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9/22/2014 8:31:52 AM

I just had my best gaming experience in years

There's a lot of negativity on here since Destiny launched. A lot of people are unhappy about a lot of things, and are remembering "back when Bungie made good games." It reminds me a helluva lot of the Reach forum back when that existed. And the ODST forum before that. And the Halo 3 forum before that. And the Halo 2 forum before that. Never change, BNET community... Well I just had one of the best, most positive, most fun gaming experiences I've had in the last several [i]years[/i] tonight, and I had it in little ol'e Destiny. I thought maybe someone would like to hear about it; some Light in the Darkness, if you will. I logged on as my Titan. I'm trying to get my Vanguard Reputation up at the moment, so I decided to take a look at the PvE bounties. They all seemed pretty easy, so I took as many as I could. I went to look at Mars, to see what I could do to get some tears. I realized that I could do a Level 26 version of the story mission introducing the Dust Palace and I'd get an Ascendant Shard. Naturally, as a Level 25 I said "Enemies one level higher than me and I'm not allowed to die or else my bounty will reset? Challenge accepted." I strolled on into Mars and made my way down into Freehold to scout it out. I carefully dispatched a few Cabal upon entering the city, and just as I was getting ready to enter the skyscraper, a Public Event started. Nobody else was around to help me, so I planted my Titan boots and kept a Cabal leader from advancing to any of his checkpoints while I waited for backup. After a tense few minutes of holding him back, a Hunter came flying in on his Sparrow and helped me outgun the beast. With our rewards claimed, we had a parted with an interpretive dance and I went back to my mission. At this point, I hit the Darkness Zone and things actually went up to Level 26. It was much harder, but it made me play [i]tactically.[/i] I couldn't stroll through Freehold, wading past the Cabal as they hopelessly shelled my Relic Iron armor. The Cabal played smart and used their shields, but careful use of grenades and precise aim lead me safely through the Dust Palace. I eventually made it to the chamber where Rasputin was, and carefully dispatched the remaining Cabal. That's when the boss showed up. I got cocky; overly confident. I got shelled by Psion Operants and Bracus Tha'aurn's missiles. Some quick use of Lift and some elevated cover just barely saved me from wiping on my bounties. I had a Psion Operant, two shielded Cabal, and Bracus all closing in on me though. I was almost out of ammo, and had nothing in Special or Heavy. That's when I remembered I had bought some Heavy Ammo Synths a few days ago. I quickly used one and sent a payload of fiery death down on the Cabal. It took out Bracus and I was able to quickly mop up the leftovers with grenades and some accuracy. I got my Ascendant Shard and finished up all of my bounties. I went back to the Tower, feeling pretty proud of my accomplishment and went to turn in all of my bounties. In quick succession, I turned in all 4, and got a prompt I very nearly missed. "Guardian, the Vanguard have personally requested your services. They would like to extend an Exotic Bounty to you." It took me nearly an hour to decide which one I wanted. It was so unexpected, and such a huge decision. To give a little context, I saved up all of my Strange Coins from both of my characters and finally had just enough to by Gjallarhorn about 10 minutes before Xur split town last night. It was really exciting getting my first Exotic, but I went to Venus and almost immediately ran into someone using Thorn. I was immediately hit by a kind of empty feeling. "That guy [i]worked[/i] to get his Exotic. He completed a quest and [i]earned[/i] his. I just bought mine..." Now I was being given a chance to [i]earn[/i] an Exotic. After a lot of deliberation, I decided on A Dubious Task. Fast forward a little bit, after doing a Strike without dying, I realized I'd need a lot of Glimmer to buy the special weapon ammo packs a little later in the quest, and I had spent all of mine on those heavy weapon ammo synths a few days ago. I would need to get some more. I decided to try my luck at the Treasure Cave. Now contrary to what you braindead white knights may think, farming is not cheating, and is not an exploit. Hundreds of thousands of players in any MMO or RPG will tell you the same, and with more than 300 hours in Borderlands 2 and quite a bit more in Borderlands 1, I can [i]personally[/i] tell you it's just part of the game. Furthermore, as I'm