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Edited by ROBERTO jh: 9/30/2014 7:21:48 PM
You automatically assume this kind of thing can't be anything more than a crackpot conspiracy even though Activision is notorious for pulling this kind of thing, such as disc-locked content, and other companies have fallen to similar publisher-related issues, IE LucasArts. What exactly is your basis that this story is invalid then? The point isn't that the AMA is true or not, one of the first things I said was that at this point it doesn't matter, it's that there is overwhelming evidence that this game [i]was[/i] cut to pieces. Your entire post was dedicated to 2 things, yet again: 1st: That everyone going on about "nutty conspiracy theories are lowering the IQ of the country" (ad hominems aside you have yet to actually address why you feel as though it's all invalid) while assuming I think the game is terrible. I don't. I like the game, a quick look at my profile will tell you how much time I spend playing it, and I never said the game is terrible. I take umbrage with the game in that we were [i]promised[/i] something that we didn't get. Going to Saturn and learning about Crow were my two biggest reasons I wanted the game; I'm a story buff, but I got neither. I got an okay game that does nothing special. 2nd: You spend the rest of your post talking about the article, trying to demonstrate that the article was simply "hopes and dreams" which I knew already. I only used the article for one thing and one thing only: to explain how Saturn was going to be implemented in the game in response to your statement that it's just a gas giant, and to show all of the content that, and I quote, we could "look forward to visiting.". That's it, obviously I knew that the article was about hopes rather than facts, it's in the very title. But it's obvious looking at it how badly the vision changed from what it was over a year ago, lending credence to the AMA's position that the game was gutted. Yet you ignored the fact that my post was almost entirely dedicated to facts presented in other mediums, screenshots and scenes from the game that don't exist, game mechanics and other promises in just one vidoc that are void, and so on. Your entire argumentative platform is anchored around the idea that everyone who believes the AMA is stupid, and ignoring the fallacious personal attack inherent in such a statement, you further ignore the very real impact it had on the community. This is [i]not[/i] about whether the AMA guy was genuinely an employee at this point, it's all about the fact that his position is entirely sensible and valid; whether true or not, everything he says makes sense and explains what happened to the game as we see it compared to what we were shown. And hell, he even admits that there is understandable doubt cast over his legitimacy, that there are still things to be proud of, and actually warns [i]against[/i] boycotting it and the DLC because he knows that will kill the game, when he wants to see it succeed. On the other hand, he advocates [i]for[/i] the very position you take, that we as a community should provide the feedback needed to fix the game, and seems to abhor whining and non-civility. His behavior is completely inconsistent with a trouble maker and entirely consistent with an actual frustrated developer who just wants to see the vision come to life as it deserves. So how is that position invalid?

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  • You weren't SHOWN anything. You took a bunch of concept art and spit balling dev talk and ran with it. That is the point. [quote]Yet you ignored the fact that [b]my post was almost entirely dedicated to facts presented in other mediums, screenshots and scenes from the game [u]that don't exist[/u][/b][/quote] Of course they don't exist. They were concepts. Not reality. Concept art and speculative talk about what might go into the game is not evidence that any of this ever existed or even exists at all. The fact is they made a slightly above average game. Why do you need some cloak and dagger narrative for this fact when you can get right to the heart of the matter: Bungie made a mediocre game. Get over it.

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  • We were [i]shown[/i] Saturn, we were [i]shown[/i] Mercury in cut scenes, we were [i]shown[/i] playable reef locations, we were [i]shown[/i] The Crow and cutcenes that aren't there, we were [i]told[/i] we could go to Saturn, we were [i]told[/i] races would impact the game, we were [i]told[/i] that the game would have enough variety we would never get bored, all in vidocs and material released that are meant to show what the game will actually be like, and 3 weeks later the forums are rife with those who are desperate for something to do because we already finished all of it several dozen times. I don't need a cloak and dagger reason for this, this is [i]not[/i] anything new to the industry, publishers have an unfortunate sway over developers, this is a well documented fact. One look at the LcasArts debacle and any sensible person would start drawing the parallels, but we don't have to accept it What we do want is not a conspiracy, but a simple explanation as to what happened to the game we were [i]told[/i] in officially released material such as vidocs and interviews what this game was going to be like. The cognitive dissonance you've demonstrated with regards to ignoring the blatantly obvious evidence we have the validity of the AMA's [i]position[/i] that the game was gutted ([i]not.[/i] as you insist on claiming I am, that the AMA was actually a Bungie employee) is absolutely amazing. Your entire platform is built around the intellectual equivalent of sticking your fingers in your ears until the problem goes away because you're not even arguing the right argument. I'm not saying that the guy was definitely a Bungie employee, because he can't prove it, I am saying, as are others, that his story is perfectly believable given what we know about Destiny's development and history, and the history of other developers. And that his story is thus far the only thing we have to go off of because Bungie and Activision are being annoyingly quiet about the whole situation. My point is that the community's reaction is [i]genuine[/i], representing a very real problem with the way the game is perceived, and even if the AMA guy was not a Bungie employee, his position is still perfectly valid. You have yet to address any of those points and instead can only resort to calling anyone advocating this story stupid.

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