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Edited by tmd: 9/24/2014 2:17:17 PM

Queen's Wrath is Not 'Free Content', and Why We Should Keep Whining

Too many members are saying that Bungie don't owe us this or that and that we should be grateful for 'free content'. This is not 'free content' It's all rehash. All of it. The purpose of Queen's Wrath is simply to shorten the dull grind, not expand the game. It doesn't make Destiny better, it makes it minutely more functional by guaranteeing better drops. Half of this community is willing to criticize the failings of this game. The other half retort with 'don't like it, don't play'. Such a comment is the reason that gamers are still stigmatized. We should be allowed to remark on the short comings of our beloved media if we are to see it improved upon. The other comment that is loathsome is this 'it's only been x weeks' shite. Yes, it's been so many weeks and Bungie have not acknowledged the many complaints we have in either of their weekly updates. It might take time for aspects of this game to be corrected, but it would take an hour for them to calm our nerves by addressing the issues the community is concerned about. Bungie seem up their own arse right now, trying to stay vigilant to their vision of the game. That vigilance won't be worth shit when the game world becomes next to empty. We ARE owed, because the hype machine has siphoned money from our wallets and gave us little in return. EDIT: The word owed met much backlash. Let me then use expected. Mere semantics. Extrapolate life lessons about the unfair world if you wish. I'm not talking about the world. I'm talking about a video game I would like to see improved. EDIT 2: Hype machine was hyperbole on my part. I'm no ignorant consumer. However, some of Bungie's vid docs are in direct contention with the way the game functions as present. EDIT 3: No, brother, I am not mad. I am mildly disappointed and keen on expressing why this is. EDIT 4: Yes I spammed this in to 4 other topics regarding this event. It does not make my points irrelevant, it makes me slightly irritating. F-uck the system. Everyone else does. EDIT 5: Having evolved beyond the abilities of a single celled organism I find I am able to both like Destiny and identify its short comings. The core gameplay is fun, but the methods of delivering that gameplay, world building and a bunch of fundamental mechanics are either missing or broken. EDIT 6: At no point did I claim to speak on behalf of others, any reference to other's opinions is based on my own observations. Regardless, there is a significant amount of players who are not happy with Destiny and feel it is lacking in several areas. An objective read through these forums and journalism outlets proves this to be so. EDIT 7: Video games should not be consumed passively. You literally have a controller in your hands when you play. The success of any game is dependant on the player base. Supping up the morsels of AAA titles sets a precedent for bad industry procedures. Expect better, get better. EDIT 8: Yes Destiny will be expanded for 10 Years. This does not excuse a weak and sparse foundation. MMOs are supposed to be built upon gradually, I fully understand that. However, individual expansions, including release, should be varied, well made and meaty. EDIT 9: When I refer to the community or use 'we', why do you assume that I am over extending my reach? Certainly half of the vocal community has been polarized by this game. The we are the many I have seen in these forums or journalism sites that share similar opinions. Of course I'm not talking about the silent players, why would I be so vain as to conjure assumed support from people I do not know? I'm not trying to force my opinion on you, nor ruin your enjoyment of the game.

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  • [quote]EDIT 8: Yes Destiny will be expanded for 10 Years. This does not excuse a weak and sparse foundation. MMOs are supposed to be built upon gradually, I fully understand that. However, individual expansions, including release, should be varied, well made and meaty.[/quote] Any body care that Bungie came out and said this isn't an MMO? I mean seriously does no body read articles in other places that this. Its not a traditional MMO, its an Instanced FPS with the ability to see other players killing things in the same Instance as you but wholly they do not effect your game. You fireteam does, but if this were a traditional MMO you could get a boat load of people in your party and go tackle things. I love how people bitch about this being an MMO when its not. Plus yeah sure Bungie, along with a lot of other developers, held back disc locked content to extend the life of this game; but in all reality you got content you did not have before without needed to patch or download something that could of been paid... like some other companies....... like EPIC games when you had to pay for maps and weapon skins that were already on the disc. So you did not have to PAY to UNLOCK. or like TRIONS model in Defiance where you have a cash store and its PAY to Win. So complain, its cool. There is always someone who complains about something. You could get a billion dollars.... and you would complain that it either didn't come in a large unmarked box... or why you didn't get two billion. If you see the game for what it is.... an Instanced FPS, non traditional Instance Multiplayer game (not Massive Multiplayer Online because I honestly don't see a crap load of names on my screen) where its pretty much create your own story (since there isn't much background yet.... which HALO did the same thing. You were a big awesome badass killing aliens on this mysterious ring and you really had no clue of any backstory); then this game is great regardless of whether or not they release held content to extend the life of the game. Be happy we got something this quickly.

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