about to explain, it is also not robbing myself of any fun. The "best gaming experience in years" I mentioned was about to follow. We shot at the hole for maybe 20 minutes or so and I made a bit of Glimmer, but something happened that I had never have happen before. A Legendary Engram dropped from one of the Hive! I'd gotten two or three before, but never from the cave. This was turning out to be a pretty profitable night. After a short while though, I was starting to run out of Black Wax Idles and wanted to go do something else, so I resolved to leave after the next time we all ran up to collect the current batch of loot. Before I could do that however, the Public Event where the Hive and Fallen mass against each other started. Chaos quickly ensued, but it didn't overwhelm us. Every time I've seen that event occur before, it overwhelms the group and ends up just being a cacophony. This time, [i]we[/i] were in charge. An endless stream of Hive started spawning in the room to our left. Me, a Defender Titan, and a Bladedancer Hunter charged in and began wrecking shop. As a Striker Titan, thunderpunching everything in the face which has a face to be thunderpunched is my greatest joy. It was non-stop, everywhere-you-look thunderpunch-to-face action. When my grenades were available, I'd chuck one; when my super was available, 6-7 enemies would go down. The Bladedancer was cleaning house, and the Defender kept throwing up shields to keep us safe. I kept thinking it was eventually going to end, but [i]endless[/i] hordes of Hive kept spawning for a good 10 minutes. It was the most fun, exhilarating, laugh out loud funny experience I've had in a video game in years. It didn't need to be hardcore and edgy, it didn't need to be an insane challenge, it didn't need to be the great humanitarian drama, it was punching undead aliens in their bitch face for 10 minutes straight, and it was [i]awesome[/i]. As the 100th Acolyte exploded into dust beneath my gauntleted, crackling fist, I thought to myself that Bungie has remembered why we call these "games." Eventually the event subsided and everything went back to normal. A second Legendary Engram had dropped in the fracas, but I didn't care. That was such an intense, heart-pounding and just fun experience, I was more focused on that. I popped back to the Tower to claim my spoils, but I knew whatever I got wouldn't top that. In the end, one Legendary turned into two Motes of Light, and one turned into a sweet Legendary Auto Rifle, Shadow Price, which I transferred over to my Hunter. Eager to try it out, I popped over to him. Ending my night the same way I started it, I decided to take all of the PvE bounties as a testing ground for my new toy. It handles perfectly, smooth like butter, quick as greased lightning and hits like a truck. I did a few patrols on Mars and the Moon to finish my bounties, and after a little while went back to turn them in. +50 Vanguard Rep, +100, +150, +200, +250, "Guardian, the Vanguard have personally requested your services." "[i]No way,[/i]" I'm thinking to myself. "[i]Did I just get...[/i]" Low and behold, the same three Exotic Bounty options were now being presented to my Hunter, same as my Titan. I had been deliberating between the bounty I ended up taking on my Titan and Toland's Legacy, so I decided to take the other option on my Hunter. That choice that had antagonized me for over an hour was now being made moot, by giving me my cake and letting me eat it too. Soon I'll have three Exotic weapons, and a rad story for two of them. With that, I logged out and went to start writing this. [b]TLDR[/b], the Bungie forums have always been a toxic cesspool where hating on the newest Bungie game is what all the cool kids do, and remembering fondly how great latest game minus one was and how "one of these days, Edna, I'm gonna just get fed up and go back to it" is the constant threat. Nothing has changed in the 4 years since Bungie's last game. This place is still a giant circle jerk for hating on the new guy. I know nobody will read this giant blob of text, and I know it'll get lost, but like each individual Guardian, you need a little Light in the Darkness to eventually overwhelm it. Bungie, if any of the hardworking engineers, designers or artists who just spent the last 5 years of your lives slaving over this thing are tired of people shitting on it because of the Cryptarch or shotguns or whatever the -blam!- is the thing we've all got our pitchforks out for at this particular minute, I just want to say thank you and good job. You still make the best games in the industry, and Destiny gave me the most fun in a night I've had in years.

