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originally posted in: Bungie Weekly Update - 09/19/2014
9/23/2014 5:15:01 AM
I love the potential it has. I see bungie took the world of Warcraft route on this and I was an original on WoW coming fresh off of Everquest, so I'm accustomed to the grinding of loot and in a mad dash for gear/raids even though at the infancy of Destiny it is seriously lacking content. The same could've been said about WoW at it's infancy but Blizzard started listening to their customers and gave them what they wanted for the most part and they built an empire with that formula, it all depends on Bungie's ability to change on the fly, if they have a predetermined path for this game with absolutely no room for user input then I honestly think Activision needs to whip out Blizzards tried and true formula. At the moment I couldn't give this game a rating because of one simple reason, we're not even at the midway point of it's lifespan. As a owner/operator of a small business I only want to hear the negative reviews of my establishment from reasonable people so I can improve future business and insure that we grow and evolve with our customers, not shove a product down their throat. With this in mind I will only point out the negatives of this game and give my personal opinion on what I think would be an improvement. Mind you, the negative list is pretty short. 1) Story mode is extremely short. I'm sure the expansions will fix this but its so short that one can't help to think this was a calculated move as a cash grab. Again, xpacs will help. 2) loot system needs to be revamped. Instead of this free for all system, a boss based drop system would work brilliantly in this type of game. At the end of a strike a boss drops a legendary engram for each player with the determining odds based on the level of difficulty of the strike. For example; a level 20 strike will have a 0.8% chance a legendary engram gets a legendary item and 0.001% chance of exotic (these are just numbers on the fly, no real thought put into them) and a vanguard tiger strike (or level 24) has a 2.4% rate for legendary and 0.01% for exotic. At least with a system like this you can also easily control how fast you want people to gear up. Say a new xpac is coming out and you want everyone on a level playing field, you just boost the odds of the drop/encryption rate and poof everyone's geared. 3) a massive flaw and one I would never think could be made in a MMORPG is actually a two part flaw made by bungie. First part is the actual lack of people on a given server, these games are called MMO's for a reason, with the alarmingly low amount of people on Bungie's servers you can take the MM part out, it's just a ORPG with the occasional fly by, by another player. The second part of this flaw (or part 3A) is the complete, total and utter failure to add communication between the few people you actually do see in your server. I cannot stress how painstakingly crazy this drives me. Coming from a deep history of MMORPG's this drives me absolutely crazy! I actually thought I'd never see the day you can't communicate with players in a MMORPG. The server problem I hope can be easily handled, as I have no knowledge in this field I have no bright ideas on how to fix it. As for the communication problem I would at least make it so players can automatically communicate in strikes, raids and in pvp. The fun level would go up exponentially if people could actually talk to each other, pvp would greatly be affected by this feature. Also what bothers me a little bit is that I can't do a raid because I never have 5 friends online at once playing destiny. What drives me up a wall is that bungie decided for all of us that we have to play with friends because we have to COMMUNICATE to win. Well, if we could automatically communicate in this particular MMO -which is basically the ENTIRE POINT OF A MMO- we wouldn't have this problem in the first place, would we? Despite all this I still find the game fun. Everyone is different and has their opinion and this is mine, I'm a level 25 hunter and I still play it almost every hour of free time I have. I think with some improvements the game can evolve much like WoW did from a boring grinder to an epic masterpiece. I'd also think it would be more helpful for some constructive criticism and suggestions from gamers to give bungie a nudge for the things we'd like to see changed. After all, we are the customers and if everyone is telling them to change specific things instead of saying the game sucks they will most likely heed our cries.

