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Edited by IPA: 9/20/2014 9:00:03 PM

Fixing the Crucible's "competitive multiplayer"

Bungle is back. This time worse than ever, first I would like to give a huge thank you to the team at Bungie considering many of my suggestions on balancing of the weapons and the vehicle issue on Mage Light. With that being said guys, the PvP is the best of any shooter I've played for a long time. However, it still has huge flaws. From a competitive players stand point there are 2 major issues and I will begin by addressing each one then go on to give a suggestion. First, the largest problem overall is the prevalence of special ammo. It tends to be at 90% of respawn points and I would predict it has a 30 second timer. What this has done is conditioned most newbie players who cannot learn how to use their primary to constantly slide around the map shotgun spamming. This happens at this point so much in rumble that it is laughable. The other camp is the people who use the fusion rifle like there is no tomorrow and run around the map, again like the shotgun noobs. While I have no problem with this and still crush players by now always playing at range, watching motion detector and listening for the precharge of the fusion rifle, many lesser skilled players are dying constantly and forced to join camp with the "Shotgun newbz". In short, the special ammo needs reworking on a longer timer and relocating to middle map positions this would promote map control. A good example of where special ammo should be is on The Burning Shrine under the middle column, with less around the edges. As it already drops for the entirety of the team if they are nearby (within 10m I believe) this leads to better team coordination of grabbing it. Like the heavy. Second, is the lack of a ranking system of any sort. Due to the games infrastructure of randomly rewarding and the fact that losers still can get loot to (I'm sure with less chance though). This leads players like me to feeling completely left out, often times post match if I am not running with team mates I can be literally the ONLY ONE positive and with a large amount of kills. Then I watch as the loot is showered onto the guys at the bottom who made my team lose. This is not how it should be. There should be a much higher drop chance for 1st, 2nd, and 3rd followed by an even higher chance if a player is consistently placing without backing out of matchmaking. The bottom players can still have loot, I understand why the system is there but it must be with reduced odds (or more so if it already is) Lastly, my personal suggestion is a true skill system in this game. I know, I know you guys will have a field day with this debate but please hear out my cry. There has not been a console shooter since Halo 3 to utilize a good ranking system. Halo Reach's arena system was horribly flawed. It doesn't even have to be present in each playlist but if possible at all like Halo 3 had social and ranked. A small section with ranked skirmish and ranked control would be a God send of keeping high level players of my caliber interested. As of right now out of roughly 60-70 games of skirmish we have lost 2 and those were the most interesting games, yet we were never able to rematch the players that defeated us and without a private lobby system.. Well there is no way to play other high level players. Thanks as always for reading Bungie- DyeVine

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  • Edited by phaseadept: 10/1/2014 1:40:32 AM
    It's a loot oriented game, is there really much of a difference between the satisfaction of coming in first and a piece of legendary gear you're going to dismantle? If bungie limits the drops to top players they will remove shards from them. Also, as far as nerfing different things, you're spot on with ammo, but the comments about fusion impact and nerfing various things is going to make high level majors a serious pain in the ass to kill. It's really hard to keep the weapon abilities separate. I can only imagine trying to kill various level 28 shielded major mobs with low impact weapons.

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  • All Bungie has to do is drop the radar or have it only show gunfire. If they do that so many of the issues will be gone and a much better flow to the matches will occur.

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    6 Replies
    • Bungie doesn't care about its community. They only case about statistics like the money they're making and how many play their game. Instead of fixing server disconnects they're having players teach other players how to fix the problem so they don't have to and then they're recording and displaying total hours logged by players. They don't care what's wrong with their game or about US that's the bottom line.

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      • Edited by Ridum1: 9/21/2014 10:31:05 AM
        BUNGIE, LISTEN 2 OP. IT is absolutely CRUCI(B)AL yeah, I did that, to have EVEN MM this game will fail w/O it. OR DOMINATE ALL FPS' if Bungie just makes even skilled MM in the crucible or wherever ... ... this is the real 'long run' is the MM then you can do the 'MMO' stuff when your not MM

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        3 Replies
        • We need to be put with people of our own rank. We need a rebalance of nova bomb, fist of havoc and shoulder charge. Fusion rifles need rebalancing Shotguns are fine IMO (they take like 3 shots to kill at like 2 metres for me). We need a custom games mode.

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            +1 Let me play with people of my skill. It was fun winning for a week. Now it's just boring.

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            • I completely agree, no lie I watched a kid dance the entire match and was rewarded with a legendary engram. Words could not express my rage.

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              2 Replies
              • Ranking system would be great. Serves as a great way to keep high level players interested.

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                3 Replies
                • Yeah ranking systems would make the game more fun

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                • Edited by DarkChildOfLight: 9/21/2014 9:31:33 PM
                  Why should only the top 3 be rewarded? What happened to the philosophy that everyone is a winner? Are we not all guardians? Have we not all become legend?

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                  • Edited by FourShotFox: 9/21/2014 10:13:49 AM
                    Finally someone who understands what needs to be changed. And the shotgun noobs shouldn't complain, they can just play 'social' (imo: 'mostly unskilled') playlist, if there is a good ranked section, Edit: other way to solve the special ammo problem: 'when you die with the special weapon equipped lose all special ammo'

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                    • I'm sick of reading all the topics crying about not getting showered with rewards for topping a team. Is winning not enough? It's to reward people for playing [b]NOT[/b] just being the best.