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  • I read the entirety of the post, and I love it. Congratulations on your multiple lucky breaks. I think that we should all post our awesome Destiny stories, to kind of offset the negativity the game is being oversaturated with. I think it'd make great conversation, maybe. This game may not be perfect, but it's far from awful, and I firmly believe it will get better in the upcoming months. But meh, I'm just a simple man so I like any game that isn't atrociously boring or quick.

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  • I honestly like the game, but there's a load of glaring problems.

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  • Edited by PowZ: 9/23/2014 4:57:51 AM
    I read your blob. Well said. Destiny is spectacular. A great epic gaming experience is here for all . . . I do hope the technical/connection issues that some people are having will be resolved so they can enjoy it to the fullest too.

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  • This novel of a post really pulls at the heart strings. Well said dude. I'm really glad that someone is actually voicing a positive opinion for once about the game. Its about time someone did. Plus, I'm kinda jealous of your uncanny luck with this game, and now I want to play it even more.

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  • YUP only read the short part since you know TLDR haha but well said in that was short and sweet

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  • I'm jealous of this story. I wish the game would let me play long enough to complete even a fraction of what you accomplished tonight. At the moment, I'm busy pardoning Bungie's dust. Great post.

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  • First truly positive post about Destiny I have seen on these forums in a while. Love your work and keep enjoying yourself mate! :)

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  • TO THE DOCTOR BERGAN: Thanks for the post! I've still been working at getting in to Destiny. However, I find it difficult to be impressed w/or enjoy most games. With Destiny; I started out seeing it as a longer term game that bungie will have to improve on and continue to change. The last game I enjoyed was Section 8 and S8P which no longer exist due to company failure... Ooops!! There are always complainers, and others who find themselves as intellectuals, but only when able to share obvious criticisms. Perhaps longing for an atonement.... NO!! Could it be of a REDEMTIVE nature! Whence, at seeing.... Albeit small falicies! Feelings of inadaquecy overwhelm them. Alas!! The Only option left... Is.. that to... Strike OUT!!! How was that? I tried to build to a crescendo. Oh, I was serious about appreciating the post. It isn't foolish to be positive about this game. I'm looking forward to enjoying it more in the future. I also saw what OmegaVendetta says: REPLY Come on Man! No need to put someone down, or make them feel silly for sharing an experience. I'm not trying to say anything negative to you either. I can totally see the importance of being able to comunicate with the game designers so changes can be made. If any of us want a long term positive experience with this or any game, however, we can't destroy it on the forums. Constant negative talk about any game is a great way to ruin others enjoyment, and ultimitely keep new gamers from buying it which leads to loss of enjoyable game. Again, I'm not saying anyone should refrain from giving feedback. Just make sure it can still leave a positive environment for others. Learning how to is essential to any long term relationship. In business, personal, casual, or others. TO ALL: I hope what I said wasn't offensive. 'LIVE LONG AND.... UH?? MAKE THE... UM? FORCE? WORK GOOD?? `c]:-){*;<

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  • Bravo brings a tear to my eye now I just need to get my own exotic

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  • I agree that the Gameplay of Destiny has brought me back for the ludicrous amount of hours I have been playing the last couple weeks, but I can't help but be disappointed by the inconsistencies in the writing and pointless nature of all of the missions of the story. I am just not sure if Bungie is actually putting their best foot forward here in terms of being storytellers. I have not felt any desire to go to my grimoire to read up on the backstory because I haven't been shown WHY these enemies are enemies. I am still as clueless about this world as I was when Bungie revealed it last year. It's really disheartening, but thankfully the gameplay is supremely fun and I maintain hope that the story will flesh out with the DLC. Still, I don't feel that this exposition of the Destiny Story arc even really defines the setting in any useful way. Thank you for your post, I reported it so that someone at Bungie will for sure read it and hopefully it will move up the chain of attention.

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  • I had a great moment to, I tried to dance with enemies in PvP ( really bad idea by the way ) and I got stuck half the match in a ship ( don't ask) and I got an Exotic Sniper ( the Closing Time Sniper Rifle and my friend who did the best didn't get shit #level23hunter

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  • Well it's nice to hear SOMEONE is having a good time. Because honestly your best moment was just a series of lucky events and a 10min grind. Guess what happens to the rest of us? Stuck with a shit story, stopped level progression, and looking at the skybox. To this day I still love ALL of Bungie's games including 343's Halo 4 but this wasn't just a disappointment, it was a slap to the face. You do also realize that your best moment was not only a series of random events but was a one time thing. I still get a kicker out of just Halo's story alone a "feature" (as becoming more evident the more developers think multiplayer or DLC comes first) that happens EVERY time. Not just some random coding and sequences set by a broken system. But whatever glad you got your money's worth however don't lump all haters as people who want to hate on the new guy. Some of us are genuinely disappointed unlike those hypocrites.

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    10 Replies
    • Striker Titans for the win!

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    • Working as intended.

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    • Well said my friend well said and if you happen to be on PS4 add me BlackLC

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    • Awesome write up brother. You had me on the edge of my seat like I was there. Sadly for me I have yet to get an exotic bounty. But I bought the hunter chest from z ur this week then like 5 mins later I got an exotic fusion rifle from and legendary engram. All of um have been blues so I almost died with excitement

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    • I think we can all agree that NO ONE likes OmegaVendetta. Lol

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    • Best thing I've read on a forum in a while. It feels good to read something positive on these forums for once.

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    • You have no idea how amazing it felt reading this post. You are a TRUE legend. Kudos, signed Kuro.

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    • You and me both know what Bungie is really about. And this post really does ring true. If you have a 360, I'd love to add you and play sometime

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    • Great post.

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    • Not bothering reading all that but I agree with it all if it's good light about the game. Also when you said the negativity about destiny reminds you of reach, halo ODST and halo 3 forums etc. I will say that it would seem people aren't allowed to have fun or enjoy something anymore.

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    • This post makes me so excited to play this game. It also makes me ticked off that I can't connect due to a "centipede" issue...

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    • My favourite bit was 'It was non-stop, everywhere-you-look thunderpunch-to-face action'. Nice to see someone who knows how to have a good time without fixating on the tiny details of the game.

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    • Well I had just had to watch a guy get a .34 KD and get Monte Carlo an exotic auto rifle..... Fml so ya that's been my day...

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    • Awesome, man. Good for you! Glad you had such a good time, buddy.

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