least you knew who you were fighting against and there was reason for everyting in the story (flood). I just though plot was a lot tighter unlike Destiny that is all over the place. It might be all explained by the time we hit year 10, but that's a long way to go still...

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              • I agree with you. The books were cool when I was twelve and hadn't read any other sci fi besides ender's game but I was never able to understand the story in halo during the actual games.

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              • A big part of what made Halo's story such a big deal was the expanded universe. Without the added books, it would have been largely considered a decent story but not necessarily lavish enough to be great. This was largely due to the very nature of Master Chief. Seeing things from other people's perspectives really livened things up

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              • Halo had a lot under the hood (kinda like Destiny and Grimiore cards) IMO, what was actually presented in the games wasn't as much as people seem to remember.

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              • Halo 1-2-3 have the best Story of every FPS ever made, Destiny is such a disappointement, first of all, where are all the action or whatever cutscenes? All the cutscenes are the ghost or the unknown girl speaking, the last boss? I wont even talk about it, and the multiplayer of the Destiny is the worst MP i ever played, it make me think of CoD with all those one shot weapons ! But everything about Halo is fine, the MP i spent countless hours into it, on Halo 3 i has 22000 XP in Team Swat, Destiny MP i just wanna finish my achievements quick to get rid of the MP and never play again ! Destiny went bad only because theres so much Activision in this game they shouldn't have touched it !

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                8 Replies
                • Everyone's beef with destiny's story is that there is no story. No explanation for what you are doing. It's just go kill this for no reason, travel here because we say so. No explanation on what the darkness is, no explanation about the reef or its queen, also why was the stranger following the guardian. None of this is expanded on, it just happens for the sake of moving along. Halo at least explained what the halo ring was, why we are fighting the covenant, and why firing the ring is bad. Destiny does nothing of the sort just leaves everyone in the dark going dafuq just happened!?! Theres really no excuse in this day and age for this poor story telling.

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                  • Played all 4 but only beat 3 of em. I dont actually remember alot of the stories but remember having fun...story is important for me and the last few titles I really enjoyed had gameplay and story.

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                  • I always just felt the game play and mission in the campaign were fun the story never really interested me. The campaign was just fun enough to play multiple times.

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                    2 Replies
                    • Personally, I've always enjoyed the Halo story from when I first ran through the games. I then read the books and the story became incredible. What makes the Halo story all of the sudden seem great is because Bungie doesn't have a story with Destiny. So when you compare a story that is there and is coherent to no story then its going to seem really really good.

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                      4 Replies
                      • only reason halo has a better charater is cause its a solo misoin where everyone is the same guy. who i didnt even know his name till like half way through game 2 was Master Cheif.. To be honest this story drew me in more then the halo story did... i played halo more cause it was a shooter then the story.. i played this more for a shooter then the story to but it has a good start to a story, a nice introduction. the black gradens was just the start of our problem,

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                        11 Replies
                        • I agree about halos story. I love the halo games and I'm not saying the story was terrible but i never saw the story as the reason why I loved halo.

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                        • Halo has one of the greatest stories of all time and the universe is one of the biggest universe in all of multimedia 5 or 6 games 12 or so books . The story is brought together from way in he past talking about the forerunners to the future and what we can expect in halo 5. The story for destiny wasn't set up well this game that's not to say that they can't change that but compared to halo it is a spec

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                        • I enjoyed the storyline of the Halo games. Took a while to get to the point, but I was so caught up enjoying the gameplay that I didn't notice it my first couple times playing. About the 3rd or 4th play through I started to pay a lot more attention to the story. At that point I felt it was a little slow on the uptake, but very in depth. The characters were very well thought out and the overall feel of the games was huge. Then I got into the books and the Halo universe just exploded for me. Been in love with the series ever since.

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                        • I liked the story in the first Halo quite a bit. It was hardly revolutionary or original, but it was fun and well told. The pacing was very nice. The 2nd Halo had similarly nice pacing, but it felt like only half a story, and ended very abruptly. I honestly can't even remember the story in the 3rd game. Possibly I never got around to playing it? I've never owned an XBOX, so this is a possibility. I feel like Destiny has a nice story, but it's a different kind of narrative. The Halo games were meant to be self contained, with a complete narrative that told a relatively small story. Destiny is a much larger and more expansive story. It opens a lot of doors that can be explored. There's a narrative, but there's also a large focus on world building. I think that a lot of the people complaining about story are, whether they know it or not, really complaining that the game (as it exists at this moment) doesn't have the same kind of self contained narrative as Halo. They don't realize that Destiny is a different kind of story with a different focus, and that it's narrative is meant to grow over years. This is just the first chapter.

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                          4 Replies
                          • The story was good, but short. [b][i]REALLY[/i][/b] short. Like I bought 3 at a midnight release and beat it before bed.

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                            • I don't think Halo story was good at all in the beginning. Then the books came out. It was just standsrd FPS stuff until then. Even after the books, the in game story still kinda sucked. I think most people just let it go tho because so much of the Halo universe had been established, and the story outside of the game was amazing.

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