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9/20/2014 8:36:22 PM
This seems pointless cause it changes and you can just go look

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  • 90% of the forum posts are pointless

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  • Agreed but that does not help this case lol

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  • This is just for people who check the forums often, Or are playing but when they get home they plan on playing. Use your brain.... Never go full retard.

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  • This is still stupid

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  • Not really, there can be many uses for this. other MMO RPGs like WoW have similar things like what vendors sell what. You are just to arrogant to notice that.

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  • Edited by BioReck: 9/24/2014 4:00:50 AM
    I agree with kirito, its not like we'll know what hes selling until he gets here, and then people can just go check. It takes more time to come look this up than to go and see for yourself, especially if your already planning on playing. No'one is being arrogant here. If anything, your being insolent by calling other people names in a forum where they are sharing their opinions. It seems to me that your going full retard if your going to come on here and check what hes selling before you play the game, when you could just as easily do the game your looking it up for.

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  • Lol if you think putting this info up is pointless how pointless was it for you to to point that out to him you pointless a$$ dip$hit

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  • Ok? Dont see how this is arrogant but....Still dont see the point info is already dated seeing how hes gone.

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