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  • Well said sir

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  • Edited by The Shadow Thief: 9/24/2014 5:06:07 PM
    [quote]I love the potential it has. I see bungie took the world of Warcraft route on this and I was an original on WoW coming fresh off of Everquest, so I'm accustomed to the grinding of loot and in a mad dash for gear/raids even though at the infancy of Destiny it is seriously lacking content. The same could've been said about WoW at it's infancy but Blizzard started listening to their customers and gave them what they wanted for the most part and they built an empire with that formula, it all depends on Bungie's ability to change on the fly, if they have a predetermined path for this game with absolutely no room for user input then I honestly think Activision needs to whip out Blizzards tried and true formula. At the moment I couldn't give this game a rating because of one simple reason, we're not even at the midway point of it's lifespan. As a owner/operator of a small business I only want to hear the negative reviews of my establishment from reasonable people so I can improve future business and insure that we grow and evolve with our customers, not shove a product down their throat. With this in mind I will only point out the negatives of this game and give my personal opinion on what I think would be an improvement. Mind you, the negative list is pretty short. 1) Story mode is extremely short. I'm sure the expansions will fix this but its so short that one can't help to think this was a calculated move as a cash grab. Again, xpacs will help. 2) loot system needs to be revamped. Instead of this free for all system, a boss based drop system would work brilliantly in this type of game. At the end of a strike a boss drops a legendary engram for each player with the determining odds based on the level of difficulty of the strike. For example; a level 20 strike will have a 0.8% chance a legendary engram gets a legendary item and 0.001% chance of exotic (these are just numbers on the fly, no real thought put into them) and a vanguard tiger strike (or level 24) has a 2.4% rate for legendary and 0.01% for exotic. At least with a system like this you can also easily control how fast you want people to gear up. Say a new xpac is coming out and you want everyone on a level playing field, you just boost the odds of the drop/encryption rate and poof everyone's geared. 3) a massive flaw and one I would never think could be made in a MMORPG is actually a two part flaw made by bungie. First part is the actual lack of people on a given server, these games are called MMO's for a reason, with the alarmingly low amount of people on Bungie's servers you can take the MM part out, it's just a ORPG with the occasional fly by, by another player. The second part of this flaw (or part 3A) is the complete, total and utter failure to add communication between the few people you actually do see in your server. I cannot stress how painstakingly crazy this drives me. Coming from a deep history of MMORPG's this drives me absolutely crazy! I actually thought I'd never see the day you can't communicate with players in a MMORPG. The server problem I hope can be easily handled, as I have no knowledge in this field I have no bright ideas on how to fix it. As for the communication problem I would at least make it so players can automatically communicate in strikes, raids and in pvp. The fun level would go up exponentially if people could actually talk to each other, pvp would greatly be affected by this feature. Also what bothers me a little bit is that I can't do a raid because I never have 5 friends online at once playing destiny. What drives me up a wall is that bungie decided for all of us that we have to play with friends because we have to COMMUNICATE to win. Well, if we could automatically communicate in this particular MMO -which is basically the ENTIRE POINT OF A MMO- we wouldn't have this problem in the first place, would we? Despite all this I still find the game fun. Everyone is different and has their opinion and this is mine, I'm a level 25 hunter and I still play it almost every hour of free time I have. I think with some improvements the game can evolve much like WoW did from a boring grinder to an epic masterpiece. I'd also think it would be more helpful for some constructive criticism and suggestions from gamers to give bungie a nudge for the things we'd like to see changed. After all, we are the customers and if everyone is telling them to change specific things instead of saying the game sucks they will most likely heed our cries.[/quote] I have to really agree with you, I am an avid follower of [i][b]Bungie[/b][/i] even played [i][b]Oni[/b][/i] (Unfortunately got stuck and couldn't finish it :P), and with [i][b]Destiny[/b][/i], I was kind of disappointed with how much [i][b]Bungie[/b][/i] failed to give me a good story, there are so many things that are not really explained throughout the course of the [i]"Campaign"[/i]; if that's what you could even call it, since it isn't solid and it jumps all over the place, now again I will cut them some slack since I have been only hearing good things about the future DLC's.; So hopefully they can work on the story part of the game with those in the upcoming. Now to the loot, that is a good idea to give a more set percentage for drops with higher level [i]Strikes/Raids[/i], a perfect example, even though it wasn't either of the above listed and it was just a mission, either way seems a bit broken, now I'm not complaining too much but I got a Legendary Engram on Patrol on the Cosmodrone. I know a few people who really get the short end of the stick so it bugs me sometimes, when things like that happen. Hopefully something to be edited in the future. Following up on your interactions part, that is something else that I wish you could do, and I don't quite care whether it is [i]M[/i] or [i]T[/i]; I was actually surprised at the [i]T[/i] rating to be honest; I just want them to add more interactions for each class and race and such. I don't even know if they have a [i]"Game Chat"[/i], but if they did that would help as well. Some suggested player actions/interactions could be: Hug/Bro Hug (Whatever you want to call it) Fist Bump Chest Bump High Five Thumbs Up Dance:Moon Walk (No pun intended) I think something I have to keep remembering is that [b][i]Destiny[/i][/b] is still a newborn, I think something that makes me keep thinking otherwise however though is the fact that it had been announced for so long you just automatically assume perfection. I don't know, it isn't much, just my partial opinion, other then a few things, [b][i]Bungie[/i][/b] never fails to disappoint me at the grand scheme of things. Fight on! :D [b][i]Destiny - Become Legend[/i][/b] [u][b]Gamertag:[/b][/u][i]TheFerret28791[/i] [b][u]System:[/u][/b][i]Xbox 360[/i] [b][u]Availability:[/u][/b][i]Open[/i] Current Status: Level 26 Warlock