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                      6 Replies
                      • Idk if I would drop secondary ammo so much.. I like using my sniper rifle but also like to switch over to a close range weapon and grabbing a new ammo box and run to a capture point we may be losing.. The only way I would agree is if switching weapons didn't cause your secondary ammo to drop to zero.. or make it so hunters can have a unique sniper weapon as their primary weapon pick.. Its kind of backwards anyway as having a pistol for your main weapon and a sniper rifle as secondary , yeah yeah I know not CoD but what eves

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                        • I agree

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                        • I feel you man, I don't understand this culture of people who don't think criticism is constructive. If you're going to make a fun multiplayer mode it needs to be competitive, parity is competition. If someone is having fun with their exotic shotty with insane range and damage, sliding around blasting people then fine. I, however, would really like a competitive, interesting PvP, where the classes seem unique but fair. Which is actually one of the problems I have with the classes in general, but that's another discussion entirely

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                          6 Replies
                          • We all need to stick together and post everyday on this forum to get Bungie's attention. A true skill ranking system like Halo would make me forget a lot about some of Destiny's short comings. This would also give incentive to actually win games and not quit them too!

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                          • I agree 100% , I would kill to get a ranking system. Bungie pls

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                            • Edited by Freebvndz: 9/21/2014 5:11:51 AM
                              Second, is the lack of a ranking system of any sort. Due to the games infrastructure of randomly rewarding and the fact that losers still can get loot to (I'm sure with less chance though). This leads players like me to feeling completely left out, often times post match if I am not running with team mates I can be literally the ONLY ONE positive and with a large amount of kills. Then I watch as the loot is showered onto the guys at the bottom who made my team lose. This is not how it should be. There should be a much higher drop chance for 1st, 2nd, and 3rd followed by an even higher chance if a player is consistently placing without backing out of matchmaking. The bottom players can still have loot, I understand why the system is there but it must be with reduced odds (or more so if it already is) Lastly, my personal suggestion is a true skill system in this game. I know, I know you guys will have a field day with this debate but please hear out my cry. There has not been a console shooter since Halo 3 to utilize a good ranking system. Halo Reach's arena system was horribly flawed. It doesn't even have to be present in each playlist but if possible at all like Halo 3 had social and ranked. A small section with ranked skirmish and ranked control would be a God send of keeping high level players of my caliber interested. As of right now out of roughly 60-70 games of skirmish we have lost 2 and those were the most interesting games, yet we were never able to rematch the players that defeated us and without a private lobby system.. Well there is no way to play other high level players. Thanks as always for reading Bungie- DyeVine[/quote] Couldn't agree more

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                            • Edited by Draconus2006: 9/21/2014 9:26:28 AM
                              Looks like to me 6 items are awarded on average between the 2 teams every game. They should just make it autotically - winning team gets 4 items, losing team gets 2. winning team 1 item goes top 3, other 3 items any of the 6. losing team 1 item goes top 3, other item any of the 6. Fix the RNG a "bit", but not too much to encourage quiting if someone knows their chances are nil. My biggest issue with pvp? different numbered teams and HOW FREAKIN LONG it takes to get replacements. playing for 4 or 5 mins down 3 men basically means you are going to get chain killed by specials. Skill wont even matter, you will just be farmed due to them controling all heavies and someone constantly having specials up. the load times between games are INSANE. I get in 40 crunches, 40 push ups between pvp games something about the downtime. As for special ammo - I have had maybe 2 or 3 games where grabbing some was an issue due to how deaths/spawns ect went.

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                            • Edited by Veldoodle: 9/21/2014 1:05:39 AM
                              Finally someone who realizes that power weapons should be available 24/7 Edit: wow, just read some previous posts. Looks like you hit a major nerve in the shotgun community. They're all resorting to petty insults.

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                              4 Replies
                              • Dude I completely agree. The reward/ranking system is complete horrid and special ammo is pretty abundant, although I can live with that one.

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                              • Very well rounded post, I agree with you on both points.

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                              • All I have to say is a bounty to get a medal for three consecutive kills without reloading or swapping does not help the situation.

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                                1 Reply
                                • Special ammo definitely needs an increase in time, the fusion rifle needs a serious nerf... Ridiculous range, quick charge up time, minimal recoil and high impact.

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                                  2 Replies
                                  • I would love for a ranking system. I would like the Networking code to be addressed. Too much lag for such simple PvP. I completely agree about there being too much special ammo. Maybe a 50% spawn nerf would be appropriate. I never run out of special ammo. I've got 4-5 games at a time, only using my shotgun and I never ran dry. It shouldn't be like that IMO. I disagree about the Heavy Ammo spawn relocation. I think putting them at two separate points gives more than the one dominate player in the match a chance to pick it up. Especially since there are achievements for getting heavy weapon kills.

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                                    • I agree that with some minor tweaks PVP can become more competitive. However until the network errors and DCs are resolved I think the current loot system needs to stay. I have 4 friends that DC every 15 mins due to a network error. Also I think some supers are far superior to others, but nerfs and buffs will happen shortly.

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