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9/22/2014 10:13:03 PM
[b]I'm the OP.[/b] Posted this last night; had about 3 responses after an hour. I totally figured this would get buried. Got out of class this morning, and I had 250+ responses and about 20 PMs, lol. I'm blown away by the response I got to this. I'm glad so many of you responded so positively to my little story. I'm also amazed at how few dissenting comments there are. This turned out way better than I imagined it would. I was going to make this be an edit to the OP, but it's too many characters, so I have to just make this a reply. Hopefully people are still able to see this. There are too many of you to respond to you all. I've read all of the comments and responded to all of the PMs I've gotten so far, but I get the feeling I won't be able to respond to everyone in the thread. There are several recurring comments and questions I've seen though, so I figured I'll respond to them all here. [*] I really feel like turning all of those bounties in at once contributed to getting the Exotic bounties. I turned in 4 at once on my Titan, but like I said, I almost clicked past the prompt, so I don't know which one got me the bounty. On the Hunter I turned in 5 at once, but I think I got the Exotic bounty after turning in just the first 3 or 4. I'm Vanguard Rank 1 on the Titan, and I think either 1 or 2 on the Hunter, I don't remember. Hopefully this helps us back into what causes them to trigger. I don't believe that there's an element of randomness to them; I think they are probably deterministic, just complicated. [*] A lot of you seem to think you were the other Titan and/or the Hunter with me during the public event. I unfortunately never caught their names, so I can't confirm. I'm on PS4 though, and this would have probably been around 11pm Pacific time. I think that the Hunter had the Alpha Lupi chest piece, whatever that is called, and was female, if that narrows it down. [*] I've gotten a lot of people asking me to join their clan. I really appreciate all of the offers, and I appreciate the invites without having seen my skill (or lack thereof) in PvP. However, I'm not looking for a clan right now. I'd like to try to establish myself a bit more with my gear and everything before I do that. I'm also planning on starting a Sunsinger Warlock next weekend, so I want to get that character up to the endgame to match my other two characters. [i]That said,[/i] my PSN ID is DoctorBerghan (no space) if anybody just wants to play casually. I also [i]don't[/i] have a mic, but I might be getting one around the holidays. Thanks again, everybody. I really hope somebody, anybody at Bungie sees this. I know none of you can respond to it. I know how it is with NDAs and not accidentally putting out any unapproved PR. But that said, I've admired and aspired to be one of you for almost 10 years now. I'm in my senior year right now for a computer science degree, specifically real-time interactive simulations (i.e. video games). Bungie is the company that drove me to start and ultimately complete my degree. Late nights doing multivariable calculus at 2 in the morning, I drove myself to finish because of the thought of helping build Destiny. I know how it is to put a ton of time and love into your game project and not being able to defend it when people don't like it. Even if you can't respond, I just want you to know that there are people, a lot of us evidently, who think you did just fine. Don't let the negative comments get to you; let this validate the last 5 years of your life.

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