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originally posted in: Quit Defending This Game
9/24/2014 5:20:22 AM
Us being the rest of the forums who don't want to hear your complaints. Keep posting your discontent how you are then, see what results it brings except for other forum members telling you to go elsewhere.

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  • Edited by Bad Wolf: 9/24/2014 5:34:42 AM
    Again nobody forced you to read my comment, or to reply to it for that matter. And all my initial comment said was fix the lag, assholes like you are the ones that have blown it out of proportion. You're the one with serious issues. It never seizes to amaze me the way you guys defend corporations like their your family members or you are employees.

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  • Can you honestly say that you wrote the comment not wanting people to read/reply? Perhaps if all your comment did say was fix the lag, or if you had said it in a more constructive than ragy manner, I would have agreed. The lag does need to be fixed, but any Bungie employee or anyone who can actually fix it would probably disregard your comment as another 'I-don't-like-the-whole-game' post after the first few sentences. Also, please learn how to make a half intelligent statement without needing to insult the other person involved. It never ceases to amaze me the way a lot of people on these forums trade reasonableness for a blind attack.

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  • Wait what's your damn point of course I wrote the comment expecting it to be read. So did every person who posted here, the only reason you won't shut up about my comment is because you don't like what I'm saying. It's a buggy game, and that only serves to compound the problems in the campaign.

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  • Your previous post sounds like you don't expect me to read it, or reply once I had. If you had read my latest post properly you would have realised that I agree with a lot of what you say, just not the way you're going about trying to get it changed.

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  • No, you are the one who pretty much told me I should not voice my discontent. Please tell me, should I beg Bungie to fix their own game, I'm a paying customer, if they don't fix it, is their prerogative. But do you really think people are going to come out in support of Bungie the way they did for this game based on their reputation.

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  • No, I said that you should voice your discontent [i]in the correct section of the forums or just in a manner that could actually bring about change.[/i] I made that clear from the start.

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  • Edited by Bad Wolf: 9/24/2014 7:42:16 AM
    My comment is a direct response to a comment, this forum is full of people voicing their opinions, yet you've zeroed in on my comment, and you still haven't said what is wrong with it. Bungie is allowed to decide how they tell their story, if they want to make every strike or campaign mission you defending your ghost while you fight a horde of enemies and the eventual bullet sponge boss, that's fine. It's shitty game design, but it's their prerogative. But technical issues are not their prerogative, we are guaranteed a product that runs properly, and that is why I can express my discontent any damn way I like. Why are you so concerned with how I voice my discontent? If you feel there is a better way and a better place, and you supposedly share my opinion, don't let me stop you, go spread the word, in the tone that's to your liking.

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  • I zeroed in on your comment because I actually found it amusing how much you flipped out on the first guy. I am concerned how you voice your discontent because instead of putting the issue to Bungie you are putting it to other players who are enjoying the game as it is. However if what I'm saying really isn't going to impact how you go about complaining don't reply. I don't want to waste both of our energies.

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  • Yes the other oh so polite guy who called anyone that dares to voice a complaint about the game whiners. And by flipping out you mean I said yes I would play another game if this laggy game wasn't fixed. My original comment wasn't even a complaint to Bungie, it was a direct response to some one on a forum post, and it was relevant to try he post. So stop trying to back pedal, by acting as if you were oh so concerned about my tone. You simply didn't like what I had to say and you responded. The same way I didn't like what the original poster liked to say and I responded to his comments. It's not like I went to a forum where people were discussing setting up a raid and jumped down their throats with my comment, this forum is a forum trying to criticize people for complaining about an obviously flawed game, your excuses name no damn sense, you have issues.

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  • No, he said that the majority of [i]whiners[/i] will be gone. He didn't specify anything about people making intelligent complaints, he just said the whiners will be gone. That does not mean 'anyone who dares to voice a complaint'. He was polite compared to your response post, which was a massive knee-jerk, and you took it to him personally as well. Very mature. The game's obviously flawed. Everyone knows it. People have said it a thousand times before you. The difference between people who are still complaining (you) and people who are enjoying it (me) is that the people who are enjoying it love it for what it is, not what it isn't. Also nice ending there, it really helps to add a really reasonable touch to your argument.

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  • It was implied that all the people complaining are whiners. So yes as one of those people complaining I found that statement silly, and I voiced my opinion, but somehow it seems to upset you guys, maybe you should take a good hard look as to why people criticizing a product affects you guys so much.

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  • Most of the people complaining do come across as whiners, because of how they phrase their complaints. Your opinion annoyed people because it was phrased like you were whining. Looks like we're back to square one.

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  • Last I checked opinions on both sides were voiced in the exact same way, the only difference seems to be people in support of Bungies obviously flawed game are rational, but the people complaining about the problems in destiny are whiners. Yes it looks like we're back to square one. I mean this whole -blam!-ing post was made to whine about people complaining about Destiny., yes we are back to square one, why do people who are satisfied with the game take it personally when people complain about the game, it's a complaint about the game it's not a personal attack. The only reason I personally addressed that guy is because he made a blanket statement about people who have complaints about the game, so you're right we are back to square one.

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  • [quote]Last I checked opinions on both sides were voiced in the exact same way[/quote] Most of what I've seen in favour of the game has been discussions where people share awesome stuff that happened to them. Most of what I've seen in terms of complaints has been people swearing their head off about the game's flaws. The post was actually made to suggest that everybody should ignore the people who have complaints, not to whine about them. I'm pretty sure I've had enough reading rants for today, so I suggest you either sell your copy and use the money to pay for CoD or make a more constructive attempt at bringing about change.