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  • Edited by HeAt9mm: 9/25/2014 6:11:28 AM
    I agree with you for the most part. One thing that can't be changed is the fact that the story doesn't create an emotional attachment to the gamer. In other words, it isn't compelling. I'm sure Bungie's idea is to have future DLC to start tying in all these loose ends we don't quite understand yet. But the game still lacks the creating of emotional attachment to the gamer so many of the great games seem to do. I only bring this point up because there seems to be so much potential to the game and it would be a shame if they miss on the opportunity. I think maybe an arch nemesis like enemy could add some depth, with this super villain-like enemy always being one step ahead, wreaking havoc on guardians across the game, exposing his/her dark/tortured history, involving our love interest or family, having us make dark or light based decisions that can affect the direction a new subclass takes etc etc. this could give the story mode the depth it needs to build an emotional relationship to the player and give us some control of what path we would like our characters to take based on personal decisions.

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  • You're absolutely correct about everything mentioned, however, this is just the first installment of a possible three part series. My ideas: add at least glimmer trading, and a pet/follower in the tower would be a nice addition too, but as we all know, with only one suggestion (me), that will probably never happen. But what Bungie could do is is fix the mega grinding spots and change the spawn rates of ascendant shards and energy, make them a drop from yellow enemies, as another person suggested. They could add space battles in the Reef, change the gravity physics on the moon and Mars, and add more planets/star systems in a dlc or in the next major update, all we need to do is exactly what you said, we need to speak of our problems instead of saying the game just sucks, because their first question, i guarentee, will be, "why does it suck?" Thank you to anyone who may have taken the time to read this, peace.

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  • They didn't add online interactions that's why this game is a T instead of M so they cut out talking besides with parties

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  • I'm not 100% sure how the inner workings of the ratings system works but couldn't they still rate it T because of the "online interactions may vary" disclaimer?

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  • I absolutely hate how people whined about interceptors in beta. They got so nerfed and very easy to be killed in. Imo the fusion rifles, everyone having a snipe, and hunter supers are far more dominate. Fusion rifles are long range shotguns. Due to these things I avoid the crucible.

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  • ^^^^^^^^^

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  • Fair shout right here! With this guy 100%

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  • Best post yet... bump this.

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  • Bump. This ^^

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  • Best comment so far. Bumped

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  • ^^^^^ bump

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