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originally posted in: 6 things real gamer girls hate
10/1/2014 12:18:09 PM
Hey just want to say I am on both sides here, the things you have pointed out are right but exaggerated and also stereotyping male genders at the same time which is counter productive, I have played with girls on games through random matchmaking and not once had people myself included treat them any different because there not, we are all gamers and just like with guys I have played with bad, good and downright unreal female gamers. Don't get me wrong it does happen guys play with a girl and start running there mouth but it also happens with a guy playing with a guy, it happens with everyone and the more people saying ohh girls get stereotyped this girls get stereotyped that, it is making a divide in itself. This is all just my opinion, others can disagree and I am happy to talk about where you stand on it and if we don't agree we don't agree :) also level 20 hunter here if anyone want to play xbox: barrybaptiser

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