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  • Edited by Bad Wolf: 9/25/2014 2:23:18 AM
    Nice rose colored glasses there, don't be daft of course praise is going to be more positive than complaints, that's the nature of a -blam!-ing complaint, people don't complain because they are happy with a product so it is perfectly understandable when someone is dissatisfied and complains in the most natural place on the forums of company that made the product that they have found wanting, naturally some people will be more upset than others, but it makes sense. What doesn't make any -blam!-ing sense, is people like you that somehow take on the companies problems, and try to tell people how to feel, or like the idiot that has no understanding of how networking works and thinks since the game is running smoothly for him, it must be everyone else's fault, but not Bungies, they can do no wrong. I don't want to go and buy a new game, I want the -blam!-ing game I bought to work properly, is that too hard of a concept to grasp? And maybe I would be more polite if Bungie actually responded to any of the feedback, instead they keep pushing recycled material on us, and calling it new content, Queens bounty my ass, yes go do those same missions you did the last 10 times and we will give you an emblem, wow, an emblem just for me. Hell I will be okay with a statement acknowledging there is a lag problem and they are working on it, or a message telling us to go -blam!- ourselves since they already have our money, at least people would know what to do next, it's called customer service, look it up. And my complaint is a basic one, I am not judging their story or mission design, which I think have problems, I'm just saying I would like the PvP to work properly, a technical issue. And yet somehow you have a problem with that, and we should be called whiners because we voiced our concerns and disappointments in a tone that doesn't suit you? Go -blam!- yourself. I don't have a shit ton of cash to throw around, maybe you do, good for you, it must be nice. As for me when I pay $89.99 for a product I expect it to work, and if it doesn't work as intended, the makers of that product should at least do me the courtesy of explaining why, or better still fix the problem.

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  • Fuaark that's certainly a wall of text. The only thing I will say is that I have not taken on Bungie's problems (merely how you address them) and I have also not objected to complaints - I have simply said that there is a difference between criticism and being over the top. Since I can do nothing to make Bungie come out with a statement, and you definitely seem to have your mind made up, I have no advice for you.

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  • Cool, never asked for it. And you're still missing the point of criticism, what you keep saying is criticize them without actually criticizing them. Hahaha, sounds legit.

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  • No, what I keep saying is to criticise them in an intelligent or reasonable manner. Criticism by definition does not include getting angry.

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  • Edited by Bad Wolf: 9/26/2014 2:27:33 AM
    Criticism by definition includes critique. You still have not mentioned what is wrong with my criticisms. And you went on this silly rant when my original statement here wasn't even to criticize Bungie, it was clearly to criticize the guy that had labeled all people with criticisms as whiners, and to criticize the people that blindly support Bungie, get your shit right. And yes I'm irritated, not angry. I'm irritated by patronizing idiots who insist any of the issues with this game can't possibly be Bungies fault, so we must be whiners, or we must be telling lies, so excuse me if I'm not polite to moronic sheep like those people.

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  • I suggest you have a read of this All of my posts have mentioned what is wrong with them, which was how you expressed them. You weren't criticising Bungie? Read your second post again. I'm getting a little sick of returning to this same conversation again and again. The post before my last was intended to say that I have nothing more to add, but you continued to prolong this. I'll leave it up to you again, I now have lots of free time so I'll be available.

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  • Edited by Bad Wolf: 9/26/2014 5:00:46 AM
    I continue to prolong this? You have to be -blam!-ing kidding me? I suppose I have a gun to your head, making you give me your unwanted and frankly insipid advice/ opinon whatever you want to call it. Maybe you need to learn to read, my very first post was in response to someone saying all the whiners would be gone when COD comes out, so I responded saying, yes if Bungie does not fix things I would leave if COD turns out to be a more stable gaming experience, and I didn't bother to be polite to him because I felt he was stupid. So the tone was obviously directed at the person I was responding to, you know since I was responding to him and not Bungie, my post wasn't in the feedback section, nor was it in response to a post by a Bungie employee, so stop being silly, you have no -blam!-ing argument here. And who the -blam!- are you the criticism police?

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  • I specifically talked about your 2nd post because that was the post that I replied to. "learn to read", ironic isn't it. Also nice defense, you use a word in the wrong context many times over then decide when the definition is handed to you that the only path to take is sarcasm. I am no longer trying to give you advice, if you had read my post properly you would know that. Now I'm just pointing out that what you keep repeating is wrong.

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  • Edited by Bad Wolf: 9/26/2014 7:00:34 AM
    What word did I use in the wrong context? Please oh please tell me. And yes learn to read, nothing I've said has contradicted my response so far. My second post wasn't in a vacuum, it was in response to someone else, hence the reason I referenced previous things. It's not my fault if you're too sill to actually get the whole context of an argument or conversation before jumping in the middle of it. So please tell me what this word is, so I can put the final nail in your coffin.

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  • The word, like I've stated several times in the last few posts, is 'critique' or criticism if you like. I even linked you the definitions, none of which include getting angry and replacing cool reason with slurs. Funny how you tell me to read when you don't even know what I've been talking about for the last few posts. I never said you contradicted yourself. I said it was wrong usage from the start. I certainly hope you have nails the right size for a nonexistent coffin.

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  • Edited by Bad Wolf: 9/28/2014 2:51:53 AM
    Hahahaha, my usage of "critique" was wrong? I said learn to read because you obviously can't. I knew the word you were obviously talking about, I could clearly see the link you posted, I just wanted you to state it, so you couldn't backpedal. Hey dummy as well as being a noun, critique is also a transitive verb meaning: to examine critically. Maybe you should give serious thought to fixing your grammar before trying to fix mine.

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